Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 80

Part 80

=altura=, _f._, height, top (of a hill).

=alusivo, -a=, suggestive, making allusion to, alluding to.

=alza=, _f._, rise.

=alzada=, _f._, height (of horse).

=alla=, there.

=allasito= (_Sp. A._), _dim. from_ =alla=.

=ama=, _f._, mistress of the house; =---- de casa=, housewife, housekeeper.

=amagamiento=, _m._, suggestion.

=amalgamar=, to mix, to put together; to construe.

=amanado, -a=, possessed (of an evil spirit).

=amargura=, _f._, bitterness, sorrow.

=amarrar=, to tie, to bind.

=amasado, -a=, kneaded.

=amasar=, to knead.

=amen de=, besides.

=americano, -a=, belonging to the western hemisphere; =---- del norte=, North American, referring particularly to the United States.

=amistades=, _f. pl._, friends, acquaintances; friendships; friendly relations.

=amoldar=, to mold.

=amordazar=, to gag, to deprive of liberty of speech.

=ampara.r.s.e=, _refl._, to claim or enjoy protection.

=amparo=, _m._, favor, aid, protection.

=ampuloso, -a=, pompous.

=anade=, _m. and f._, duck.

=a.n.a.lfabeto=, _m._, one unable to read or write.

=angarilla=, _f._, a kind of pack-saddle.

=anhelar=, to desire earnestly.

=animal=, _m._, applied to any kind of live stock; =---- fino= _or_ =de raza= _or_ =de pura sangre=, thoroughbred.

=antes=, before, beforehand; =---- de=, before; =---- de que=, before; =---- que=, rather than; =cuanto ----=, as soon as possible; =de ----=, formerly, in olden times.

=antiguo, -a=, ancient, =de ----=; from long ago.

=antiparras=, _f. pl._, spectacles with colored lenses, closed at the sides by wire gauze.

=antorcha=, _f._, torch.

=anudar=, to tie.

=anadir=, to add.

=anicos=, _m. pl._, bits, small pieces.

=ano=, _m._, year; =ahora ----s=, years ago.

=anoso, -a=, old.

=apacentar=, to graze, to pasture.

=apacible=, affable, gentle, quiet, placid, pleasant, calm.

=aparador=, _m._, sideboard.

=aparcero, -a= (_River Plate_), friend.

=aparejado, -a=, equipped.

=aparejar=, to equip.

=aparejo=, _m._, harness; apparatus, equipment in any trade; fish-hooks and tackle.

=aparta=, _f._, the act of dividing herds into groups.

=apasiona.r.s.e=, _refl._, to become excessively fond of a person or thing.

=apea.r.s.e=, _refl._, to alight.

=apego=, _m._, attachment, fondness.

=apio=, _m._, celery.

=aplastar=, to flatten, to crush.

=apodo=, _m._, nickname; name.