Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 81

Part 81

=aporrear=, to beat, to knock about.

=aportar=, to contribute, to bring in; to set aside.

=aposento=, _m._, bedroom.

=apoyar=, to approve, to second, to back.

=apreciar=, to estimate, to value, to appreciate.

=apremio=, _m._, pressure, strain, insistence, constriction, constraint.

=aprendiz=, _m._, apprentice.

=aproposito=, _m._, a one-act play which alludes to current events; a "curtain-raiser."

=aprovechar=, to profit, to take advantage.

=apuntar=, to point out, to mark, to take note of.

=apurar=, to consume; to clear up; (_Sp. A._) to press, to hasten.

=arado=, -a, plowed; _m._, plow.

=araguato=, _m._, a species of monkey.

=araguida=, _m._, a bird with brilliant red plumage.

=arambel=, _m._, rag.

=arana=, _f._, spider; chandelier.

=arar=, to plow.

=arbitral=, arbitral; =camara ----=, board of arbitration.

=arcilla=, _f._, clay; =---- refractaria=, fire-clay.

=archivo=, _m._, filing cabinet.

=arder=, to burn.

=ardimiento=, _m._, courage, ardor.

=arduo, -a=, arduous, difficult.

=arenga=, _f._, harangue.

=arenque=, _m._, herring.

=argentado, -a=, covered with silver; silvery.

=argentar=, to cover with silver.

=argentinismo=, _m._, word or idiom peculiar to the Argentine Republic.

=argolla=, _f._, a large metal ring.

=arhuaco, -a=, pertaining to the Arhuacos, an Indian tribe.

=arisco, -a=, wild, churlish, intractable.

=arista=, _f._, edge, groin, rib.

=armador=, _m._, ship-owner, ship-builder.

=armar=, to arm, to adjust, to frame, to put together; _refl._ (_Sp. A._), to balk.

=armario=, _m._, cabinet, closet.

=armazon=, _f._, framework.

=armino=, _m._, ermine.

=arqueado, -a=, arched.

=arquear=, to form an arch.

=arraigar=, to take root; to found, to inst.i.tute.

=arrancar=, to pull up by the roots; to start (off).

=arrapiezo=, _m._, street urchin.

=arrebatar=, to take away by violence.

=arredra.r.s.e=, _refl._, to become terrified.

=arreglillo=, _m._, an amorous adventure _or_ episode.

=arremetida=, _f._, attack, a.s.sault.

=arrendar=, to bridle a horse.

=arriate=, _m._, border in garden beds.

=arriero=, _m._, driver of mules or cattle.

=arrinconar=, to put a thing in a corner.