Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 79

Part 79

=ahuehuetl= _or_ =ahuehuete=, a giant tree of Mexico.

=aire=, _m._, air; =---- libre=, fresh air.

=aji=, _m._, the dwarf red pepper of the West Indies.

=ajo=, _m._, garlic.

=ala=, _f._, wing; =---- de sombrero=, hat-brim.

=alabar=, to praise.

=alambicado, -a=, said of a line of business subjected to keen compet.i.tion; in sharp compet.i.tion.

=alar=, pertaining to wings.

=alargado, -a=, elongated, lengthened.

=alarido=, _m._, shout, howl.

=albaricoque=, _m._, apricot.

=albergue=, _m._, lodging, shelter.

=albor=, _m._, dawn.

=alborotar=, to disturb.

=alborotos=, _m. pl._ (_Sp. A._), popcorn; noisy demonstrations.

=alcance=, _m._, scope, reach; =al ----=, within reach.

=alcantarilla=, _f._, culvert, drain, underground sewer.

=alcanzar=, to attain, to reach, to overtake, to comprehend.

=alcoba=, _f._, alcove, bedroom.

=aleacion=, _f._, alloy.

=alegato=, _m._, allegation, complaint; statement by the plaintiff of his grievance.

=alejamiento=, _m._, aloofness, distance, strangeness.

=alejandrino=, _m._, Alexandrine, a cla.s.sic form of verse.

=alentar=, to encourage.

=aletargado, -a=, in a state of lethargy.

=aletarga.r.s.e=, _refl._, to fall into a state of lethargy.

=aleteo=, _m._, clapping of the wings.

=alfiler=, _m._, pin; =---- de corbata=, scarf-pin.

=algarrobo=, _m._, a tree belonging to the leguminous family.

=algazara=, _f._, shouting, a noisy expression of joy.

=algo=, something; somewhat; _m._, a something.

=alG.o.donero=, _m._, cotton-plant.

=alguno, -a=, some, any; _pl._, some, certain (ones), a few; =no ... ----=, not any ...; =ni ... ----, no ...= whatever.

=alicates=, _m._, fine-pointed pincers.

=aliciente=, _m._, inducement.

=aliento=, _m._, breath, spirit, vigor; =de largo ----=, requiring much time to accomplish; long-winded.

=alimana=, _f._, insect or animal pests.

=aliviar=, to lighten, to mitigate, to relieve.

=aljibe=, _m._, cistern, reservoir.

=almacen=, _m._, warehouse; (_Sp. A._) grocery.

=almendra=, _f._, almond.

=alondra=, _f._, lark.

=alpaca=, _f._, a ruminant of South America, bearing a certain kind of wool.

=alrededor=, around, roundabout.

=alteroso, -a= (_Obs._), high, tall.

=altiplanicie=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), plateau, high tableland.

=altisonante=, high-sounding.

=altivo, -a=, haughty, proud.

=alto=, _m._, a piece of high ground.

=altozano=, _m._, a height of land, a hill.