Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 78

Part 78

=acudir=, to have recourse to, to apply to.

=acurrucado, -a=, m.u.f.fled up.

=achatado, -a=, flattened; _see_ =achatar=.

=achatar=, to flatten.

=achura=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), intestines, viscera.

=adelantar=, to pay beforehand, to advance, to loan (_money_); _refl._, to step forward, to get ahead.

=adelanto=, _m._, advance, progress.

=ademan=, _m._, gesture.

=ademas=, in addition to, moreover.

=aderezar=, to dress.

=adios=, good-by.

=adiosito= (_Sp. A._), _an intimate, affectionate form of_ =adios=.

=admitir=, to accept, to receive.

=adonde=, where.

=aduana=, _f._, custom-house.

=adular=, to flatter.

=adusto, -a=, austere, gloomy, intractable, sullen.

=advertir=, to take notice, to advise, to warn; to discover.

=afamado, -a=, celebrated, noted.

=aficion=, _f._, inclination.

=aficionado=, _m._, amateur.

=aflojar=, to loosen, to relax.

=aforrado=, lined.

=aforrar=, to line.

=agarrar=, to grasp, to seize, to take.

=agasajar=, to receive well, to treat kindly.

=agavilladora=, _f._, an agricultural machine which reaps and binds grain in sheaves; steam reaper and binder.

=agencia=, _f._, office, bureau; =---- maritima=, office of a steamship company; =---- de colocaciones=, employment bureau; =---- de mensajeros=, district messenger office; =---- de transportes=, express office; =---- de mudanzas=, moving van office; =---- de alquileres=, real estate office; =---- de cambio=, money changer's office.

=agil=, nimble, ready, rapid, light.

=agio=, _m._, speculation.

=agonizante=, a dying person, in the death-throes.

=agresivo, -a=, hostile.

=agricola=, agricultural.

=agrimensor=, _m._, surveyor.

=agua=, _f._, =---- dulce=, fresh water; =----s servidas=, waste waters, sewage.

=aguacate=, _m._, alligator pear _or_ the tree which bears this fruit.

=aguantar=, to bear, to sustain, to endure, to hold out.

=aguara=, _m._, a. species of fox found in S. A.

=aguardar=, to await, to look for.

=aguardiente=, _m._, brandy; =---- de cana=, rum.

=agudeza=, _f._, witty saying; shrewdness; subtlety.

=agudo, -a=, witty.

=aguileno, -a=, aquiline.

=aguinaldo=, _m._, a Cuban vine which blooms about Christmas time.

=aguti=, _m._, agouti, a species of small rodent.

=aguzado, -a=, pointed, keen, sharpened, stimulated, excited.

=ahinco=, _m._, ardor, earnestness, zeal.

=ahondar=, to sound, to penetrate, to dip into, to become acquainted with.

=ahora=, now; =---- bien=, well, granted, nevertheless; =---- mismo=, just now; =por ----=, for the present; =desde ----=, from now on; =hasta ----=, until now.

=ahorrar=, to save.