Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 65

Part 65

=cuartillo,= pint (_approximately_).

=cuarto,= quarter, fourth (part); room, floor; small copper coin = =3 centimos=.

=cuatro,= four, a few; =hasta las --,= until four o'clock; =-- veces,= several times.

=cubierta,= deck.

=cubierto= (_irr. p. p. of_ =cubrir=)=,= covered, sheltered; =a --,= under shelter.

=cubrir,= to cover, conceal, spread over; =-- el expediente,= to cloak over the affair.

=cucurucho,= high pointed paper-cap (_worn by the penitents during holy week_).

=cuchara,= spoon.

=cuchichear,= to whisper.

=cuchillada,= thrust, blow with a knife.

=cuchillo,= knife.

=cuelgate,= _imper. sing. of_ =colga.r.s.e=.

=cuello,= collar, neck; =al --,= about (someone's) neck.

=cuenta,= account, bill; =dar --,= to give an account; =da.r.s.e -- de,= to heed, notice; =tener --,= to be of advantage; =os tiene --,= it is to your advantage; =tomar --,= to cross-examine.

=cuentecillo= (_dim. of_ =cuento=).

=cuento,= story.

=cuerda,= cord.

=cuerno,= horn.

=cuero,= leather, skin; =en --s vivos,= in their bare skins.

=cuerpecillo= (_dim._)=,= little body.

=cuerpo,= body, corps; =-- de Telegrafos,= Bureau of Telegraphs.

=cuervo,= raven.

=cuesta,= hill, slope, steep street.

=cuestion,= _f._, question.

=cueva,= cave.

=cuidado,= care; =--!,= take care! look out; =-- que,= oh! but; =tener -- (de que),= to take care (that); =-- con no...,= be careful not to...; =estar con --,= to worry; =-- que no faltes,= do not fail; =-- con que te vengas,= I want you not to go.

=cuidadosamente,= carefully.

=cuidar,= to take care of, look after.

=culpa,= fault, guilt, crime, blame; =tener (la) -- (de),= to be to blame (for _or_ for it), be guilty.

=culpable,= blameworthy, guilty.

=culto,= worship, adoration.

=c.u.mplido,= large, full; obliging, accomplished, perfect.

=c.u.mplimiento,= compliment, expression of civility, formality.

=c.u.mplir,= to carry out, comply, fulfill, perform (_one's duty_).

=cuna,= cradle, birthplace.

=cundido,= filled, lined.

=cuota,= quota, fixed share; =--fija,= fixed sum.

=cupe, --iste, --o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =caber=.

=cupula,= dome.

=cura,= _m._, priest, parson; =Senor --,= your Reverence; =Cura Parroco,= parish priest.

=curiosear,= to look on curiously.

=curiosidad,= _f._, curiosity.

=curioso,= curious.

=curso,= course.

=curtido,= tanned, weather-beaten.

=curva,= curve.

=cutis,= _m._, skin.

=cuyo, -a,= whose, of whom, of which, which.


=chacha= (_from_ =muchacha=)=,= dearie.