Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 66

Part 66

=Champagne,= _m._, champagne.

=chancilla= (_dim. of_ =chanza=)=,= little jest; "for fun".

=chanclo,= patten; galoche, rubber-shoe.

=chaparron,= _m._, shower.

=chaparroncillo= (_dim._)=,= little shower.

=chaqueta,= jacket, morning-coat.

=chaqueton,= _m._ (_aug. of_ =chaqueta=), large jacket.

=charco,= pool.

=charla,= prattle, chatter.

=charlar,= to chatter; =-- por los codos,= to prattle.

=chasco,= fun, joke, trick; =dar un --,= to play a trick; =llevar(se) un --,= to be disappointed.

=chasquido,= cracking (_sound_), tinkling, jingling.

=chico, -a,= little, small; _noun_, child, little boy, little girl.

=chicotazo= (_from_ =chicote,= _Spanish-American_ [_Chile, Mexico, et al._] _for_ =latigo=)=,= blow with a whip.

=chicuelo= (_dim._)=,= little one.

=Chile,= _prop. noun_ (_a South-American country consisting of a long and narrow strip of land lying between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean.

Chile has a length of 2,700 miles, while its width varies from 68 to 250 miles; population, about five millions_).

=chileno,= Chilian.

=chillon, -a,= shrill.

=chimenea,= fire-place.

=chiquillo, -a= (_dim. of_ =chico=)=,= little (one), little child.

=chiquitin, -a= (_dim._)=,= little fellow, little girl.

=chiquitino= (_dim._)=,= very small.

=chiquito, -a= (_dim. of_ =chico=)=,= little, small, tiny; _noun_, little boy, little girl; =hacerse el --,= to conceal one's knowledge, affect modesty.

=chirrido,= grating, squeaking.

=chismes,= _m. pl._, gossip, tattling.

=chismoso,= tale-bearer.

=chismoson, -a= (_aug._)=,= tattler.

=chispa,= spark; (_fig._) bright fellow; =--s,= fire and flames.

=chiste,= _m._, witty saying, joke.

=chivito, -a,= kid.

=chocar (en),= to strike (against); =--se,= to strike against one another.

=choque,= _m._, shock, clang, collision.

=choricero,= sausage-seller.

=chorizo,= sausage.

=chorro,= stream, jet, gush.

=chucheria,= bauble, toy.

=chupar,= to suck; (_coll._) smoke.

=churrigueresco,= churrigueresque, tawdry (from =Churriguera,= _who introduced into Spain the cheap and tawdry ornamentation of the later Renaissance architecture_).


=D., Da.= = =don, dona=.

=dable,= easy, possible.

=dama,= lady.

=dano,= harm, wrong, injury.

=dar,= to give, make, strike, show; =-- a,= to face, open on; =-- a entender,= to imply, =-- con,= to find, come to _or_ upon; =-- de comer,= to give food; =-- en,= to fall into (_as a habit_); =-- por,= to consider; =-- que hacer a,= to keep busy, make for; =--se a conocer,= to make oneself known; =--se a luz,= to be visible; =no --se por advertido con,= to pretend not to know about; =dado,= given, granting, considering; =dandolo como cierto,= granting it to be certain; =tanto os da de ... como,= is as good as; =di la vuelta,= I turned back; =dieron las cuatro,= it struck four.

=dato,= fact; _pl._, data.

=de,= of, from, by, with, in, than; =del= (= =de + el=) =que= (=-- la que, -- lo que,= _etc._), than, of one who.

=debajo de,= under; =por --,= under.

=deber,= _m._, duty; =ante -- tan grande,= before so momentous a duty.

=deber,= to owe, must, ought; =--de,= must; =no debia de ser,= he could not have been; =debia de ser,= must have been; =debieron causar,= they must have caused.