Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 64

Part 64

=costilla=, rib; (_fig._) wife.

=costo,= cost, expense.

=costumbre,= _f._, custom, habit; =de --,= usual(ly); =tener -- de,= to be accustomed _or_ wont to.

=coyuntura,= joint.

=craso,= gross.

=creacion,= _f._, creation.

=crear,= to create.

=crecer,= to grow, increase.

=crecido,= large, big, great.

=creciente,= growing, rising.

=credito,= credit, character, reputation.

=creer,= to believe (in), think; =ya lo creo (que),= yes, indeed.

=crepusculo,= dusk.

=cresta,= cresting, crest tile.

=creyente,= _m. or f._, believer; _adj._, believing, devout.

=creyo, creyeron,= _pret. of_ =creer=.

=criado, -a,= servant; =criada de todos los dias,= maid of all work.

=crianza,= good breeding, education.

=criar,= to create; nourish, raise, bring up.

=criatura,= creature; (_in direct address and familiarly_) man alive!

=criaturita= (_dim._)=,= young child.

=crimen,= _m._, crime.

=crin,= _f._, mane, hair.

=crisis,= _f._, crisis, critical moment.

=cristal,= _m._, crystal, window-pane.

=cristalino,= crystalline, clear.

=cristiano,= Christian.

=Cristo,= Christ.

=criterio,= criterion, judgment.

=critico,= critic.

=cronica,= chronicle.

=crucecita= (_dim. of_ =cruz=)=,= little cross.

=crucero,= crossing of nave and transept.

=crudo,= raw, uncooked, fresh.

=crujir,= to crack, rattle, creak, squeak.

=cruz,= _f._, cross.

=cruzar,= to cross.

=cuadra,= stable; land measure (_about 1500 feet_); =--s planas,= acres of level land.

=cuadrado,= square.

=cuadrilla,= band, gang, troop, company.

=cuajado,= coagulated; =ojos --s,= glazed eyes.

=cuajar,= to coagulate, harden (_as the grains of corn_).

=cual,= which, what, like, as; =el (la, lo) --,= who, which, whom; =a -- mas absurdos,= each more absurd than the other; =por lo --,= therefore; =-- si,= as if.

=cual? cual!= which, whom, what.

=cualquier(a),= any, any one; =--que,= whatever.

=cuando= (_interr. and exclam._, =cuando=)=,= when; =de vez en --; de -- en --,= now and then; =--menos,= at least.

=cuanto, -a= (_interr. and exclam._, =cuanto=)=,= how much, (_pl._) how many; all that; =unos cuantos,= a few, some; =-- mas,= the more; =en --,= when; =en -- a,= as for; =tanto... --,= so much as.

=cuarenta,= forty.

=cuarenton, -a,= person forty years old.

=cuartel,= _m._, quarters, barracks.