Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - Chapter 3

Chapter 3


*aka: An wants to become a big shot CEO or something. Go for it An. Shoot for the skies!

*蹬着小腿兒不願把正面露出來 MTL: Do not want to expose the front with your calf.

*哭得一抽一抽的,像是有點喘不過氣來MTL: Cries to pull out, a little has not gasped likely for breath.

*probably meaning that he's weak to the child like a warm/caring mother is

*note: Vichy is a technology company that targets children 5-18 years old, remember? They have this education program for testing their products, I think. And this is what Ren Zhouyan is referring to.

*actually said "inconceivable," but I had no idea how to fit that into the sentence (orig text: 不可思議)

*actually says "mixed breed/half breed," but it sounds like we're talking about a dog, so just half will do


* MTL: An and dad feelings really good

TL Note: Awww, An is so cute! He’s incredibly attached to his father to the point that he doesn’t want to leave him at all. But this can be bad too, especially since Ren Zhouyan needs to finds a new job. Well, at least he decided to go despite everything.

But on the other hand, An want to be a big boss when he grows up so that he can take care of his Dad! Isn’t that adorable? Where can I get an understanding and sensible bun like An?? Just kidding, I don’t want kids haha

As usual, feel free to point out any mistakes or ask for some clarifications.