1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 48

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 48

Book a hotel room-within walking distance of his office-and invite him over for an afternoon "meeting."

Meet him for lunch; dress very sexy. Then coyly ask him if he'd like another lunch date next week.

Have a courier deliver a steamy love letter to her office.

No, the Romantically Impaired are not entitled to use parking spaces for the handicapped.


862 Be spontaneous. Be silly. Lower your inhibitions. Express your love. If you do these things, you'll automatically be romantic.

863 Try being totally positive, accepting, supportive and nonjudgmental for one entire week. No complaining, nagging, preaching, etc. It may change your life!


Loosen your purse strings.

Loosen your schedule.

Loosen your tie.

Loosen your attitude.

Loosen your inhibitions.

865 Want to keep your marriage fresh and vital? Live as lovers. Not just as husband and wife, mother and father, workers and housekeepers, caregivers and bill payers. First and foremost you are lovers. Remember that's how you started your relationship. You can recapture the glow, the passion and the excitement. It's largely a mind-set, followed by a few active gestures.

For one week, make this your affirmation, your mantra, your prayer: Live as lovers. Post notes to yourselves, remind each other, and practice!

"Is not this the true romantic feeling-not to desire to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping you?"

-Thomas Wolfe


Drive by his parking lot at work. Attach balloons to the side mirror. Tape streamers to the back windshield. Leave a love note on the front seat.

866 Create a custom CD or iPod play list of romantic love songs for her.

Choose a dozen great songs and put them on a CD or iPod.

Listen to the music together in the car. Sing the solos to her. Sing the harmonies together. Sing the duets at the top of your lungs!

867 Surprise her with a personalized license plate!

Most states charge somewhere between $50 and $100 a year.

Her initials Both of your initials Her birth date Your anniversary date Your pet name for her "Code Phrases": ILY.




Many of the most popular and common names and phrases are already taken, so you'll have to use a little creativity. Consider these possibilities, and use them to spark your own ideas: Note: The most populous states usually have the most digits in their license plates, giving the creative copywriter more flexibility. (One innovative man in the Romance Class registered his wife's car in a neighboring state, New York, so he could use seven digits to spell out his wife's name.) 868.

Jim's wife is a graphic artist. He created for her an "artistic license" that hangs on her office wall.

Harriet's husband writes poetry in his spare time. For his birthday she created a "poetic license" that he carries proudly in his wallet.

Pun alert!


True romantics let nothing stand in their way: if it's rainy or snowy, place the love note in a Ziploc bag!

869 Place a little love note or poem under the driver's side windshield wiper of his or her car.

870 Other items to put under the windshield wiper: A single rose A candy bar Wildflowers A little book A poem A pizza coupon A cartoon A Love Coupon A short note 871 Buying a new car? Arrange to have it delivered one day earlier than she expects it, park it in the driveway, and wait for her to notice it.

872 Write and design a fake traffic ticket; place it under the windshield wiper. Possible violations include: Leaving the scene of a love affair Speeding down the highway of life Driving me crazy Possible options for making restitution include: Taking the judge out to dinner Bribing the officer with sexual favors One sensual backrub

Chapter Theme Song:.

"(I'm Your) Passenger," Deftones Wrap the car with a big red bow!


873 She gave him the key to her apartment in a velvet jewelry box. On the card she wrote: "You hold the key to my happiness, and now you hold the key to my home. You've unlocked my heart. Please don't break it."

874 During their seven years of dating he'd given her many flowers. During their long-awaited wedding ceremony she surprised him with a roomful of flowers-the very flowers he had given her. She'd had every flower he'd ever given her carefully and lovingly dried or pressed.

Calvin and Hobbes, Copyright 1987. Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate.

875 At a farmhouse in Iowa: A wire fence runs along the western side of the Smiths' house. One morning Sara notices hundreds of red ribbons hanging like streamers from the fence. She asks Fred about it, but gets only a mischievous grin in return. Later that day when the wind starts blowing and the ribbons start flapping, Sara sees that they are tied in a pattern that spells out "I LOVE MY SARA."


876 Charlie and his girlfriend Randi were aboard Continental Airlines flight 191 from Newark to San Francisco. Shortly after takeoff the pilot made this announcement: "I have an important message for the passenger in seat 3-B. Will you marry the gentleman in seat 3-A? If the answer is yes, press the Call Button for the flight attendant." As Randi burst into tears, Charlie kept saying, "Push the button!" When she did, a flight attendant came up with a silver tray, champagne, and the ring!

877 Mary was a Beanie Baby fanatic. Her husband, Bob, hired a custom doll-maker to create a "Beanie Bob" for her.

878 Tom arrived home from running errands one Saturday morning to find his wife, Susan, gone. His daughter handed him a note from her: "Go to the drug store. See the pharmacist." Even though his first reaction was, "Why? Who's sick?" he went along. What else could he do but follow instructions? When he started up the car, a tape of romantic music started playing. ("Ah, ha! I think something's going on here!") The pharmacist had a card for him: "Happy Anniversary!-Now, head for the liquor store!" A bottle of champagne was waiting for him there, along with another note: "Ready to celebrate? Not yet! On to the men's shop first!" A monogrammed shirt was his surprise there. The note was no longer a surprise: "Almost done! But first, please stop at the grocery store." A picnic basket packed with goodies was ready for him there.

Bob credits the comic strip Bizarro, by Dan Pirato, for this idea.

The last note simply had an address on it. It led him to a romantic little bed and breakfast, where Susan was waiting for him. The rest, as they say, is history.

"Love creates an 'us' without destroying a 'me.'"

-Leo Buscaglia


879 While everyone knows that commitment is important in a relationship, only folks with A+ Relationships are specific about their commitments. These are the dozen best relationship commitments generated during twenty years of my Romance Classes: Commit yourselves to your relationship.

Commit to spending 10 percent more time together.

Commit yourselves to being less judgmental.

Commit yourselves to living up to your wedding vows.

Commit yourselves to having more fun together.

Commit yourselves to practicing your religious beliefs on your partner.

Commit yourselves to seeing your partner's negative behaviors as calls for love.

Commit to communicating your feelings fully.

Commit yourselves to your partner's happiness.

Commit yourselves to feeling your feelings of love.

Commit yourselves to acting on your feelings of love.

Commit yourselves to listening to the voice of love inside you.

How to spot people who have an A+ Relationship : Look for the sparkle in their eyes.


Touch your partner-with your eyes.

Touch your partner-with your words.

Touch your partner-with gifts and presents.

Touch your partner-with your thoughts, prayers, and wishes.

Touch your partner-with your actions.

Did you know-?