Thousand Years Promise - 3 Chapter 3, Big Wolf

3 Chapter 3, Big Wolf

After the incident, her aunt had fought for the legal rights to become her legal guardian. Her father who was always on business trips didn't seem to care that he had sold off his only daughter and the women she called stepmother refused to take care of a disabled troublesome girl. Her aunt who already had twins a boy and girl around her age and a younger son insisted for Fuzuki to move in with her as well. Saying her brother-in-law was a useless man who left his own blood in the dust. With one phone call, auntie was delivered the paper sighing off his rights to his own daughter to his sister-in-law. Even though she had already expected that from the man she called father, she still couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Deep down all she waited when she was growing up was for her father's love, yet he denied her of that privilege. After her mother's death, he hardly came home, avoiding Fuzuki as much as possible while hiring nannies to look after her. Half a year later he arrived for her birthday only to present the woman who was her new stepmother before disappearing once again.

Her auntie was the only one who was there for her visiting her as much as she possibly could while she grew up. She often viewed her as a motherly figure feeling a bit envious of her cousins. Even after her uncle pa.s.sed away in a car accident her aunt remained strong for her newborn baby and young children. She admired her so much, by the end of that year her auntie had taken over her uncle's business and expanded it making her own line of salons on the side.

Letting out a soft sigh she could only guess that her aunt was running late, spotting an empty bench nearby under the shade of a tree she felt herself cheer up a little as she walked over. Taking a seat she leaned back letting out a small breath in relaxation as a small breeze pa.s.sed through. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the calming sound of the birds chirping and the sound of the leaves rustling against the wind. Hearing the sudden sound of a small meow she opened her eyes tilting her head back in confusion. Her eyes widen in alarm as she noticed a small black kitten clinging on to the branch just above where she was.

"W-What?!" She shuttered out in alarm standing up in panic as she searched around for help only to find that she was the only one there. Feeling helpless and conflicted she gazed up at the clearly terrified kitten before gazing around to see if anyone would pa.s.s by. Gazing back at the kitten her eyes widen stunned as it meowed sadly at her sending her the most sadness biggest kitten eyes she had ever seen. Feeling rendered defeated by the kitten's cuteness she sighed to herself before slowly climbing up the tree.

"How did you even get up here?" Fuzuki asked the kitten who only meowed urgently as if telling her to hurry up. Reaching the branch the small cat was on she moved carefully on to the branch straddling it as she slowly tried to make her way over to the small terrified kitten. Taking in deep breaths she smiled nervously at the small kitten reaching her hand towards it.

"Come here, it's okay." Meowing scared the kitten moved away from her reach. Troubled she felt sweat gather on her forehead from the climb up the tree and feeling slightly scared of falling off. She really had started to regret this decision. Moving her self closer to the kitten she tried to reach out her hand once again before something caught her eyes. Gazing down at the bench she had been sitting on before another stranger had now occupied it, the person's light platinum hair s.h.i.+ned under the sun's rays, ruffling with the pa.s.sing breeze. Her eyes took in the person's slouched posture. Hands placed at his sides motionless as his back hunched a little while his eyes seemed covered by his hair as he bent down. His whole aura seeming gloomy and sad. While staring at the stranger her eyes widen when she saw a tear stream down his cheek.

"He's crying." She whispered to herself in astonishment not help but to feel sorry for the strange feeling an own bit of sadness swirl inside her for him. Staring at him she could see his sad aura surrounding his body like a grey fog. Suddenly feeling a bit of dizzy vision she winced raising her hand to touch the side of her head. At the same time, her eyes widen as her grip on the branch suddenly slipped feeling herself fall off the branch. Closing her eyes in fear she awaited for the hard impact but instead felt a pair of arms catch her as they held her in a safe secure embrace. Slightly trembling from the sudden fall she slowly opened her eyes gazing up at the person who had saved her. Her eyes widening with a small gasp in surprise.

Holding her in his arms stood the stranger who she had been watching earlier. A deep frown craved into his face giving him a cold expression like a big wolf gazing down at its prey, or like a demon lord. Yet the thing that attracted her was not his face but his eyes. His eyes were a color she had never seen before, a dark blue mixed with shade of silver. As she stared at them her own heart raced in sadness as he caught the small feeling of sadness swirling in his eyes. Even though his face held no emotions she could still see it clearly in his eyes. They were sad yet...they were still very beautiful.