The Women Of Woden - The Women of Woden Part 42

The Women of Woden Part 42

Burn had his men watching us well, so knew that we were planning to leave soon as they saw all our activity to and from the boats. So we had a major battle this morning. We lost three more women in battle, but we seem to keep getting more and more. We now move with 87 total woman and 45 men. Burn's numbers are about the same, but all they've eaten these past months is game, so they don't fare as well as we do.

The men we take with us are all on two boats. We have five. They know we don't want them, but they have managed to persuade us that they'll be useful and peaceful. That's what we fear most from men, now; their violent nature. Too many of us have suffered by their dominant strength. Some of us think that they are traitors and will but give us away to Burn. I don't agree with this, but I guess we'll see. No matter what, it's easy to become very paranoid from all this violence.

We have 14 children with us, too. All Burn's, would be my guess. He yells to us from a distance that he wants his children returned to him. I'd rather kill them, first. [and I would, too!]

My child didn't live through its full-term. A boy. I don't know what I think that it has died, but I just try to forget about it and not think on it. Too much of this is way too depressing. We have no doctors, no nurses, no medical experts. All our technology is gone except for what's in our heads. Our tools and weapons are all homemade now, and while we know the concept of guns, we've not the skills to make them. We've tried to learn blacksmithing, but without books or manuals or others to teach us, it seems hopeless. But we're on our way now and will be safe for a while, anyway. At least until Burn finds us.

Entry #14: Burn has followed us and tries to engage us in fight. We outrun him but will have to stop him at some point, as we don't want him to know where we head. We have taken a divergent route so that he doesn't know the direction we head. Elaine, our ship captain, says that we've added an extra two weeks to our journey, but since we don't want Burn to know, then we show him a different route. He thinks we head north. Elaine is hoping for a fog storm so that we might slip away from him. She also thinks he'll stop following us in good time if he thinks he knows where we head.

Most of the women are still seasick. The children seem to be faring better, thank goodness. I lose track of days and years now, so no longer know what season, day, month or whatever it - 241 -.

may be. I threw my watch away long ago, as it seems so ridiculous and useless here. We tell time by the sun. I can't even believe that in my former life I drove an Audi to work every day, 30 miles, and it took me only 20 minutes each way. Now, 30 miles seems like an impossible distance. We brought horses with us from home, but on this trip we can't take any as there is no room. 30 miles will now mean a very long walk of 2 or more days.

Sam halted her reading in order to reflect on it. She thought about the very beginnings of Woden and how the women had been treated so badly that they separated from the men.

So, wherever they had come from, they had but come as a mixed community.

But she also read that it was not uncommon in their former home to have all types of companionships, apparently all living together in a community. She wondered how many books they may have had and thought it, once again, to be quite a lot. Woden had no such book making ability as with the likes of Morte D'Arthur. She thought that so much in the journal readings was confusing due to the terms.

What be a mile?

What be a year?

A watch?

A car?

An Audi?

She wondered if she might ever know the answers to her questions.

It was getting too late to read on the patio any longer, so she decided to take a walk. Sam knew that she couldn't really walk alone anymore, that guards would shadow her, but she would try to deny that piece of knowledge and just pretend she was alone. She walked down the main path, the one with the shops. As she left her patio, the guards became startled but remained quiet. She went past them and halted herself from looking back to see if they followed. She knew they would. In the recent past, she might have tried to elude them, but this eve she just wanted to take the walk whether they were there or not.

From sensing the children's thoughts, she knew that they were thinking much on the notion of betrayal and death. This disturbed her greatly as she knew this might instill fear into them, a concept Woden couldn't afford in their own. Death seemed to be part of the nature of their lives, but in-flicting the notion of betrayal onto children just seemed evil to her.

Sam walked over the bridge, then turned down the path to the shops.

She noticed that the path was well tended and had been planted with more flowers. Berga was out cleaning the window of her shop. It was a tea spe-cialty shop, and often during the turns she would provide cups of teas for - 242 -.

the women, or men, to try before they traded. She had three small tables out in front of her shop where women could sit while they drank their tea.

She waved to Sam, "Highest. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Sam turned toward the voice and recognized Berga, "Yes, Berga. That would be wonderful. What type do you have warmed this eve?"

Sam went over while Berga pulled out a chair for her, "I have two types. Mint and blueberry."

Sam sat down, "Mint, I think."

Berga went inside and returned quickly with two cups. She sat one down in front of Sam. "Mint is a good soother for your stomach. How is it to be The Highest for you?"

"I think not enough moments have passed to answer your question.

What is the community thinking of all these events and traitors?"

Berga frowned, "I always knew that Josin to be but a bad one. She never had a good word to say to any of us shopkeepers, and not once would she visit with us, as you do. She felt herself better than all of us. I have not spoken with everyone, but my friends are very saddened to hear that The Highest had let things get so out of control. And to hear that she was betraying Woden in a small way is but a sad report indeed. But my Birth-Mother used to tell me that for every sad event, there is a happy one waiting. And it be true as we now have you as The Highest. So I think the community to be well-pleased. All the killings of these traitors have been hard, but was necessary, I think. We are glad you did it. It would be un-wise to keep these traitors with us. We cannot afford to be weak or we will become slaves like so many of our sisters. Do you like your tea?"

"The tea is most soothing. Did you have Oisin take some on her journey?"

"Four barrels. Four types. For trading. I am hoping for some different spices and dried fruits or herbs in exchange. We will see what she finds."

"Where is Inma this eve? Why is she not with you?"

"She worked late in the gardens this late after midturn so will be but back soon. She has been pruning some of the fruit bushes."

Sam finished her tea, "Thank you for this late eve tea, Berga. It has been a treat for me."

Berga nodded, as if they were old friends, and smiled at Sam, "I hear rumors, Highest. Be they true?"

"What do you speak of, Berga?"

Berga smiled again, "We hear that you might but have a companion, finally."

"Perhaps. We shall see."

If I can but figure out how to have a companion yet not lose all my freedoms.

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"It has been a long moment for you, Highest. You but carried Brett with you for many cycles. The songs about that moment are yet but sung."

"I have never heard those songs. But I think it perhaps the moment to accept a companion."

Berga smiled, "I think so, too. You need someone Highest. It is not good for you to just have one-eve visits. While the legends can make us smile of your pleasures, the realities are that you remain but alone overly long."

Sam rose to leave, "Many thanks, Berga. I have enjoyed this eve with you. Please give my regards to Inma. I am sorry I missed seeing her."

Sam began walking down the path again, noticing that all the shops were now dark. The only sounds she could hear were the river sounds, and the sounds of the guards quietly following her. She turned and decided to return to her dwelling. As she arrived, she saw that Briggon and Tehna had just left through the front of the dwelling. She went around to the patio and sat down at one of the long chairs and just enjoyed the solitude and quiet. She thought much of Jandra, but having someone around all the moments would take much getting used to after all these cycles of living alone.

Jandra came out, "Sam, you need to come inside. It be but chilly out here. Are you not cold?"

Sam hadn't noticed the chill and looked up at Jandra, "How was your meeting? Is the festival all arranged?"

"I feel a little guilt over my decision, but I handed the festival over to Briggon and Tehna, mostly. Briggon and Hengist are very excited about this next festival now that we are but re-opening our gates with them in trade and entertainment, so had much to offer for the festival. And Tehna was excited about the play and all the new arts and crafts that Hengist will have to share at the festival, so will work with Briggon. This festival is going to be but a gift from Hengist, and I am glad to let them have it. How have you tended to this most awful chore all these cycles?"

Sam laughed a little and motioned to her seat, "Sit with me, Jandra."

Jandra noticed that Sam wasn't yet ready to go inside. She sat down right next to Sam. It was a little overcrowded but helped to keep her warm.

Sam took one of Jandra's hands and just held it as she gazed into the dark eve sky, "Look at the stars, Jandra. Do you not wonder about them?"

"What are you thinking, Sam? What do you but see?"

Sam hesitated, yet looking at the stars, but then said, "I think the First Ones come from up there somewhere."

Jandra looked at Sam with some dismay, "What are you talking about, Sam?"

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Sam looked back to Jandra and just smiled patiently, "It be unimportant for now."

Jandra rose and started to pull her up, "Come, Sam. Come inside and hold me. I am cold and we need our rest for the next turn's adventure."

Sam resisted and gently tried to pull Jandra back down, "But, Jandra, it be a beautiful eve, is it not?"

Jandra sat down next to Sam, then began to unbutton her own shirt.

She opened it part way and placed Sam's hand on one of her breasts, "I think we should go inside."

Sam was awake early, even prior to Jandra. She was preparing their garments and weapons for packing and had heard Jenna bring up the horses. She also packed one of the diaries so she could share it with the group in the eves while they were gone. She wanted their impressions of them.

Jandra awoke to Sam's packing, "Are you up so early?"

"I thought that I would but prepare us for the trip. I have packed the garments you will but need."

Jandra got up and began to dress into the garments Sam had laid out for her for the turn, "Is anyone here yet?"

"The horses are ready."

"Do you always take the horses on this trip?"

"No. At some moments I but walk the boundary. But we have not the moments for this now. It but takes me a moon or a little more."

May walked in. "Oh, Highest, you are up early. Meera and Caitha have just arrived. I have your early morn meal ready for all in the kitchen."

Sam nodded and began to stuff their items into the leather pouches.

"Jandra, I will meet you in the kitchen. I am but taking our items to the horses to pack."

"You have walked the boundary?"

Sam nodded.


Again, Sam nodded, but said nothing.

Jandra shook her head and began to get ready, She be more independent than I first thought.

They all met in the kitchen and began eating their early morn meal.

Finally, Keddi and Margeria arrived, along with Rundle, and they too ate the morn meal.

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"Thank you, Highest, Meera, for inviting us. This be most exciting to me. Keddi and I are most delighted to guard for you during this trip." Margeria was pleased by the invitation.

Keddi nodded, "And I have brought an extra bow so that I can teach The Second to shoot in the eves, after we have halted for the turn."

Meera looked at Keddi, "Good. Then you can but teach me to shoot two arrows at one moment, then."

May prepared all their food, while the two extra guards, Anyst and Anicia, began packing the gear, weapons and food. By the moment Sam had finished her early morn meal, the horses were ready. Anyst and Anicia distributed the weapons, and then everyone mounted.

Sam watched, once again, with quiet surprise, while Jandra's horse seemed to take great interest in her. Sam watched, seeing that Jandra took it as normal that the horse would show such attention to her. But Sam knew otherwise. Each of the horses given to Jandra to ride all did the same.

She let it go, shaking her head in dismay, knowing that one of the horses that had come up to Jandra to be petted was well-noted for biting its rider.

Meera rode over to Sam, "I assume we but ride the entire perimeter.

Where do you desire to begin?"

"Let us take the supplies first to Betten and Anja, then Sumi and Nodda. I wish to speak with them. We can leave the extra horse with them, then pick it up on the return. You lead. Have Keddi and Margeria bring up the rear."

Meera nodded and dropped back to speak with Keddi and Margeria, and then told Anyst and Anicia to ride flank, leaving Jandra and Caitha surrounded by guards. Meera would guard The Highest.

They rode out toward where the rivers met, past the farms and gardens and into the wild grasslands. They would ride the horses easy on this trip, as there was no need for hurry. Rundle ran alongside Keddi or Sam's horse as they went, enjoying the moment of excitement. As they reached the rivers' fork, Meera took the left branch and rode on, keeping the river to her right. By early midturn, they reached Betten and Anja's dwelling and farm. While they were yet a short distance away, Sam had them halt so that Betten and Anja could see who came. Betten and Anja saw them, waving their greetings and excitement.

Sam rode up first, as she knew them best, then dismounted. "Betten.

Anja. How fares your farm?"

They knelt before her, "Highest. We but heard the report. We never thought you would but come to visit with us again."

Sam took their elbows and helped them to rise, "There be no need to kneel to me. We be but friends. Come, allow me to introduce you to my escorts. You know Meera."

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Meera dismounted and went to give them each a hug.

"This be Caitha, Meera's companion." She motioned to Jandra, "This be The Second."

They bowed their heads toward Jandra. She returned the gesture.

Betten looked closely at Jandra, as if studying her. "You look as the old ones tell in their stories. Different, yet the same. Are you one of the old ones, from across The Realm?"

Jandra cocked her sideways a bit at this, wondering, but let it go. She thought she might raise this with Caitha later, as Caitha knew most of the old stories.