The Women Of Woden - The Women of Woden Part 25

The Women of Woden Part 25

"I am the one who returned, Sam."

"I cannot predict the future for us."

"Did I ask it of you?"

"You are an insistent woman."

"I know what I want and what I expect."

Sam nodded, "It has been what I like about you."

"Oh? I cannot see that now."

She continued to remain at the chair, "You know, Sam, this be not the first moment for either of us."

Sam wanted Jandra to remain, but couldn't find the words.

"Jandra . . . I need you this eve. And I do not refer to my pitiful sex-life."

"That is not acceptable, Sam."

Sam halted to think what she had said, knowing she had said something wrong.

"I feel like I have done this all wrong."

"So? Make it right, then. I am yet here. I cannot decide this for you, Sam. You are but The Highest and any relationship will have issues because of it."

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"You are correct, but I am not so brave."

Jandra turned to leave.

"No, Jandra, do not go. Give me but a moment."

Jandra could see tears in Sam's eyes, but continued to stand at the end of the patio. Her heart raced but she showed no emotion or movement.

"You are a most beautiful woman, Jandra. I like much the moments we have spent together and have often thought we are enough like-minded to see ourselves into . . . intimacy. I fear such, as you have said. It is easier with one-eve moments that come and pass in the eve, as they make few demands on me. I also fear my selfishness. I liked much the attention you provided this meal. I was much amused by your style and mannerisms.

And I would like to touch you. Your body is exceptional."

Sam held out her hand to Jandra, "You make my heart race with anticipation, Jandra, not for sex, but for the togetherness. I have not felt this way in overly many cycles. I want you to remain this eve, next eve, and the next until we can no longer count them, if we can but make it work. I am a demanding woman, as are you. I am also The Highest, which makes its own demands."

She moved closer to Jandra, but kept her hand out.

"When I sent you away this eve, I broke my own heart. When I saw you return, I thought I had but seen a glorious vision. I had wanted to ask you two cycles prior to spend some moments with me, but others came into your life. As you said of me, I but thought you with someone every eve, for your beauty. I think much of you. What it would be like for us, together, in the eves, in the morns, in the midturns. I think of touching you, of holding you, of laughing with you. I find you most pleasurable to look at, and I much like your gentle but firm, no, stubborn counsel. I have not shared these thoughts with even myself.

"I need you this eve, and am, in truth, desperate for you this eve. I ache for you with a hurt I cannot understand. I fear more of letting you go than of you remaining. If it will help, I will throw myself down on my knees and beg if you will but remain here this eve. But I will then need you desperately in the morn, then the midturn, then"

Jandra had come over and placed Sam's hands together and then held her arms.

She tenderly smiled at Sam and placed her finger against Sam's mouth, "Hush. You made it right many words ago. Let us go inside where it is warmer."

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After they had entered into the bedroom, Jandra had removed Sam's garments and helped her to bathe. Then Jandra placed her into bed, removed her own clothes, and joined her. There was no hurry in Jandra's movements. Together, they well explored the meaning of physical intimacy, talked, and slept some throughout the late eve. After awhile, Jandra made Sam go to sleep so that she might get the rest she so badly needed.

In the early morn, Jandra had heard May enter the dwelling, check in on Sam, and return to the kitchen. Jandra looked over at Sam and saw that she was sleeping. She softly touched her cheek, got out of bed, dressed and went into the kitchen.

May heard her coming, "Would you like a cup of mint tea, Jandra?"

"That would be most welcome, May. How goes the morn?"

"It seems quiet. There was overly much sadness prior turn. How is The Highest?"

"She is sleeping. She ate very well last eve. Two helpings of the fowl, and two sweets."

May nodded, "She has lost much weight of late. Will she be ready for her morn meal soon?"

"No. I think not quite yet."

"I will have your garments moved over this turn."

"Thank you. I will need them."

Jandra returned back to the bed next to Sam and just sat in bed enjoying her early morn tea, waiting for Sam to awake.

Finally, Sam moved and Jandra saw that her eyes had opened. "Have you finally woken?"

Sam studied Jandra. Unlike most her previous lovers, Jandra was yet here. It was a strange sensation, but one that Sam hoped she would enjoy getting used to.

"Please say you are unlike May and not an early riser."

Jandra smiled at her and moved a bit of hair off her face, "Someone has to tend to you. I can do so while you sleep. But I am here for you. Be there something you would need from me?"

"Just hold me. Let me deny the turn for a few moments longer." Jandra held her closely. "Thank you for remaining for the eve, Jandra. And the morn be much improved with you in it."

Sam finally rose from the bed and looked for her garments. Jandra came over to her.

"Here, allow me to help."

"Jandra, last eve when you returned, how did you . . . "

"My slow-minded brain finally put it together."

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"Then I am much grateful to your slow-minded brain."

May knocked on the door and then entered, "Good morn, Highest, Jandra. I heard you speaking so have brought your morn meals to you.

Highest, you stand naked again. Do you try to worry me to an early death?

Jandra, I hold you to blame for this."

Jandra blushed and laughed, "Yes, May. I suppose it is my doing."

Jandra began helping Sam get dressed while Sam looked at Jandra and felt quite pleased in the moment, "May, please see that Jandra's garments are moved over this turn."

May winked at Jandra, "Yes Highest. It will be done by eve. What else do you require"

A guard knocked and entered the room, bowing, "Highest, there is something out here that seeks your company."

Jandra wasn't pleased at the interruption, "Explain yourself. What do you mean by something? Who wishes to see The Highest?"

She bowed her head to Jandra, "I am sorry, Second. I am unsure as to what it is. It must be a person as it stands and walks on two legs, and it speaks our language, but it smells of dirt and it remains unknown to me be it man or woman."

Sam had finished dressing, "Be this person with weapons?"

The guard shrugged her shoulders, "It has no weapons, but some of the young guards fear it to be a witch. It has asked for food while it waits."

Jandra turned to Sam, "You cannot just see this person. We need to call over Meera or Keets."

Sam thought about it, then responded to the guard, "It is perhaps a better idea. Please summon Meera, or Keets if she is unavailable. Jandra, go ask May to give our guest some food."

Sam went to the kitchen to eat with Jandra before Meera came. When Meera arrived, she entered, "The guard be correct, Sam. It is something, but I know not what."

"Did you speak with this person?"

"I spoke to something, but it demands to speak only with you."

"Then it is moment for me to see what this be about. Meera, join me."

Jandra had been listening, but didn't expect to be left out, "I need to see about this, Sam."

Sam looked at her, then Meera, "Then let us speak to the guest."

As Sam left the kitchen to the patio, she could see what the guard had meant. The guest was extremely short, very hunched over, smelled of dirt and grime, and very, very old. She or he was dressed in layer upon layer of rags, and wore only animal hides on its feet, tied on with sinew, Sam guessed.

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Sam went over the table that May had set the food upon for the guest, "I am Sam, Highest of Woden. You have summoned for me?"

It looked at Sam and hissed, "You only. No one else."

Sam sat down across from the old person. She motioned her hand so that Meera, the guards, and Jandra would all move back so that the old person could deliver his/her message. Jandra and Meera watched as Sam listened to whatever this person was saying. Sam apparently asked a question that the guest didn't like.

They heard the ragged one spit out, "NO. It is not meant that . . . "

and they could hear no more.

Jandra thought this out of line and began to go over.

Meera grabbed her arm, "No, Second. You must learn to trust Sam.

She has an instinct like no other for what is needed in these situations. My guards and I are here. If you look about, you will see that they are at the ready. No harm will come to Sam."

Jandra was upset and stubborn, but knew that Meera was correct. She looked around and saw that the guards had their bows and arrows at the ready. "It be difficult to wait. I am overly used to commanding others for The Highest. But you are with truth."

After what seemed a long while, the Old One rose from its chair and began moving over toward Sam. The guards quickly drew their bows.

Sam looked over at Meera and made a motion to have them relax their weapons. Meera didn't like it much, but did as she was bid. She signaled to the guards to be at the ready. Jandra and Meera watched as Sam rose, then knelt before this Old One, and bowed her head. The Old One, after removing them from the multiple layers of rags, placed her hands on Sam's head. When Sam finally stood, it shocked all to see how very short the Old One was. Sam wasn't a tall woman, average in height, but stood as a giant over this old ragged one. Sam smiled kindly down at the woman and helped her back into her seat. The old raggedy one yelled out, "Wine."

Sam came over, "Jandra, have May give food, as much as needed, to our guest, and wine. Also, please see if our shoe maker can but provide a pair of boots for our guest."

Sam went over to a guard and talked to her privately for a few moments, then came back to Meera.

Meera noticed that the guard left on an errand.

"Meera, go prepare yourself. We ride this turn."

"You and me, Highest? I think it not enough."

"Add who you would then, but keep it small. We must fly like the wind."

Meera nodded, "Keddi and Margeria. Keddi is the best archer I have yet seen."

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"We might have use of our weapons."

Meera nodded and sent a guard to retrieve them.

Jandra had returned and overheard part of the conversation, "I go too, Sam."

"I know this will be most difficult, but it cannot be so. Where we go has the potential for danger. With me gone and Oisin to sea, you are the acting Highest." She shook her head, "I am sorry, Jandra, but you cannot go. Besides, I could not risk both of us. Did I not say that the demands of The Highest would be our issues?"

Meera silently watched the interchange, but saw that the relationship had somehow changed between them. She observed them carefully. Both of them beautiful, standing almost the same height with not much weight difference between them. Sam was stunning, being more pronounced in her features, but Jandra had the grace and movement of a dancer and was the more striking and stunning of the two. Sam had the blondest of blonde hair, wildly straight to her lower neck, while Jandra's hair was as dark as a the raven, wavy and flowing down like rippling water to the middle of her back. Meera knew that Jandra was a few cycles older than Sam, but noticed that the age on Jandra added dignity and softness instead of the usual hard lines in others.

"No, Sam. It cannot be so. I too must go. I will not come as far as we have and accept this with a wave of your hand. Did you not say that if you but knew my expectations, that they could be so met?"

"If our relationship were as it was in the prior turns, would we be having this argument?"

Jandra stood looking at her, well frustrated in the argument. "No. But that does not make it the more fair for it. You cannot cast off our relationship this easily."

Sam looked to Meera, "What think you of this, Meera? Would you have The Second to go with us?"