The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted - The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 26

The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 26

He snaps, "That's it. And what about you, Little Miss Kiki? You and Dawes had some fun yourselves."

I know he's trying to bring up my sex life, but I won't. "We did. The house was gorgeous, the waves were great, the Kool-Aid was potent."

"Aw, yes," Ace says, "the Get drunk and screw punch. Heard it worked on you."

I know Dawson didn't tell, well I think he didn't. This feels like a fishing expedition, I'm pretty sure he's baiting me. Interviewers always try and do that to my mom, act like they know something they don't. Trying to get her to confirm if the fact that she wore a lose fitting top one day means she's pregnant again. (She's not.) "You're right, Ace, I did get a little drunk one night."

Tyrese says, "And then snuck off to the bedroom with Dawesy here."

Dawson, who has been pretty quiet through all this, says, "That's enough."

And Tyrese surprisingly complies. And not only has he been stalking me all day, walking me to all my classes, he just stood up for me to his friend, I think I'm in love.

Under the table I give his leg a little thank you squeeze, and he grins at me, looks at me with sexy bedroom eyes and says, "Let's go sit outside."

As we walk away, I hear Peyton say, "I think those boots are slutty."

I turn around and say sweetly to her, "Oh, you need to learn your designers, Peyton. These aren't Slutty, they're Gucci." (This was much better having her say it to Whitney. I miss Whitney from this version a lot. She really pushed Keatyn. And this Keatyn didn't have the whole lunch table, trying to strike out on her own thing that she had in Stalk Me. It makes you more proud when she stands up to someone like Whitney as opposed to just thinking she sounds kind of mean.) Her face turns a bright shade of pink, and the guys all snicker.

Sorry, I wanna be friends with her, I think she's nice, but she's not gonna talk shit about me literally right behind my back.

Everyone thinks their ex's are jerks.

French I go to French class with bolstered confidence. I'm going to have no problem tutoring Aiden in French, and I'm going to have no problem resisting him. I'm almost sure I'm kinda in love with Dawson.

He will soon be learning that I'm now immune to his powers.

Or not.

I walk into class, and he is already in his seat. He gives me that blinding smile, and I swear to God, he just spoke to my soul.

Damn, him!

Tonight I'm doing an internet search, How to protect yourself from a demi god.

He's surprisingly happy to see me.

Says, "Sooo how was your weekend with your Keats boy?"

I'm thinking he already knows the answer to this question, but wants to make me suffer. Suffer for loving another boy. But if he knows about Brooklyn, wouldn't he also know about Dawson?

"My weekend was fun, but I spent very little of it with Brooklyn."

Annie says, "Really, what happened?"

But class gets started, and we aren't allowed to talk.

Then we are allowed to talk, but only in french. So I ramble on about what happened, and they both look at me blankly.

Annie says, "Something about stupid?"

Aiden says, "I got something about boy. So he was a stupid boy?"

"Yeah, basically, that's the gist of it. I only was at the tournament for about an hour or so, then I left and went up to Dawson's house. He and Riles had a bunch of people there. It was a lot fun."

"You shouldn't be hanging out with Dawson. He's a jerk."

Annie says, "He can be a jerk. He's way hot."

I turn around to face Aiden, "Why do you think that? No one else thinks that."

"My sister does."

"Everyone thinks their ex's are jerks. It's easier than admitting they did something wrong in the relationship."

"Well she's with Jake now, and she's happy, so that's what matters to me."

And I know I shouldn't repeat this, really I shouldn't, but it comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. "Yeah, he asked her out because she's a hot piece." (Keatyn's mean girl comes out here. I didn't like it, so I cut it.)

His eyes get big at me, and the shock on his face tells me he can't believe I would say such a thing, so I add, "His words, not mine. You know, even though their breakup was bad, I've never heard Dawson say one bad word about your sister. I think that says a lot about a guy."

He slumps down in his seat and doesn't say a word, french, or otherwise, for the rest of class.

That or he wants in your pants.

Dance "So you got drunk and had sex with Dawson, huh?" Peyton sneers. (Peyton as the mean girl, too? What?!) And I can't help it. I know Dawson told me this in confidence, and he would be disappointed to hear me say this, but I do, "I don't need to be drunk to want to sleep with Dawson. He's extremely sexy. But no, the night I got a little drunk, I didn't sleep with him. Not that it's any of your business. And you and Jake are adorable. I'm so happy for you. And for him to ask you out so quickly, he must really like you a lot."

That or he wants in your pants.

But I don't say that.

I'm above that.


Plus, she could probably make my life a living hell around here if she wanted. She's very popular. In the I'm a gorgeous super over achiever kind of way. If she weren't so nice, everyone would probably hate her.

But I also know that Dawson is equally popular. Everyone loves him. And why shouldn't they? Other than his messy break up with her, he's stayed out of trouble, has never been viewed as a player, he's hot, and a good athlete. He's adorable and sweet. I really don't care what people think much, but I do know enough to know that what people think can be a fickle thing.

I am definitely screwed.

8:50pm On my laptop, looking up gods, demigods. I figure it's important for me to determine what exactly he is, if I'm going to be able to avoid his spells, or cosmic force, or whatever power it is that he has. I also need to do some recon to try and determine if he has this effect on all girls, just me, or just certain ones.

Then I wonder if maybe we were connected somehow in a past life, and that's why his pull on me is so strong. But also my feelings for him lately have been more toward the hatred side of feelings. Because I HATE that he does this to me.

Smiles at me.

Why does he have to smile at me?

Why does he have to be all, How was your weekend?

UGGG!! So just to set the record straight. I very much believe in God. In ONE God. The gods I am referring to here are of the Greek, maybe Roman, type god world. I have never really determined how they fit into real religion because they don't really. I think they are more of a thing we study as history. (I so love how obsessed she is with trying to figure out Aiden. How she goes to the Internet for information trying to figure out what magical powers he might have that cause her heart to beat faster when he's around. His magnetic pull toward her. The way he fills her head with cotton candy.) But I'm thinking now, maybe they represent temptation.


Just go with me on this.

So technically a demi god is a half god. To become a demi god you typically have one human parent and one god parent. I haven't met his parents, so I can't be sure of this. His sister certainly was blessed with many talents and good looks, but she doesn't seem to have the magnetic pull.

A demi god can also be a human that becomes a god. Or an extremely powerful figure that becomes like a god. He is a male being, usually the result of a god and a mortal getting busy, who has some, but not all, of the powers of a god.

I google search, How to protect yourself from a demigod.

The first article it pulled up was how to protect yourself on facebook.


Not what I was looking for, but I peruse this article for a minute. And just what I thought. There is nothing in there about not allowing friends to tag you in potentially damaging photos that will cause all sorts of shit. Worthless article.

Then I found an article on ways to protect yourself if you are a demi god. The person who wrote this article is apparently one (or thinks he is) and says that he and most demigods are not popular, and this is so they can hide from the monsters, centaurs and things that try to hunt them.

Obviously this person needs to get a life.

He did however raise an interesting point. That most gods are given a weapon by their parent.

But I already know that they gave Aiden his mouth, that smile, those perfect teeth, that silky smooth voice.

Oh, sorry.

Okay, so then I come upon a quiz that says, Take this quiz to find out which of the gods would be your parents.

Obviously, I had to answer the questions for him. It could be he doesn't even know he is a god yet, and is just testing his fledgling newfound powers out on me. God help me, if he ever discovers their true potential.

So questions.

Best color? Got to be the green of his eyes. Green.

What do you do in your free time? Flirt.

Your type? Popular.

Your power? Make people fall in love with you.

Your skill? I picked running because he is very fast. I was also told he has very good hands. I think they were referring to his catching and goalie abilities, but I can obviously not confirm the goodness of his hands. As of this writing, his hands have refused to show me their goodness. Like he refused to use them on me, even though I was practically begging.

The decision......drum roll please. Dun, dun, dun, dahhhh.....

Your mother is the gorgeous Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love and most importantly seduction. People can't help but to fall in love with you. You are probably very good looking. You are also very good at seducing the opposite sex with your godlike charm. But use this trait wisely. Heartbreak is the most painful of wounds. But you don't really care because you are the one breaking hearts.

SEE!!!! See what I'm up against here?

So then I searched, How to resist a demigod.

Got no answers.

How to resist a god.

No real answers.

And I'm pretty sure Google just laughed at me. (LOL) Then, How to resist Aphrodite. Maybe if I know how to resist her, I can use that on her son.

So here's the scoop on Aphrodite. Apparently when she wore her golden Spanx, no god, or mortal, could resist her. And even when she didn't wear them, there were only three gods that could resist her. They were all apparently virgins. (And also girls, which I found a bit disturbing). (The Golden Spanx make me laugh.) There goes what little hope I had.

Also, I just read the story of Aphrodite, and she was apparently one mean, lying, slutty, bitch. So she gets herself all gorgeous, meets this dude. He, of course, thought she was too hot to be mortal, asked her if she was a god. She lies to this dude, told him that she was just a maiden, talked him into taking her back to his place, seduced him, purposely got pregnant, then told him she was a god, that she was going to name their son something that translates to AWFUL, and proceeds to tell this dude he's like beneath her and shit, even though he was like hot and nice. (I love how she makes the god's lives sounds like a reality TV show.) Later she had something to do with the Trojan war that caused a bunch of people to die, then she had an affair with some dude named Ares, but they got caught and were being punished, but maybe she got out of it by promising to sleep with Hermes.

She also apparently fell in love with Adonis, who was punished for that and sent to the underworld where he fell in love with someone else, and he got to see her for like half a year and be with the other chick for half the year.

So basically, if you ask me, this goddess should not be the goddess of love, she is obviously the goddess of hooking up and then turning against you. She's mean!

Shouldn't the goddess of love be all lovey and beautiful and sweet? No, this bitch used her beauty to get whatever she wanted.

So the verdict.

If this is half of what I'm up against. I am definitely screwed.

Katie screams out: "It's Facebook official finally, Jake and Peyton are in a relationship."


(Also, I just realized that there are no scripts in this version. That was one of the things I loved about Keatyn. Scripts were also a good literary device for me. They allowed me to show growth in Keatyn. And how Aiden helped her want to live an unscripted life. To her learning that she can't control everything. And everyone.) Wednesday, September 7th We stand in line a lot. We talk.

Ceramics Bryce, Jake and I are sitting in class playing with clay. We are contemplating, planning, thinking, about what we are going to try and create out of this single piece of clay. There's a metaphor, or a life meaning thing in that statement, possibly about me molding my life, I think, but I am too busy gossiping with Bryce and Jake to care.

I say, "So Jakeyy, heard it's all facebook official. You and Peyton going out."

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"You don't see that thrilled."

"She's not exactly what I expected."