The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted - The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 25

The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 25

"So did you tell my brother?"

"No, he guessed. I said no comment. But I don't think he will tell."

"Yeah, he will. He loves talking about that shit, about what he's done, what he thinks I've done. "

"He won't tell."

"I'm just saying if it gets around school, don't blame me."


He kisses my nose, says, "You're so cute. I just love you."

Did he just say, I love you?

"Oh. Uh...," he mutters.

"It's okay. I know what you meant. You love me like you love swimming or ice cream."


"Look, this all happened crazy fast. We talked about taking things slow before and just because we went fast sexually, doesn't mean we should rush our relationship. I still wanna take that part slow. I mean, you might get back to school, see Peyton, and decide you still love her."

His eyes get soft. "Keatie, I'm not gonna do that. I told you the other night, before all this, I don't love her anymore."

"Still, you loved her. And I'm not sure you're over her."

"Actually, I'm very over her, and I kinda have a thing for this really hot freshman. She's on the dance team. You might know her."

"Oh, really?"

He grins an adorable grin at me. His eyes sparkle. He is so freaking adorable. Seriously, how did I get so lucky?

"And this thing you have for her, that just means you want her, right?"

"No," he stops, considers that for a second, says, "Well, yeah, I do, but it's more than that." He laughs, kisses my neck and whispers in my ear, "But you know, if she wants me now, we do have a little free time before we have to leave."

And um, we spent that time wisely.

Cute little daisy charm on back.

4 pm Dallas and Ace yell, "Hey everyone, the limo's here!"

Everyone is hooting and hollering over the limo. Marcus did good. This limo is sweet. A brand new Range Rover HSE with a jet door. Inside it has all sorts of toys, wild neon colored interior, a couple flat screens, sound system, fog machine, and disco lights. Of course, as you can imagine the thing the boys went most crazy over was the XBox360.

"That's what I'm talking about," Riley says.

We all got loaded up, played with the toys, got high, then most everyone crashed. I'm leaning up against Dallas's shoulder, chatting. Dawson's crashed, his head laying in my lap.

Dallas says randomly, "You have very weird toes."

"Shut up. I have cute toes."

"This weekend was really fun, huh? I've never been to a party that lasted all weekend like that. And it was cool, like the perfect mix of partying, chilling, girls, sunning and stuff."

I agree. "This weekend was fun. I'm glad I came."

"I suspect you had a little more fun than me," he grins mischievously at me.

"You made out with a different girl each night."

"Yeah, but I didn't have sex."

"Me, neither."

"Kiki, we don't lie to each other remember?"

"Damn, you must be physic about more than just panties."

"Dawson is like crazy about you."


"Uh, yeah. He is. He's been on freaking cloud nine since you got her. Even before y'all had fun. Riley actually is worried you might hurt him, like he thinks you like the hottie god, or what ever you call him.

"The God of all Hotties."

"Haha, that's it. Hey, remember how we were talking about redoing Dawes' image. Did you notice how tight he and Riles were this weekend?"

"I know. And I don't even care about his image. But I like seeing him happy. He was really sad that night."

"And someone has cheered him up. Amazing how some orange panties can do that."

"Oh my god! Have you been creeping through my clothes?"

"Nope. I'm just that good. Plus, I could see them when you bent over to pick up your duffle bag. Cute little daisy charm on the back." (These little daisy charm undies are the same ones she had on when she got the best kiss of her life in the pouring rain with Aiden in Love Me. Remember when her butt got wet, and Aiden gave her his sweat pants? And her undies got left at the Cave. And then Dallas presented them to her in front of Dawson?) "Shut up. I'm afraid that when Peyton sees him happy she will want him back. I'm not sure I'd stand a chance. We should be worrying about me getting hurt, not him."

"Awwww, Kiki, you know Dallas is always here for you. Little smoking, little blanket, I'll fix you right up."

"You're naughty."

"Only when you want me to be."

Hanging, partying, all that.

dorm room Katie, Maggie and I are laying on pillows across our floor, catching up on what happened with each other this weekend. Katie went home, had a barbecue with her extended family. Apparently her cousin brought a cute friend and she flirted with him, but that was the extent of her fun. She is worried because Tyrese seems like he likes her when she's here at school, but he didn't text her all weekend. And I try to tell her it's just because we were busy. Hanging, partying, all that. But I know that Tyrese, much like all the boys this weekend, had their flirt on and were kissing and hooking up in various manners with girls they met on the beach. I know the girl Tyrese hooked up with was a friend of Dawson's. But it's not like he is going to see her again any time soon. I wasn't sure what I should tell her. It'd be one thing if they were going out, and he was cheating on her, but they aren't so what he does is sorta his business, I think.

Maggie's weekend was more interesting. She went home and hung out with her sorta boyfriend. It started out good with lots of kissing and whatnot, but ended in a fight right before she left. We need to find her someone cute. I thought about setting her up with Dallas, because he is so adorable, but then, no, cause I still kinda wanna make out with him some, maybe. And then I thought, maybe Riley, but Riley is just looking for sex right now. Although she did mention how hot she thought he is, so maybe I float her name out during class tomorrow and see what he thinks about her. (This was obviously before Logan and her had history together.) Then the conversation turns to me. They are dying to know about Brooklyn and most importantly Dawes. I just tell them we had lots of fun, and that we are just still seeing each other but that nothing is like official. We aren't dating or anything, and that I suspect he is still hung up a bit on Peyton.

And I'm not really sure if that is true or not. He swears he's not, but you know, I think this week will prove to be interesting.

I told them a lot of details about surfing, the food, the Kool-Aid, the house. So many details they got bored and forgot to ask me about hooking up.

Thank gosh.

Dallas texts me.

Dallas: Cave. 1 am. Be there or be square.

Me: Just us, or can I bring Maggie and Katie?

Dallas: Bring the ladies, please. Dallas needs a hottie and Katie is cute.

Me: :( Dallas: Don't pout. You slept with Dawson.

Me: Still :( Dallas: I don't think Dawes is coming. Ditch the girls. Well, except Riley is coming with me. I promised.

Me: I'll be there. I'll bring them.

I frantically did the homework I ignored all weekend. Fortunately most of the teachers seemed to have plans and the workload was pretty light. But I guess I was tired and fell asleep.

Tuesday, September 6th You stalking me?

6:27am Have seven missed calls from Dallas and a couple texts from him and Riley.

Basically the texts were versions of, Where are you? Did you fall asleep? Wake up!!

But the best text of all was from Dawes this morning.

Dawson: Miss waking up with you, will be stalking you :) (Come on, admit it. This text made you melt.) I got ready quickly, but carefully. I want Dawson to think I look amazing today. I flip open my look book to see today's look. It's not really how I'm feeling, looks very cute, but more preppy. So I flip through the book and try to find the most sexy version I can, while praying no one photographs me and my mother sees I mixed things up again. Look 18 is what I want. The navy, black, and red plaid skort, tall black Gucci platform boots, red lace bra, which if it happens to show a little under my skinny ribbed black tank, oh well, short red cardigan, with only the middle button buttoned, thick black leather cuff bracelet, oversized silver hoops. My hair is full of big curls and my bangs are held back in a poof with a silver barrette. My makeup is soft and natural, except for a catty black eyeliner swoop and as much mascara as my lashes could hold. I'm looking like the school girl version of Barbarella.

(In case you have never seen Barbarella, it's an old movie starring Jane Fonda. When it came out, in the seventies, I think, it was very risque. There were no explicit sex scenes, but the whole thing's all about sex. Like there is one part where this evil dude locks her in this thing that plays organ music and makes her feel, um, extreme pleasure, uh yeah. Anyways, I watched part of it until Tommy told me I had to go to bed. I think he was just turned on by Jane and wanted Mom to himself. Anyways, she wears big tall platform boots in the movie.) I walk out my dorm. Katie left me and went to breakfast. I'm hoping to have time to grab at least some coffee before I head to class. I walk out, and there sitting on the brick wall is Dawson, waiting for me. I have to say, there's something so sexy about a boy who is dressed up. Dawson has on khaki cargo shorts, a pink and white striped oxford, a pink and green tie loosened around his neck that I'm pretty sure has whales all over it, navy blazer, sperrys on his feet. He looks so hot sitting there, I almost wanna whistle. All of a sudden, I can barely breathe as my mind flashes to his muscular body, naked, on top of me. (Gotta love a well-dressed guy.) Whooh. Sorry.

He sees me, let's out a whistle, looks me up and down and says, "Damn, Keatie, those boots make me hard. You look like a S&M school girl fantasy.

I smile. "You stalking me?"

"Ooh...I am." He grabs my waist, pulls me in for a kiss. As I lean forward, a bit of red lace peeks out. He stops going in for a kiss, pushes me back out a little, looks down, "Red lace. Damn, you're gonna drive me nuts. Speaking of that, I still haven't seen the leopard one yet."

"I think you saw plenty this weekend."

"Yeah, but mostly bikinis, I want to see this bra up close and personal, after practice."

"I don't know, I might have lots of homework," I tease.

"I'll tutor you. But I want you wearing nothing but that bra. Red panties too?"

"Well yeah."

He finally pulls me in for a sexy kiss.

"Did I see my stalker brought me coffee?"

"Oh, uh yeah, you distracted me. Here, skinny soy chai latte, no whip, right?"

"How'd you know that?"

"I described you to the coffee shop dude, he told me."

"Thanks. You're very resourceful."

"I'm very horny actually."

"Haha down, boy. We have to go to class. And I have to hurry, your brother needs to copy my worksheet."

These aren't Slutty, they're Gucci.

Lunch I'm in line, getting a salad, watching Peyton. She gives Dawson an evil grin, then sits down and gives Jake a big kiss.

The salad bar is close enough for me to hear their conversation.

Dawson says,"So, you guys have a good weekend together?"

Jake says, "Naw, she had to go home for some family reunion thing."

"Oh that's too bad. Jake, you shoulda come up to the beach house. We partied, chilled."

Ace says, "And Keatyn taught us to surf. I actually stood up and rode a wave all the way in for the first time."

And I can see Peyton's eye get big when she hears I was there. Last she heard, I was going to see Brooklyn.

Tyrese says, "Yeah, she's a really good surfer. And looks damn fine in a bikini, man." He hits Dawson on the shoulder. Dawson's grin lights up his face.

He looks up and sees me standing with my tray, looking a bit awkward. "Speaking of damn fine." He stands up, grabs my tray and my backpack and helps me get settled in the seat next to him.

Riley and Dallas walk by us, wave, and go sit with some other friends.

Tyrese says to me, "I'm digging those boots."

"Thanks." I'm hoping he's done talking about me and the way I look, so I tease, "Tyrese had a pretty fun weekend, girls surrounding him on the beach, begging for his body."

He puffs his chest out a little, sits up straighter, "Yeah baby, Tyrese sealed the deal a couple nights, out there in the sand with Dawson's cousin."

Dawson's eyes get big. Then he's like, "Dude, all my cousins are guys."

"Oh shit, I'm just joking, It was some girl that was staying up the beach, I don't even know her name."

"It was Laney." I say.