The Government Class Book - Part 43

Part 43

--3. What are the qualifications of a representative? Give the reasons for these qualifications.

--4. Give the rule of apportioning representatives and direct taxes.

--5. What made it difficult to agree upon a rule of apportionment? In what states did slavery then exist? Name the present slaveholding states.

--7. Upon what terms was the question of apportionment settled?

--8. Ill.u.s.trate the rule by an example.

--9. How are the slave states benefited by this arrangement as to taxes?

--10. What do they gain as to representation?

--11. How is the number of representatives limited? How often is the ratio of representation fixed?

--12. Why has the ratio been from time to time increased? How is a representation secured to the smallest states?

--13. State the ratio and the number of representatives after each census.

--14. How is a state districted for choosing representatives? When are they chosen?

--15. How are territories represented?

Chapter x.x.x.

--1. How is the senate const.i.tuted? Upon what points did the convention differ? How was the matter settled?

--2. In what provision does the federative principle appear?

--3. In what is there a difference between the old congress and the senate?

--4. What reasons are offered in favor of a short term of office? What in favor of a long term?

--6. What is said in favor of the present term?

--7. Why were not the terms of all the senators made to expire at once?

--8. How are vacancies in the office of senator filled?

--9. Can an appointment be made before a vacancy actually happens? State a case.

--10. What reasons are there for the required qualifications of senators as to age, citizenship, and residence in the state?

--11. How do bills become laws after they have been vetoed by the president?

Chapter x.x.xI.

--2. What difference is here noticed between the general and state governments in respect to their powers?

--3. What is the first in the list of powers given to congress?

--4. For what purpose was this power necessary? What is _direct_ and what _indirect_ taxation?

--5. Define duties, customs, imposts, and excises.

--6. Define _specific_ and _ad valorem_ duties.

--7. Why are duties required to be uniform throughout the United States?

--8. By what means was the old national debt paid? How large was it at different periods?

--9. Why is the power to borrow money necessary?

Chapter x.x.xII.

--1. From what arose the necessity of the power to regulate foreign commerce? What was the British policy?

--2. In what consisted the inequality of trade between the two countries?

--3. Show, by example, how Great Britain secured a home market for her agricultural products.

--4. What other benefits did she derive from her policy?

--5. Why were we obliged to submit to the payment of these duties? Why not manufacture for ourselves?

--6. Why did not our government retaliate by imposing like duties upon British goods and vessels?

--7. What are duties designed to encourage home manufactures called?

--8. Show, by example, the operation and effect of a protective duty.

--9. By what other power may this object be partially effected? Show how.

--10. Why, then, was not one of these powers sufficient?

--11. Show, by example, why the free importation of foreign goods and direct taxation are not deemed the better policy.

--13. How early, and how, was domestic industry encouraged? What rendered high duties for a time unnecessary?