Spanish Composition - Part 6

Part 6

=19.= The verb _to look_ or _look at_ is rendered =mirar=, the _at_ remaining untranslated.

_Looking through the window, I saw that my friend was looking at the flowers._

=Mirando por la ventana, vi que mi amiga miraba las flores.=

(_a_) _To look_ (_as if_) is rendered =parecer=. The impersonal _it looks as if_ may be translated =segun parece=, or =por lo visto=.

_You look very tired. It looks as if you had been working too hard._

=Parece Vd. muy cansada. Ha trabajado Vd. demasiado segun parece.=

_It looks as if he had determined to stop our talking._

=Parece que se ha propuesto impedirnos hablar.=--LOS QUINTERO.

(_b_) _To look for_ or _look up_ is translated =buscar=.

_I don't know where they went. For my part I'm not looking for them._

=Yo no se a donde iban. Por mi parte no los busco.=--JOSe MaRMOL.

=20.= English _little_ as an adjective of size is rendered =pequeno=, =chico=, or =menudo=.

_We have just rented that little house across the street._

=Acabamos de alquilar esa casa pequena al otro lado de la calle.=

_Are the little folks coming too?_

=Vienen tambien la gente menuda?=

(_a_) Denoting quant.i.ty _little_ is rendered =poco=.

_Why, you went to bed a little after ten!_

=Si te acostaste a poco mas de las diez!=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

_It is a matter of little importance._

=Es asunto de poca importancia.=

(_b_) As an adverb of degree _little_ is rendered =poco=, =algo=, or =un tanto=.

_The price is a little high, isn't it? A little, yes._

=Es algo subido el precio, no? Un tanto, si.=

=21.= English _there_ as an adverb is translated =ahi=, =alli=, or =alla=, the last being the form used with verbs of motion. Used with a verb that doesn't express motion, =alla= indicates approximate situation while =alli= always indicates definite situation.

_I wonder where my hat can be. I left it there on the table._

=Donde estara mi sombrero? Lo deje alli en la mesa.=

_I don't know where he has gone, but he went over there._

=No se adonde habra ido, pero se fue por alla.=

(_a_) _There is_, _there was_, _there will be_, etc., are translated by the various tenses of =haber=, the verb always being in the singular.

_There is one here now. There were two before._

=Hay uno aqui ahora. Antes habia dos.=

_There are absurdities in the spiritual life as in the natural._

=Hay absurdos en la vida del espiritu como en la naturaleza.=


(_b_) _There_ as an exclamatory word has many renderings which can best be learned by observation. Note the following examples.

_There, there, don't cry! You'll wake mother._

=Vamos, vamos, no llores! Despertaras a la madre.=

_There! I told you you would break it._

=Ya se ve! Te dije que ibas a quebrarlo.=

_There's a beautiful house!_

=Vaya una casa hermosa!=


(_a_) 1. Digale que yo voy alla en seguida. 2. Vaya una muchacha guapa!

Quien es? 3. Parece que nunca van a terminar. 4. Habra reunion alli manana por la manana. 5. Es muy chico. Me gustaria mas si fuese un mas grande. 6. Parece que va a llover. Tal vez habra tempestad.

7. Los chicos quieren ir a la playa, pero ya es un poco tarde para eso.

8. He perdido un guante. Quieres volver a buscarmelo? 9. Mire Vd.

cuanta gente hay en la calle! 10. Parece mas joven, pero la verdad es que tiene algo mas edad que yo.

(_b_) 1. Were you there when the accident occurred? 2. There were ten boys in the cla.s.s. How many are there in your cla.s.s? 3. Oh, look! There goes a deer. There's a pretty little animal! 4. We shall be there for an hour. We went there last year, too. 5. How does it look to you? I haven't looked at it well yet. 6. I need a little more milk. Who will go and get me some? 7. The little money that I had was not sufficient. 8.

There had been a terrible storm and the little city had suffered not a little damage. 9. Look up these words in the dictionary. 10. Look out!

(=Cuidado!=) There comes an automobile. _There's_ a reckless driver (for you)!