Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 583

Chapter 583

Published at 4th of May 2022 02:24:00 PM

583 The Mysterious Forest

I had a face-to-face with Aro and the treant about what were going to do from here on, explaining that the world where everyone else is will probably be in danger, and I told them my speculations on Gods Voices intentions.

While building up strength, we need to search for some way out of here. Gods Voice has probably killed millions no, perhaps even billions. If theyre threatening to lay waste to the world, they might actually go through with it.

Even just in the previous generation, Gods Voice manipulated the divine skill holders to bring about the destruction of Miias homeland. I want to hurry to return as fast as I can, but with my current strength, Im no match for those [Spirit Servants]. Ill raise my level If possible, Ill try to find a way of evolving, and only after that should I leave this world.

At some point, Ill have to take advantage of Gods Voices negligence, and escape from the course of their expectations. If I dont manage that, its clear that Ill just be used and disposed of. Avoiding that fate is the biggest problem, but right now I dont have enough information to work out how, nor enough leeway to ponder it. All I can do for now is deal with the problems as they come.

Theres almost certainly some way out of here. After all, having me raise my level and then escape from here is what that unpleasant Gods Voice is after.

In that case, weve no choice but to take a look around. Both to find a way out of here, and to gain strength

Aro says, looking out over the strange forest. At Aros proposal, treants huge body shakes.

Th-this forest

I get why youre scared, but if we stay here, theres no telling what might be happening in our previous world. Weve no choice but to explore for now.

I-I understand

He replies, sounding somewhat helpless Itll be okay, I think.

Looking at him now, it almost makes me cast doubt on the idea that he challenged Aruane to a one-on-one fight and won. But, both Aro and atlach-nacha vouched for his story. Aro might be the type to say something nonsensical out of concern for his feelings, but atlach-nacha would never lie like that for him.

Treant-san, atlach-nacha is probably in trouble right now.

Th-thats right. I need, I need to pull myself together!

He stands up with a burst of strength.

I was thinking about it, but The monsters here might not be all that fearsome. In the first place, Gods Voice shouldnt be able to freely create Legendary monsters. If that was possible, there wouldnt have been any point in producing me.

Right, if Gods Voice could freely produce Legendary monsters, there wouldnt have been a need for such elaborate schemes. Gods Voice essentially threatened to keep summoning [Spirit Servants] of the same rank as me, but [Spirit Servants] stop growing at the moment they become a spirit. Their level cant increase. I remember something along those lines being written next to Beelzebubs and Eldias levels.

Its impossible for Gods Voice to have prepared an unlimited number of monsters of the same rank as me. If that was possible, I wouldnt be needed in the first place.

I see If we leave everything to master-dono, then we can rest assured in this place for now

Treant-san seems to breathe out a sigh of relief through his mouth-like cavity. He really did manage to beat Aruane on his own, right?

Theres some things I need to do before we start exploring. I would have liked to take it more slowly, but then we wouldnt make it in time.

Something you need to do?

Aro tilts her head to the side in wonder.


I nod, and use [Status Inspection] on the treant.

Species: Tyrant Guardian

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 66/85

HP: 748/748

MP: 309/309

Before the battle, he was only level 54. Thanks to the [Demon Lords Subordinate] title skill, he and everyone else are getting double experience as long as their rank is lower than mine.

Although, with my [Walking Egg] and [Dragon King], my experience points are effectively quadrupled. Compared to me, raising his level is harder.

Despite that, his level shot up by twelve. More than anything, thats proof that he put his life on the line to fight Lilixiras subordinate.

Once again, thank you, treant.

With my foreleg, I gently stroke his trunk.

Your level has increased a lot. You always seem nervous, but youre strong. I can guarantee it. Not just your status, but your heart too. When you need to, you always give it your all. At this rate, your next evolution wont be far off.


His trunk trembles.

Dragon-god-sama! What about me? What about me?

Aro waves both of her arms in the air to get my attention.

ahh, Aro

Before the battle, her level was already quite high. Once it gets that high, raising it any further is hard. Treant-san was the one who apparently dealt the finishing blow to Aruane, too. Her level might not have increased very much.

Name: Aro

Species: Revaana Lich

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 85/85 (MAX)

HP: 729/729

MP: 750/750

Before the battle she was Lv: 80/85and now shes all the way toLv: 85/85 .

Y-youre at the maximum level!

Its unlikely that she happened to go up by exactly five levels. Her magic was probably instrumental in fighting off the Holy Knights. This is probably the result of that.

Really? Dragon-god-sama, me too, praise me too!

Yeah, well done Aro! You can even evolve now!

Her evolution limit was raised by the effect of [Demon Lords Favour]. She should be able to reach rank now. This should increase her strength a great deal, and might even give her some unusual skills to change how she fights.

P-pat my head! Like you did for treant-san!

Aros arms flap up and down.

Y-youre a little small, so it might be hard Im worried I might squash you

I nervously stretch out just a single digit from my forefoot. Appearing Aro bashfully closes her eyes and holds her head up.

Master-dono, how long until Ill be able to evolve too, do you think?

Treant watches us, sounding somewhat forlorn. Just when he was in the spotlight, he got outshone by Aro. S-sorry, treant

I-its okay, it shouldnt be long now.

How soon.? After how many battles?

I havent seen the monsters here, so I cant say anything that specific

I had a face-to-face with Aro and the treant about what were going to do from here on, explaining that the world where everyone else is will probably be in danger, and I told them my speculations on Gods Voices intentions.

While building up strength, we need to search for some way out of here. Gods Voice has probably killed millions no, perhaps even billions. If theyre threatening to lay waste to the world, they might actually go through with it.

Even just in the previous generation, Gods Voice manipulated the divine skill holders to bring about the destruction of Miias homeland. I want to hurry to return as fast as I can, but with my current strength, Im no match for those [Spirit Servants]. Ill raise my level If possible, Ill try to find a way of evolving, and only after that should I leave this world.

At some point, Ill have to take advantage of Gods Voices negligence, and escape from the course of their expectations. If I dont manage that, its clear that Ill just be used and disposed of. Avoiding that fate is the biggest problem, but right now I dont have enough information to work out how, nor enough leeway to ponder it. All I can do for now is deal with the problems as they come.

Theres almost certainly some way out of here. After all, having me raise my level and then escape from here is what that unpleasant Gods Voice is after.

In that case, weve no choice but to take a look around. Both to find a way out of here, and to gain strength

Aro says, looking out over the strange forest. At Aros proposal, treants huge body shakes.

Th-this forest

I get why youre scared, but if we stay here, theres no telling what might be happening in our previous world. Weve no choice but to explore for now.

I-I understand

He replies, sounding somewhat helpless Itll be okay, I think.

Looking at him now, it almost makes me cast doubt on the idea that he challenged Aruane to a one-on-one fight and won. But, both Aro and atlach-nacha vouched for his story. Aro might be the type to say something nonsensical out of concern for his feelings, but atlach-nacha would never lie like that for him.

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Treant-san, atlach-nacha is probably in trouble right now.

Th-thats right. I need, I need to pull myself together!

He stands up with a burst of strength.

I was thinking about it, but The monsters here might not be all that fearsome. In the first place, Gods Voice shouldnt be able to freely create Legendary monsters. If that was possible, there wouldnt have been any point in producing me.

Right, if Gods Voice could freely produce Legendary monsters, there wouldnt have been a need for such elaborate schemes. Gods Voice essentially threatened to keep summoning [Spirit Servants] of the same rank as me, but [Spirit Servants] stop growing at the moment they become a spirit. Their level cant increase. I remember something along those lines being written next to Beelzebubs and Eldias levels.

Its impossible for Gods Voice to have prepared an unlimited number of monsters of the same rank as me. If that was possible, I wouldnt be needed in the first place.

I see If we leave everything to master-dono, then we can rest assured in this place for now

Treant-san seems to breathe out a sigh of relief through his mouth-like cavity. He really did manage to beat Aruane on his own, right?

Theres some things I need to do before we start exploring. I would have liked to take it more slowly, but then we wouldnt make it in time.

Something you need to do?

Aro tilts her head to the side in wonder.


I nod, and use [Status Inspection] on the treant.

Species: Tyrant Guardian

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 66/85

HP: 748/748

MP: 309/309

Before the battle, he was only level 54. Thanks to the [Demon Lords Subordinate] title skill, he and everyone else are getting double experience as long as their rank is lower than mine.

Although, with my [Walking Egg] and [Dragon King], my experience points are effectively quadrupled. Compared to me, raising his level is harder.

Despite that, his level shot up by twelve. More than anything, thats proof that he put his life on the line to fight Lilixiras subordinate.

Once again, thank you, treant.

With my foreleg, I gently stroke his trunk.

Your level has increased a lot. You always seem nervous, but youre strong. I can guarantee it. Not just your status, but your heart too. When you need to, you always give it your all. At this rate, your next evolution wont be far off.


His trunk trembles.

Dragon-god-sama! What about me? What about me?

Aro waves both of her arms in the air to get my attention.

ahh, Aro

Before the battle, her level was already quite high. Once it gets that high, raising it any further is hard. Treant-san was the one who apparently dealt the finishing blow to Aruane, too. Her level might not have increased very much.

Name: Aro

Species: Revaana Lich

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 85/85 (MAX)

HP: 729/729

MP: 750/750

Before the battle she was Lv: 80/85and now shes all the way toLv: 85/85 .

Y-youre at the maximum level!

Its unlikely that she happened to go up by exactly five levels. Her magic was probably instrumental in fighting off the Holy Knights. This is probably the result of that.

Really? Dragon-god-sama, me too, praise me too!

Yeah, well done Aro! You can even evolve now!

Her evolution limit was raised by the effect of [Demon Lords Favour]. She should be able to reach rank now. This should increase her strength a great deal, and might even give her some unusual skills to change how she fights.

P-pat my head! Like you did for treant-san!

Aros arms flap up and down.

Y-youre a little small, so it might be hard Im worried I might squash you

I nervously stretch out just a single digit from my forefoot. Appearing Aro bashfully closes her eyes and holds her head up.

Master-dono, how long until Ill be able to evolve too, do you think?

Treant watches us, sounding somewhat forlorn. Just when he was in the spotlight, he got outshone by Aro. S-sorry, treant

I-its okay, it shouldnt be long now.

How soon.? After how many battles?

I havent seen the monsters here, so I cant say anything that specific