Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Published at 13th of April 2022 04:01:37 PM

567 Unwanted Union

Lilixiras second [Aparajita] axe attack comes swinging down. I drop the remaining left side of my [Oneiros Flugel], and send it flying towards her with a smack from my tail. Using the recoil, I fly backwards while continuing to recover with [Autoregeneration] and [High Rest].

Her [Aparajita] axe smacks into the left half of the [Oneiros Flugel], sending it hurtling downwards. It was destroyed in mere moments, but it played an important role in interrupting her attack. Thats more than enough value for a greatshield that only cost me a moment to bring out.

Until now, Ive been thinking of this battle as a contest of who can shave down the others MP more effectively. We both have high maximum HP and have ample resistance and recovery skills, so both of us can restore our HP before it hits zero.

However That last attack that hit me could have depleted all my HP at once. Its probably the result of a combination of her big swing from an [Aparajita] axe, the boosts from [Chakra Awakening], the attribute compatibility, and the direct hit from the front, but The fact that I could have had all my HP gone at once had it gone slightly worse isnt just something I can just ignore.

[Aparajita] can take on any shape, and [Immortal Step] gives her too many options. Its too optimistic to think that I understand all her attack patterns. I shouldnt count out the possibility of her using a method I havent thought of to bring something with high firepower to bear.

While shes under the effects of [Chakra Awakening], shes powerful enough to cut down most of my HP in one blow. I should probably act with that in mindNo matter how much MP itll cost, I should constantly keep my HP at maximum.

Lilixiras body shakes violently. I didnt deal any damage in the earlier clash, but [Chakra Awakening]s burden is probably taking its toll. I throw three [Dimension Claws] as I keep my distance and continue to heal.

Lilixiras figure flickers in and out of existence After all, is it impossible for me to catch her if I dont use close combat?

Lilixira reappears, the [Aparajita] greataxe gone from her hand. I look towards the greataxe of light that has suddenly appeared in midair. Its heading straight for me while spinning chaotically.

She threw the axe at me using [Immortal Step] as cover! At the same time, shes readying another four [Aprajita] chakrams. Using [Dragon Mirror], I change into a baby dragon form and climb into the air. The [Aparajita] greataxe cleaves through the air right below me.

If Lilixira maintains a medium distance and keeps using [Aparajita] to attack, itll be best for me to continue avoiding in this form. Even for her, she should be unable to ignore the burden from [Chakra Awakening]. Im worried she might use [Immortal Step] to close the distance under cover of her chakrams, but Ive seen that pattern once already. The next time she uses it, Ill be able to respond more effectively.

Its going to be a tough battle even with this choice of action, but jumping directly into the face of that [Chakra Awakened] Lilixira isnt a wise plan at all. If she doesnt plan on coming into hand-to-hand combat herself, then Ill stick to evasion.

Lilixira comes chasing after me as I escape. She isnt using [Immortal Step]. Shes probably waiting for the optimal timing.

And then my [Presence Perception] picks up on an approaching presence. Its coming towards us. Probably a human Whoever it is, theyre riding on a flying monster.

Is it Volk and the black lizard? Id rather not consider it, but theres a possibility it might be Howgrey.

An interruption is definitely far from desirable at this point. Even if its Volk and the others, its almost impossible for them to contest with the current Lilixira. Frankly speaking, theyll end up getting in my way more than they will Lilixiras.

If thats Howgrey, then of course theres no way I can let him link up with Lilixira. I still cant deal with his strange movement. Theres the option of using my speed to shake him off and stay away from him, but if I do that, Howgreys surroundings will become a safe zone for Lilixira.

Im maintaining distance from her at the moment, but I dont plan on completely runing away and escaping. It shouldnt be Lilixiras desire to let this battle be interrupted, either.

If I look from Lilixiras point of view, this time shes gathered forces to oppose me from around the world, and used her own evolution to fight with the aim of cutting down my MP as efficiently as possible. If Im forced to run away, then the next time shell probably have fewer allies than before, and the abuse of [Reincarnation Moult] and [Immortal Step] wont be as overwhelming now that Ive fought against them once.

And for myself as well, I cant imagine Aro and the others being able to keep surviving if battles like this keep occurring. I want to end things with Lilixira as soon as I can.

Itll become a disadvantage if the person in front of me links up. However I cant afford to change my flight path. I glance backwards.

Fufu it seems that luck is on my side.

Lilixiras torn mouth splits open in a laugh. For her, it doesnt matter whether theyre an enemy or an ally. If theyre on my side, shell attack and Ill have no choice but to defend them; if theyre her ally, shell probably work out how to utilise their fighting strength as is.

If thats the case, then Ill have no choice but to link up with them first! I raise my flying speed.

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Do you think that Ill allow that to happen?

The space around Lilixira distorts and she closes the distance in one move. She releases the four [Aparajita] chakrams from her hands at the same time.

Ive gotten used to dealing with those! While being vigilant for a sudden attack from Lilixira with [Immortal Step], I dart around with irregular movements, making myself harder to hit.

Even though their paths are being altered by [Immortal Step], my mind is beginning to catch up with the chakrams. It seems complicated, but there arent actually that many patterns they can take. I can understand them. Now, its just a matter of how quickly I can react, and how much I can outthink her.

If Im in this position, I wont be hit by three of the [Aparajita] chakrams.

A slight smile appears at the corner of Lilixiras lips. I understand her plan. I havent grasped the movements of the fourth chakram, but since its clear that my current space is safe, I should probably consider that shes purposefully herding me here.

[Ideal Weapon]!

I call to mind [Ideal Weapon] at my side. As the fourth [Aparajita] chakram comes flying in horizontally, its stopped in its tracks by the two wings of the oneiros. The [Oneiros Flugel] falls to the bottom of the cliff, a large indentation carved into it.

Maintaining my current body is troublesome, so I had planned on stopping it. The MP cost is accumulating, but its still better than spending the MP to heal my body. Ill stick to reliably enduring her attacks. Lilixira wont let any half-hearted attacks hit her, or crude defences hinder her. She would just predict me and easily win. I need to move more cautiously than usual.

Seeing that Lilixiras [Chakra Awakening] is still in use, I dont plan on going out of my way to attack her. Ill stick to defence, and then land a certain hit the moment her patience slips.

As I decided to escape further upwards, my [Presence Perception] informs me that the third party has drawn close. While moving away from Lilixira, I raise my head to check who they are.

The blonde woman with sanpaku eyes raises her sword atop her dragon.

[Lucent Luna]!

Ten bullets of light shoot towards me, moments after I barely dodged Lilixiras chakram. Two of them strike true. Heat bursts along my wings.

In my baby dragon form my defence is greatly decreased, but still, the damage isnt too much. [Lucent Luna] is a long distance attack skill, and seems to be a technique to keep enemies in check. Thats probably why its damage is so low and its unable to pierce the thin wings of a baby dragon.

Why did she come here? Alphiss should know more than anyone that this isnt a battle she can do something about by charging in by herself.

It might be bad of me to say this, but Im glad that its not Aro and the others, who would have tried to fight Lilixira, or the troublesome Howgrey who would have added to her fighting strength. Lilixira herself seems like she wasnt expecting Alphiss to show up either, and is glaring at her with furrowed brows.