Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Published at 13th of April 2022 04:01:37 PM

566 [Oneiros Flugel]

Four chakrams are released from Lilixiras hands. I change my form into a baby dragon using [Dragon Mirror].

The chakrams have gotten a bit bigger, but this is still the best way to avoid them. In my original oneiros size, its not completely impossible, but I cant reliably avoid them at all.

I spread out the same [Mirror Counter] wall of light as before around me. Its not for repelling the chakrams. I put it in place so that Ill be able to immediately react to the sound of it breaking if she suddenly shunts in with [Immortal Step].

However, this isnt enough for me to feel safe. With my countermeasures against her becoming solidified, it doesnt seem likely that Lilixira would repeat the same attack pattern again and again.

[Chakra Awakening] is constantly consuming her HP and MP. Because its Lilixira, she wont fire off her four [Aparajitas] without a purpose, and she should also be aiming to avoid receiving damage and having to use MP to recover.

Lilixiras movements have become faster. Shes strengthened the power of her skills as well.

However, its not all benefits for her. [Chakra Awakening]s demerit is that she will no longer be able to fight with the intention to prolong the battle. She shouldnt be able to stick to feints and being reactive.

She cant rely on her strategy of attacking from a safe distance and countering me when I attack. Shell have to attack in some different way. My only choice is to do my best to endure.

I have to properly convert [Chakra Awakening]s demerits into advantages for me without having its merits run roughshod over me. If I let her fight, brandishing her strengthened skills, I could be downed in an instant under the face of [Chakra Awakening]s firepower.

The [Aparajita] chakrams jolt around as their trajectories are muddled by [Immortal Step]. Suddenly, an uncomfortable feeling came over me. The chakrams encircle me as though to crush any escape routes I might have.

Lilixira hasnt made it easy for me to take advantage of any weaknesses up to now. If I chose to counter her attacks, it wont succeed unless I somehow took her by surprise. After all, when she decides to attack, she would hardly take any action based on expecting a soft reaction from her opponent. Her incredibly mechanical way of fighting is probably a combination of her inherent personality, as well as an accumulation of meticulously-simulated outcomes with [Laplace Interference Authority].

Her purpose in throwing the chakrams at this point isnt to land them as an attack. She wants to lock me in this position so that she can bring the fight to a point-blank engagement distance favouring swift attacks. I cant think of any other reason why she would spread them out like this.

Although shes strengthened from [Chakra Awakening], it would be strange after all for her to repeat an attack Ive dealt with before and have gotten used to, without putting a spin on it. Its possible if she was a different enemy, but this woman wouldnt do such a thing. That much should be within my predictions.

If Lilixira is about to charge me, itll be bad if I remain in this baby dragon form. However, the chakrams are flying back towards me. Im not confident in avoiding them without my baby dragon form.

This isnt the time to hesitate. I cancel [Dragon Mirror] and leap to the front, releasing [Dimension Claw] forward as I do so. That should effectively cut her off if she attacks from the front.

As I swing my arm fully, Lilixira takes the space above me. Her arm raises high a giant axe of light. It seems to be made using [Aparajita].

It looks like she did a zigzag movement using [Immortal Step]. Rather than closing the distance as fast as she could, she predicted and dodged my [Dimension Claw].

You saw through what I was aiming for well. However, you were just one move behind.

Its as Lilixira says. If I had predicted that her motive in throwing the [Aparajitas] was to attack me from behind in hand-to-hand combat the moment she acted, I would have been able to safely react.

She read as far ahead as my [Dimension Claw], so she even predicted that I would fail to realise in time. No even if I had realised a moment sooner, Ive been forced to be so wary of the [Aparajita] attack she launches from safety that I probably wouldnt be able to act based on that prediction until I could see the trajectories of the chakrams, much less to respond perfectly with just an instant to decide. Its impossible no matter how I consider it.

Has Lilixira chosen to close in after reading that far ahead? Shes been cautious to the point of sickness until now. If I consider the fact that shes accepted the risks in doing so, it might be valid to think that Im moving according to her plan.

I turn to meet Lilixira, twisting my body as I rise. For her to have chosen to fight from above me, theres a high chance [Aparajita] chakrams are aimed a little further down. Even for Lilixira, there might be a chance shell hit herself with those if she makes a single misstep.

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A sharp pain erupts from my tail. One of the [Aparajita] chakrams has hit. It was going as I predicted, but I wasnt able to avoid one!

At the same time, Lilixira brings down her giant axe of light towards me. It cuts diagonally through my chest.

My vision is steeped in blue from my blood. I almost lose consciousness for a moment. I must have taken considerable damage. Its probably a combination of the [Chakra Awakening] stat boost, the stupidly huge [Aparajita] axe, and the fact that she landed a clean direct hit. One blow is quite capable of causing half my maximum HPs worth of damage. Id have died for sure if I got hit by that in my baby dragon form.

Before I can right myself, the second blow comes! As I do my utmost to escape upwards and away, I use [Ideal Weapon].

What I bring out is a greatshield that can let me get through this!

[Oneiros Flugel]: Value L (Legendary)

[Defence: 3000]

A greatshield faintly glowing with blue threads.

Made using the wings of the [Dream Dragon] governing the world of dreams.

It is said to have been used as the gateway that divides the human and divine worlds.

Superficial attacks will naturally not penetrate, and those who draw close will find themselves bewildered by illusions.

An enormous shield with a gradation of purple and blue light spreads out in front of me. The shields design has the oneiros two wings on the left and right with what looks like a whirlpool swirling into the centre in between them. I immediately change my forelimbs shape using [Dragon Mirror] and hold up the [Oneiros Flugel]. Apparently, thanks to the skills increase in level, the equipment I get from it has evolved from the ouroboros to the oneiros.

The shield doesnt give a boost to defence, but rather has its own defence stat. It should have been obvious that this was how shields work, since its not as though the bearer would take damage from an arrow they block, but its the first time Ive seen this mechanism. Its probably not able to completely repel attacks, but I should be able to endure a few hits with it.

In the meantime, Ill get rid of my chest injury using [Autoregeneration] and [Dragon Mirror]. Using both together, Im better able to control the MP cost of healing. I recover my HP using [High Rest].

The blow from the giant [Aparajita] axe crashes into the [Oneiros Flugel]. The [Oneiros Flugel]s right half flies away, spinning into the air, and the remaining left half is missing a big portion as well. It was better than nothing, but it wasnt able to block as much as I thought. It really was about only as effective as a meat shield withDefence: 3000.

The one to meet that will be me. It will not be you.

Lilixira says while glaring at me. Would that refer to [Gods Voice]? Shes referring to the target of her idolisation in an awfully rude manner.