Putnam's Word Book - Part 261

Part 261

wonted, a. accustomed, customary, usual, habitual.

wood, n. timber; duramen, heartwood; alburnum, sapwood; kindling, fuel. a.s.sociated Words: kyanize, fissile, fissility, lignification, lignify, ligniferous, lignescent, lignite, lignivorous, xylopyrography, pyrography, veneer, cord.

wood, n. forest, wold, grove, woodland, timberland, copse.

woodbine, n. honeysuckle, caprifole, eglantine; Virginia creeper.

woodcoal, n. charcoal; lignite, brown coal.

wood-engraving, n. xylography; woodcut.

wooden shoe. sabot, clog.

woodman, n. forester.

wood-nymph, n. dryad, hamadryad.

woods, n. pl. forest.

wood-sugar, n. xylose.

woody, a. wooden, ligneous; sylvan, bosky.

wooing, n. courtship.

wool, n. fleece; worsted, merino, pelotage; mortling, a.s.sociated words: laniferous, lanifical, lanigerous, lanolin, depilate, depilation, depilatory.

woolly, a. downy, fleecy, nappy, lanate.

word, n. term, vocable; etymon, root; derivative; signal, order, command; promise, affirmation, parole.

wordbook, n. dictionary, lexicon, thesaurus, glossary.

word for word. _verbatim_, literally.

wordiness, n. verbosity, prolixity, verbiage, pleonasm, redundancy.

wording, n. phrasing.

words, n. pl. phraseology; vocabulary. a.s.sociated Words: glossary, glossarist, glossography, glossology, glossologist, lexicology, lexicologist, etymology, etymologist, etymologize, neology, lexicography, terminology, paronomasia, pun, punning, onomatopoea, syncope, syncopation, literal, literally, literalism, transliteration, verbal, verbalist, verbalism, battology, logomachy, logomachist, verbarium, apocope, kyriology, metonomy, autonomasia, multiloquence, perissology, purism, purist, elision, polysynthesis, coin, coinage, apheresis, aphetic, aphetism, aphesis, onomatopoiesis, metaphrase, acrostic, rebus, synecdoche, verbicide, verbomaniac, locution.

words of an opera. libretto. a.s.sociated Word: librettist.

wordy, a. diffuse, prolix, verbose, redundant, pleonastic.

Antonyms: terse, succinct, laconic.

work, v. toil, labor, strive; drudge, slave; operate, manipulate, perform; ferment, effervesce. Antonyms: shirk, idle, dabble, loaf, soldier (Colloq.).

work, n. industry, toil, labor, employment, occupation; effort, exertion, striving; drudgery; diligence, a.s.siduity; business, duty, job, task; _magnum opus_. Antonyms: idleness, dalliance, trifling, sloth, sluggardy, truancy, dabbling, dilettanteism, relaxation, leisure, vacation.

work-bag, n. reticule.

worker, n. artisan, artificer, craftsman, handicraftsman, journeyman, mechanic, workman, laborer, operative, industrial. Antonyms: idler, drone, dabbler, sluggard, truant, dilettante, loafer, shirker.

working, a. industrious.

working man. worker, laborer.

working together., cooperation; collusion; concurrence; collaboration.

workman, n. artisan, artificer, craftsman, journeyman. See worker.

work together. cooperate; collude; concur; collaborate.

world, n. earth, creation, universe, cosmos; globe; planet; macrocosm, microcosm. a.s.sociated Words: cosmology, cosmologist, cosmography, cosmogony, cosmographer, cosmogonist, cosmometry, cosmoplastic, cosmic, cosmolatry, cosmopolite, cosmopolitan, cataclysm, ante-mundane, secularize, secularization, secularist, supermundane, geography, geology, paleontology, tellurian, telluric.

wordliness, n. secularity, secularism.

worldly, a. terrestrial, earthly, mundane, terrene; secular, temporal.

worldly-minded, a. irreligious, sordid, groveling.

worm, v. wriggle, insinuate.

worm killer. vermicide.

worm medicine. vermifuge, anthelmintic, helminthagogue.

worms, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: helminthology, helminthologist, vermeology, vermeologist, vermifugal, verminivorous, vermin, vermiculate, vermiculated, vermiculation, taenifuge, helminthic, helminthiasis, vermicious, vermicular, vermiculose, anthelmintic, wormy.

worm-shaped, a. vermiform, vermicular, wormlike.

worn away. eroded, abraded, attrite.

worry, v. hara.s.s, vex, annoy, torment, tease, fret, trouble, pester, badger, harry, importune; be anxious, be solicitous, fret.

worry, a. anxiety, fretting, apprehension, concern, solicitude.

Antonym: unconcern.

worrying, a. anxious, distressing, carking.

worship, n. adoration, homage; idolatry, deification, apotheosis.

a.s.sociated Words: liturgies, liturgy, ritual, cult, fetish, fetishism, totem, totemism.

worship, v. adore, revere; idolize, deify, apotheosize, glorify.

worst, v. defeat, vanquish, conquer, overcome, overthrow, discomfit, rout.

worth, n. worthiness, excellence, virtue, merit, integrity, honor; value.