Putnam's Word Book - Part 260

Part 260

winning, n. achievement, gaining.

winning, a. charming, captivating, winsome, engaging.

winter, n. a.s.sociated Words: hibernation, hibernal, hibernacle, hyemation, hibernaculum, hyemal, brumal.

winter, v. hibernate.

wipe, v. swab; expunge, efface, obliterate, erase.

wipe, n. gibe, taunt, jeer, sarcasm.

wireless telegraphy. a.s.sociated Word: marconigram.

wire-pulling, n. intrigue.

wisdom, n. lore, learning, sapience, erudition, knowledge, enlightenment.

wise, a. erudite, sapient, learned, philosophical, enlightened, sage; sagacious, expedient.

wiseacre, n. pretender, sciolist, ignoramus.

wisely, adv. prudently, judiciously, sapiently, sagaciously.

wise man. Solon, sage, oracle, luminary, authority, philosopher, Nestor, savant, philomath, scholar.

wise men (of the East). Magi.

wish, v. desire, aspire; invoke, imprecate; congratulate, felicitate (wish happiness to).

wish, n. desire, longing, aspiration, hankering.

wishbone, n. merry thought, furculum; fourchette.

wishing, n. longing, aspiration.

wit, n. sense, understanding; repartee, drollery, facetiousness, jocularity, waggishness; wag, humorist.

witch, n. sorceress, enchantress; hag; siren; warlock (male witch).

witchcraft, n. sorcery, enchantments, necromancy, black art, conjuration, incantation; fascination, witchery.

witchery, n. witchcraft, sorcery; fascination, spell, charm, entrancement.

witch-hazel, n. hamamelis.

witching, a. bewitching, fascinating, charming.

withdraw, v. retire, retreat, quit; recall, retract, recant, disavow.

withdrawal, n. retirement, retreat; retraction, recantation, disavowal.

withering, a. blighting, blasting, marcescent.

with foal. pregnant.

withhold, v. refrain, abstain; refuse, deny.

withholding, n. restraint, repression, abstinence; refusal, denial.

witness, v. testify, bear witness, confirm, corroborate, attest.

witness, n. attestation, testimony, evidence; eye-witness, deponent, attestor.

witty, a. facetious, droll, sharp.

witty sayings. witticisms, conceits, facetiae, _bons mots_.

wizard, n. wonder-worker, magician, conjurer, sorcerer, enchanter, necromancer.

wizardry, n. wonder-working, sorcery, necromancy.

wolf, n. coyote; werewolf, lycanthrope.

wolfish, a. lupine, ravenous.

woman, n. dame, matron; mulier; adult. a.s.sociated Words: gynecology, gynecologist, gyniatrics, gyneocracy, gynecocracy, gynocracy, gynecian, gynarchy, gyneolatry, gyneolater, gynephobia, gynecopathy, philogynist, philogyny, misogyny, femicide, matriarchy, gynaeceum.

woman-hater, n. misogynist.

womanhood, n. womanliness, femininity, feminality.

womanish, a. effeminate, feminine.

womb, n. uterus, venter, matrix, matrice. a.s.sociated Words: uterine, metritis.

wonder, n. surprise, astonishment, amazement, awe; phenomenon, miracle, prodigy, marvel, rarity.

wonder, v. marvel.

wonderful, a. marvelous, wondrous, phenomenal, miraculous, portentous.

wonder-worker, n. wizard, magician, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist, necromancer.

wonder-working, n. wizardry, magic, sorcery, thaumaturgy, necromancy.

wonder-working, a. magical, thaumaturgic, miraculous, necromantic, wizard.

wont, n. habit, custom, practice.