Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 88

Part 88

=cauce=, _m._, bed of a river.

=cauchal=, _m._, part of a forest where rubber-trees are abundant.

=cauchera=, _f._, see =cauchal=.

=caucho=, _m._, rubber in a raw state.

=caudal=, _m._, amount; (_Sp. A._) the amount of water carried by a river.

=cauteloso, -a=, cautious.

=cavado, -a=, excavated.

=cavar=, to dig.

=caza=, _f._, hunting.

=cazador=, _m._, hunter.

=cazuela=, _f._, earthen pot, also the meat cooked in it; in Sp. A. theaters, the gallery reserved for women (in Cuba, the uppermost gallery).

=cebado, -a=, fattened.

=cebar=, to feed animals, to fatten; =---- mate= (_Sp. A._), to brew and serve "mate."

=cebo=, _m._, bait.

=cebon=, _m._, fat bullock _or_ hog.

=cedazo=, _m._, sieve; (_Sp. A._) kind of dance.

=ceder=, to grant, to cede, to yield.

=cedula=, _f._, bond, security; license, such as is granted to properly qualified chauffeurs and aviators.

=ceiba=, _f._, cottonwood tree.

=ceja=, _f._, eyebrow; summit of a mountain.

=celebrar=, to celebrate, to praise, to commend.

=celeste=, sky-blue.

=celosia=, _f._, lattice of a window or door; Venetian blind.

=cemento=, _m._, cement, concrete; =---- armado=, reinforced concrete.

=cenefa=, _f._, tr.i.m.m.i.n.g, band on the edge of a stuff.

=ceniciento, -a=, ash-colored.

=ceniza=, _f._, ashes, cinders.

=cenizoso, -a=, _see_ =ceniciento=.

=centelleante=, sparkling, flashing.

=centenar=, _m._, a hundred.

=centinela=, _m._, sentry.

=cercania=, _f._, proximity, neighborhood, vicinity.

=cerda=, _f._, coa.r.s.e hair in a horse's tail or mane; bristle.

=cerner=, to soar.

=cerrajero=, _m._, locksmith.

=cerramiento=, _m._, the action of locking or closing.

=cerril=, rough, mountainous, wild; untamed.

=certificado=, _m._, voucher; =---- de deposito=, deposit voucher.

=cibelina=, _f._, marten.

=cielito=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a folk-dance.

=cielo=, _m._, sky, heaven; =---- raso=, ceiling.

=cierne=, _see_ =cerner=.

=cima=, _f._, top, summit.

=cimarron=, _m._, formerly a runaway slave; a runaway.

=cimbrador, -a=, flexible.

=cincelado, -a=, engraved, carved.

=cincelar=, to chisel.

=cincha=, _f._, cinch, girth.

=cinchada=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), tug-of-war between opposing groups on horseback.

=circundado, -a=, surrounded.