Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 87

Part 87

=canto=, _m._, song; poetry, verse; edge, border, side.

=cantor=, _m._, poet, singer.

=cana=, _f._, sugar-cane; a hollow-stemmed reed; (_Sp. A._) rum.

=canada=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), rivulet, brook, canyon, gully.

=canagua=, _f._, South American plant.

=canaveral=, _also_ =ca.n.a.l= (_Mex._), _m._, sugarcane plantation.

=caneria=, _f._, drain-pipes, water-pipes, piping.

=caoba=, _f._, mahogany-tree.

=capa=, _f._, cloak, mantle; layer _or_ stratum; wrapper-leaf (tobacco).

=capataz=, _m._, overseer, superintendent, warden, foreman.

=capaz=, capable.

=capear=, to challenge a bull with cloak or flag.

=capellan=, _m._, chaplain; clergyman on a large plantation who has charge of the religious welfare of the family and laborers.

=capital=, _m._, money invested or drawing interest; _adj._, princ.i.p.al, leading, capital, essential.

=capote=, _m._, cloak; =---- para lluvia=, raincoat.

=caracol=, _m._, snail; =escalera de ----=, winding stairs.

=caracteristica=, _f._, actress who takes character parts in plays and comedies.

=caramba=, _int._, hah! strange!

=caramelo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), caramel, candy.

=carancho=, _m._, small South American bird of prey.

=carbon=, _m._, coal, charcoal.

=cardenal=, _m._, cardinal; a South American bird with brilliant red plumage.

=careo=, _m._, the act of confronting the accuser and accused.

=cargamento=, _m._, load.

=cargar=, to load, to charge, to attack.

=cariacontecido=, sad, mournful.

=carne=, _f._, flesh, pulp of fruit.

=carnoso, -a=, fleshy, pulpy.

=caro, -a=, expensive; dear, beloved.

=carrera=, _f._, race; =---- con obstaculos=, hurdle race.

=carretera=, _f._, roadway.

=carrillo=, _m._, cheek, the fleshy part of the face.

=carta=, _f._, letter; =---- de recomendacion=, a letter recommending the bearer; =---- de presentacion=, letter of introduction; =---- de credito=, letter of credit; chart; =---- de naturaleza=, naturalization papers.

=cartel=, _m._, (theater) bill, announcement.

=carton=, _m._, cardboard, pasteboard.

=cartucho=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), paper cone in which grocers wrap purchases.

=cartulina=, _f._, bristol board, cardboard.

=casa=, _f._, house; firm; =---- de compra y venta=, buyers and venders; =---- de empeno=, p.a.w.nshop; =---- de remate=, auctioneer's.

=casaisaco=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a parasitic plant.

=casamiento=, _m._, marriage.

=cascara=, _f._, sh.e.l.l.

=caserio=, _m._, village or small town.

=casero, -a=, domestic.

=casi=, almost; =---- nunca=, very seldom.

=castillo=, _m._, castle; =---- de polvora=, fireworks.

=castizo, -a=, pure (_referring to literary style_).

=casualidad=, _f._, hazard, contingency, chance, accident.

=catedra=, _f._, seat or chair of a professor, head professorship in the Faculty of a university school.

=categoria=, _f._, degree, rank.

=catimbao=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), name applied to a person wearing a mask in a Corpus Christi procession.