Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 73

Part 73

[19] =solo si,= _only_. VARIANT: =Aunque.=

[20] =pasiones en lucha,= _conflicting pa.s.sions_.

[21] =que hacen todo el gasto,= _which are set forth_.

[22] =de no pocas extranjeras,= _of not a few foreign ones_.

[23] =Jose Eusebio Caro.= A Colombian general, statesman and poet.


[24] =a un tiempo,= _at once; at the same time_. VARIANT: =A la vez.=

[25] =Miguel Antonio Caro.= A Colombian writer and statesman.

[26] =digno hijo del,= _a worthy son of_.

[27] =caido en desuso,= _fallen into disuse_.

[28] =20 de julio.= Colombia's national Independence Day.

[29] =Academias americanas.= In most of the Spanish American republics, Academies have been established, corresponding to the Royal Academy of Spain, to which are referred all questions referring to Letters and Language.

[30] =Aquiles J. Echeverria.= A contemporary Costa Rican poet and novelist.

[31] =de Martin Fierro ... Santos Vega.= The two most popular heroes in the _gaucho_ romances by Argentine writers.

[32] =ah, tener eso.... Dios mio!= _would to G.o.d we had that! Ah, if we only had that!_

[33] =Gregorio Gutierrez Gonzalez.= A Colombian poet and statesman.

[34] =andan en boca,= _pa.s.s from mouth to mouth; by word of mouth_.

[35] =vagado en alas de,= wandering on the wings of. VARIANT: =Flotando en alas de.=

[36] =Jose Hernandez.= An Argentine poet, author of Martin Fierro.

[37] =posee el cetro de la poesia criolla,= _he wields the sceptre in creole_ [indigenous, national, _gaucho_, native], _poetry_.

[38] =los tiempos que corren,= _the present time; nowadays_.

[39] =fue poeta a su manera,= _he was a poet after his own fashion_.

[40] =ese gay decir= or =gaya ciencia.= The art of poetry.

[41] =dichos populares,= _common sayings; proverbial sayings_.

[42] =Jorge Isaacs.= A well-known Colombian poet and novelist.

[43] =con tal de,= _provided that_. VARIANT: =Siempre que sea.=

[44] =la Maria.= Note the article before a Christian name when the latter is used as a t.i.tle.

[45] =Eusebio Lillo.= A Chilian poet.

[46] =obra maestra,= _masterpiece_.

[47] =Jose Marmol.= An Argentine poet and novelist.

[48] =los preceptos de escuela,= _academic precepts_.

[49] =no seria dificil que,= _it would not be surprising if_. VARIANT: =Seria posible=.

[50] =superabunda de,= _superabundance of; to abound in excess_.

[51] =En resumen,= _Recapitulating; finally_. VARIANTS: =Para terminar; finalmente; en resolucion.=

[52] =Jose Joaquin Olmedo.= An Ecuadorian poet.

[53] =Desde el principio hasta el fin,= _From beginning to end_.

VARIANT: =De punta a cabo.=

[54] =Son de nota.r.s.e,= _Should be noted_.

[55] =a torrentes,= _in torrents_. VARIANTS: =Arroyos de sangre; rios de sangre.=

[56] =Ricardo Palma.= A Peruvian literary critic, historian and philologist.

[57] =la ciudad de los Reyes,= Lima.

[58] =volver tarumba,= _to drive one crazy_. VARIANT: =Sorber el seso; derretir.=

[59] =Jose Enrique Rodo.= A Uruguayan writer born in 1872.

[60] =de todos modos,= _in any case; anyway_. VARIANT: =Sea lo que fuera= (or =como fuere=); =con todo.=

[61] =Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.= An Argentine writer and statesman.

[62] =en el estrecho marco que significa una vida humana,= _within the narrow limits which mark a single lifetime_.

[63] =Tal ocurre,= _Such is the case; this happens_. VARIANT: =Eso ocurre= (or =pasa=, or =sucede=).

[64] =Enrique Jose Varona.= A well-known Cuban writer and educator.

[65] =por doquier,= everywhere. VARIANTS: =Por todas partes; doquiera.=