Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 120

Part 120

=---- si= (_iron._), yes indeed!

=---- y que?= why not? what else? what then?

=---- que!= why! =---- bien=, well; =acerquese ----=, come nearer then, _or_ well, come nearer.

=puesto=, _m._, shop or place where anything is exposed for sale at retail department; market.

=puf!= an exclamation expressing the unpleasant sensation of a bad smell.

=pujanza=, _f._, power, might, strength, push.

=pulperia=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), a country grocery store and bar.

=pulular=, to swarm, to be alive with.

=puma=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), mountain lion, a species of wildcat or panther.

=puntilla=, _f._, a narrow lace edging.

=punto=, _m._, point; =a ---- de=, on the point of; =---- menos=, a trifle smaller; =a buen ----=, opportunely; =al ----=, at once; =al ---- que=, at the time; =por ---- general=, as a rule; =a ---- fijo=, exactly; =estar en su ----= (_Culinary_), done; st.i.tch; =de ----=, knitted or crocheted.

=puntualidad=, _f._, promptness, punctuality; precision.

=punzante=, p.r.i.c.king, sharp.

=punzar=, to p.r.i.c.k, to puncture, to grieve.

=purificar=, to refine, to clear, to purify.

=puro=, _m._, a cigar.

=purpureo, -a=, purple.

=que=, which, that, who; =lo ----=, that which, what; for, than, as; =tener ----=, to have to, must; =de ----=, of the fact that.

=quebracho=, _m._, a South American hardwood tree.

=quebrada=, _f._, ravine, a deep pa.s.s.

=quebradon=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _see_ =quebrada=.

=quedar=, to remain; =queda.r.s.e con=, to prefer.

=queja.r.s.e=, _refl._, to complain of, to grumble.

=quemar=, to burn; to clear.

=quemazon=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), sale at which goods are sold very cheap.

=quena=, _f._, a musical instrument used by the Bolivian and Peruvian Indians.

=querer=, to love.

=quetzal=, _m._, a trogon of Mexico and Guatemala having golden green plumage.

=quevedos=, _m. pl._, _pince-nez_.

=quiebra= (_Sp. A._), possessed of all the qualities a _gaucho_ admires.

=quien=, who, whom, he who, him who; =---- ... ----=, some ... some, (the) one ... (the) other.

=quina=, _f._, cinchona, quinine.

=quincalleria=, _f._, hardware store and trade.

=quincha=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), humming-bird.

=quinoa=, _f._, a South American plant.

=quintuplicar=, to multiply by five.

=quizas=, perhaps, possibly, in case of.

=rabano=, _m._, radish.

=rabia=, _f._, anger, rage.

=rabioso, -a=, furious, choleric, raging, fierce.

=racimo=, _m._, bunch of grapes.

=racion=, _f._, ration, food for one meal.

=raf.a.ga=, _f._, a violent gust of wind.

=ralo, -a=, thin, tenuous, not compact.

=rallado, -a=, grated, powdered.

=rallar=, to grate, to reduce to a paste or to powder.

=ramal=, _m._, anything springing from another; branch, division; offset.

=ramificado, -a=, branched, divided.

=ramificar=, to branch, to divide.

=rancho=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), farm, ranch; native hut.