Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 119

Part 119

=procaz=, impudent, bold, saucy, insolent.

=proceder=, to come from, to issue forth; _m._, method of procedure.

=procedimiento=, _m._, proceedings, action.

=proceso=, _m._, process, action; =---- juridico=, legal action.

=procurado, -a=, _here_, specially obtained.

=procurador=, _m._, attorney.

=procurar=, to try, to adopt measures for attaining an end.

=producir=, to produce, to bear; _refl._, to explain one's self.

=productor=, _m._, producer.

=produjo=, _from_ =producir=.

=profesion=, _f._, declaration, statement; profession.

=proficuo, -a=, profitable, useful, advantageous.

=profundidad=, _f._, great depth; complexity.

=profundo, -a=, deep, profound.

=prolongar=, to extend, to continue, to prolong.

=p.r.o.nt.i.tud=, _f._, promptness, celerity, dispatch.

=p.r.o.nto, -a=, quick; ready.

=propicio, -a=, propitious, kind, favorable.

=propiedad=, _f._, property, possession; right or rights.

=propietario=, _m._, owner, proprietor.

=propio=, _m._, one's own; those belonging to one's own family, friends or country.

=propio, -a=, own, personal; proper, appropriate; original, genuine, precise; =con sus propias manos=, with his (or her) own hands.

=proponerse=, _refl._, to resolve, to determine, to mean.

=proporcionar=, to afford, to furnish, to supply.

=proposito=, _m._, purpose, design, intention; =a ----=, for the purpose, fit for, by-the-bye.

=proseguir=, to proceed.

=prosista=, _m._, author who writes in prose.

=prosterna.r.s.e=, _refl._, to prostrate or abase one's self.

=proteger=, to protect, to favor, to foment, to back.

=protegido, -a=, favorite, protege.

=protervo, -a=, stubborn, perverse.

=provecho=, _m._, profit; =con ----=, profitably.

=provechoso, -a=, profitable, improving.

=proveedor=, _m._, purveyor.

=proveer=, to provide, to procure beforehand, to supply; _refl._, to provide one's self, to store up.

=proverbio=, _m._, saying, old saw, proverb.

=providencia=, _f._, good judgment, foresightedness.

=provincia=, _f._, state, province; one of the divisions of a country.

=provincial=, pertaining to the province; rustic, countrified.

=provisionalmente=, temporarily, meanwhile, provisionally.

=provisto, -a=, supplied, provided.

=prudentemente=, discreetly.

=prueba=, _f._, proof, test; sign; experiment; =a ---- de incendio=, fire-proof.

=puchero=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _see_ =olla podrida=.

=pueblano=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), one coming from the city.

=pueblero=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _see_ =pueblano=.

=pueblo=, _m._, population, inhabitants, people; =---- bajo=, populace.

=puerta-cancela=, _f._, front-door grating or screen, in Spanish houses.

=puerto=, _m._, port, entrance.

=pues=, then, therefore, inasmuch as, since, sure, surely, certainly, well, then; =y ----?= well, and what of that?