Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 45

Part 45

=arrugado,= wrinkled.

=arruina.r.s.e,= to be ruined, fall into ruin; =habre de arruinarme,= I shall be ruined.

=a.r.s.enal,= _m._, dock-yard.

=arte,= _m. or f._, art.

=artesa,= trough, tub.

=articulo,= article.

=artista,= _m. or f._, artist.

=arzobispo,= archbishop.

=asaltar,= to a.s.sault, fall upon, attack.

=asalto,= a.s.sault.

=asamblea,= a.s.sembly.

=asar,= to roast, broil; =-- a contribuciones,= to roast with taxes, _i.e._, tax to death.

=ascenso,= promotion.

=asco,= nausea, repugnance.

=ascua,= red-hot coal; =pasar sobre --s,= to be uneasy, be "on pins and needles."

=aseado,= neat, tidy.

=asedio,= siege, attack.

=asegurar,= to a.s.sure.

=asemeja.r.s.e,= to resemble.

=asentimiento,= a.s.sent, consent.

=aserto,= a.s.sertion.

=asesinar,= to a.s.sa.s.sinate.

=asesino,= a.s.sa.s.sin.

=asi,= so, thus, in this way, even if; =-- es que,= so, therefore; =ser --,= to be like that; =-- como,= just as; =asi que,= as soon as, so that.

=asiento,= seat.

=asilo,= asylum, refuge.

=asistente,= _m._, servant, orderly.

=asociado,= member, a.s.sociate.

=asomado,= appearing, looking out.

=asomar(se),= to show, appear, come, become visible, begin to appear; =-- a,= to peep from.

=asombrar,= to astonish; =--se (de),= to be astonished (at).

=asombro; con --,= to the amazement.

=asombroso,= wonderful.

=aspecto,= aspect.

=aspero,= harsh, rigid, severe.

=aspirar,= to aspire.

=asta,= horn, antler.

=astillero,= shipyard.

=astrologo,= astrologer.

=asumir,= to a.s.sume, arrogate.

=asunto,= affair, business, subject; _pl._, business affairs.

=asustado,= frightened, terrified.

=asusta.r.s.e,= to be frightened.

=atajar,= to stop, put a stop to.

=ataner,= to concern, affect, touch.

=ataque,= _m._, attack; =-- de nervios,= nervous attack.

=atar,= to tie, fasten.

=ataud,= _m._, coffin.

=atemorizado,= daunted, terror-stricken.

=atencion,= _f._, attention.