Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 44

Part 44

=arcilla,= argil, clay (_for earthen-ware_).

=arco,= arch, bow.

=arcon,= _m._, large chest.

=archivo,= archives.

=arder,= to burn.

=ardiente,= burning, fiery, ardent.

=ardor,= _m._, spirit, ardor, fire.

=ardoroso,= fiery.

=arduo,= arduous, difficult.

=arena,= sand; _pl._, sand.

=arenal,= _m._, sandy ground.

=arenisco,= sandy.

=arenoso,= sandy, covered with sand.

=argamasa,= mortar, cement.

=Argel,= Algiers (_on the northern coast of Africa; capital of the French colony of Algeria_).

=Argos,= Argus (_the mythological being with a hundred eyes, who wot charged by Juno to watch Io; hence, a "sharp-sighted person"_).

=aria,= aria, air, tune.

=arisco,= shy.

=arma,= weapon, arm.

=armar,= to arm, man, stir up, provoke, put up, fit out (_a boat_); =--se,= to arise.

=armario,= closet, cupboard.

=armero,= armourer, gun-smith.

=armonia,= harmony.

=armonioso,= harmonious, regular.

=arnes,= _m._, harness.

=arqueologo,= archaeologist.

=arrancar (a),= to uproot, s.n.a.t.c.h, pull off _or_ out, start off, draw, tear out; =-- a correr,= to start on a run.

=arrancha.r.s.e,= to camp.

=arrasar,= to fill (_a gla.s.s_); =arrasados los ojos en lagrimas,= (one's) eyes filled with tears.

=arrastrar,= to drag, creep, drive; =--se,= to drag oneself, crawl.

=arreador,= _m._, muleteer, carter.

=arrebuja.r.s.e,= to wrap oneself up.

=arrecife,= _m._, reef, shoal.

=arreglar(se),= to arrange, manage; =se las arreglan,= they manage.

=arreglo; con -- a,= according to.

=arremedar,= to imitate.

=arremolina.r.s.e,= to whirl about (_as a windmill_), gather together (_as a mob_).

=arrepentimiento,= repentance, remorse.

=arrepentirse (ie),= to repent.

=arriba,= above, up, upstairs; =de -- abajo,= from end to end, up and down.

=arrimar,= to approach, draw near, bring near; =con solo --le a la nariz,= by merely holding to his nose; =arrimad(it)a a la iglesia,= very pious.

=arrinconado,= rejected.

=arrobamiento,= rapture, delight.

=arrodaja.r.s.e,= to sit down (_on the floor or ground_); =arrodajado,= squatting.

=arrodilla.r.s.e,= to kneel.

=arrogante,= haughty, commanding, proud.

=arrojar,= to throw.

=arropar,= to clothe.

=arroyo,= brook, "creek."

=arruga,= wrinkle.