Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 130

Part 130

=rincon,= _m._, corner.

=rindete,= _imper. of_ =rendirse=.

=rinon,= _m._, kidney; (_fig._) heart.

=rio,= river.

=ripunancia= = =repugnancia=.

=riquezas,= _pl._, riches, wealth.

=riquisimo= (_from_ =rico=)=,= very rich, magnificent.

=risa, risas,= laughter; =me dio una --,= I was seized with a fit of laughter.

=risueno,= smiling, pleasant, lovely.

=ritmo,= rhythm.

=rivalidad,= _f._, rivalry.

=rizado,= curled, crimped.

=rizo,= curl, frill.

=rizoso,= curly.

=robar,= to rob; =-- a,= to steal from.

=robo,= theft, robbery.

=robusto,= robust, strong.

=rociada,= sprinkle.

=rocio,= dew, sprinkling.

=rodar (ue),= to roll, turn.

=rodear,= to surround, run around.

=rodeo,= circ.u.mlocution, roundabout way.

=rodilla,= knee; =de --s,= on one's knees.

=roer,= to gnaw, consume; =-- los huesos,= to calumniate.

=rogar (ue),= to beg, beseech, entreat.

=rojizo,= reddish.

=rojo,= red.

=rollo,= roll; =la medio= -- (= =la barca medio= --), the half-roll.

=romano,= Roman.

=romo,= flat(nosed).

=romper,= to break, tear; =-- a llorar a todo trapo,= to burst into violent weeping.

=roncar,= to snore.

=ronco,= hoa.r.s.e.

=ronda;= =andar a la --,= to go around.

=Ronda,= _prop, noun_ (_Spanish town picturesquely situated in the mountains; about 60 miles north of Gibraltar_).

=rondar,= to haunt, make the rounds.

=rondena,= fandango.

=ronquido,= death rattle, hard breathing; dull, harsh sound.

=Ronsard,= _prof, noun_ (=Pierre de Ronsard= [_1524-85_] _was a French poet and literary reformer_).

=rona,= scab; cunning, craftiness.

=ropa,= clothes, linen; -- _dominguera,_ Sunday-clothes; --=a de desperdicio,= cast-off clothing.

=rosa,= rose; =color de --,= pink, rose-colored.

=rosado,= rosy.

=rosal,= _m._, rosebush; =-- guirnaldero,= climbing rose; =-- de Pasion,= pa.s.sion-flower.

=rosario,= rosary; =acabar, o terminar, como el -- de la aurora= _is an idiomatic expression that is used when speaking of a meeting or a.s.sembly that, by reason of disagreement, breaks up in disorder and tumult_.

=rostro,= face, countenance.

=roto,= _irr. p. p. of_ =romper=.

=rotundamente,= frankly, categorically; =manifesto --=, she made the sweeping statement.

=rozar,= to graze.

=rubicundez,= _f._, blush, copper-color.