Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 129

Part 129

=resto,= rest, remnant, remainder.

=restregar (ie),= to rub.

=resucitar,= to resuscitate, revive.

=resueltamente,= resolutely.

=resuelto,= resolute, bold.

=resaltado,= result.

=resultar,= to result, be the consequence.

=retablo,= reredos (_screen or wall behind an altar_).

=r.e.t.a.r.dar,= to r.e.t.a.r.d, delay.

=retemblar (ie),= to shake, tremble.

=retemblido,= start.

=reticencia,= reticence, pa.s.sing over (in silence).

=retina,= _an intensive form of_ =tina=.

=retirada,= retreat.

=retirar(se),= to retire, withdraw, remove, step back.

=Retiro,= _prop. noun_ (_the largest park in Madrid, laid out as a retreat_ [=retiro=] _for one of the kings of Spain. It has shady walks and drives, with ponds, fountains and statuary_).

=retorcer (ue),= to twist.

=retorcido,= twisted, winding, crooked.

=retozo,= romping, frolic.

=retrato,= picture.

=retroceder,= to retreat.

=retumbar,= to resound.

=reunion,= _f._, a.s.sembly, gathering, party; =lugar de --,= rendezvous, place of meeting.

=reunir(se),= to a.s.semble, gather (together), collect.

=revelacion,= _f._, revelation, confession.

=reventar (ie),= to burst, explode.

=reverencia,= reverence, respect; =hacer --,= to bow; =Reverencia,= your Reverence.

=reverenciar,= to reverence.

=reves,= _m._, reverse; =al --,= in the wrong order, wrong.

=revestir (i),= to take on, put on, adorn.

=revista,= review; =pasar --,= to pa.s.s muster, pa.s.s ... in review.

=revolca.r.s.e (ue),= to roll, turn over, writhe.

=revolotear,= to flutter; _noun_, fluttering.

=revolver (ue), revolver(se),= to move to and fro, turn, stir, shift, writhe; =--lo todo,= to mix up everything.

=revuelto= (_p. p. of_ =revolver=)=,= intricate, mixed up.

=rey,= _m._, king; =Rey Mago,= wise man (_from the east:, cf. Matthew, ii, 1_).

=reyerta,= quarrel.

=rezador, -a,= one who prays often.

=rezar,= to pray.

=rezo,= prayer.

=riachuelo,= small river.

=rial= = =real=.

=ribete,= _m._, border, streak.

=ridiculo,= ridiculous.

=rie,= _pr. ind. of_ =reir=.

=riendo,= _pr. p. of_ =reir=.

=riesgo,= risk.

=rigido,= rigid, stiff.

=rigor,= _m._, severity, strictness; =de --,= indispensable.

=rigorosamente,= strictly, severely.