Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 123

Part 123

=proteger,= to protect, favor.

=protestar,= to protest.

=provechoso,= beneficial, profitable.

=proveer (a),= to provide (for).

=provenir,= to arise, originate, proceed.

=providencia,= providence.

=provincia,= province.

=provincial,= provincial; =Padre --,= Provincial Father (_member of a religious order who has authority over all monasteries of his order in a province_).

=provisto= (_p. p. of_ =proveer=)=,= provided.

=provocar,= to challenge, spur on, provoke.

=provocativo,= quarrelsome.

=proximo,= near, next, adjacent, neighboring; =-- a,= about to.

=proyectar,= to plan, scheme.

=proyectil,= _m._, projectile.

=proyecto,= project, plan.

=prudencia,= prudence.

=prueba,= proof.

=publicidad,= _f._, publicity.

=puchero,= grimace; =hacer --s,= to whimper.

=pude, -iste, -o,= _pret. of_ =poder=.

=pudiera, pudiese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =poder=.

=pudrir=; _see_ =podrir=.

=pue= = =puede=.

=pueblo,= people, common people, town, village.

=puente,= _m._, bridge.

=pueril,= childish.

=puerilidad,= _f._, childishness.

=puerta,= door, gate (_of a town_).

=Puerta del Sol,= _prop. noun_ (_lit._, gate of the sun: _the central square of Madrid_).

=puertecita,= small door _or_ gate.

=puerto,= seaport.

=Puerto Rico,= Porto Rico (_lit._, Rich Port).

=pues,= well, then; because, since, for.

=puesta; -- del sol,= sunset.

=puesto,= stand, booth, stall.

=puesto= (_p. p. of_ =poner=)=; -- que,= since, seeing that.

=pugnar,= to struggle.

=pulga,= flea; =malas --s,= bad temper.

=pulido,= polished.

=pulmonia,= pneumonia; =-- doble,= double pneumonia (_i.e. of both lungs_).

=pulpo,= cuttle-fish.

=pulso,= pulse; =con gran --,= with great circ.u.mspection; =tomar el --,= to sound, search.

=punta,= point, corner.

=puntapie,= _m._, kick.

=punto,= point, dot, moment; =de todo --,= absolutely; =en --,= sharp; =-- final,= full stop, period; =a --,= to the point; =al --,= forthwith; =en -- a,= in regard to; =a -- fijo,= exactly; =-- discutible,= subject for discussion.

=punal,= _m._, dagger.

=punalada,= thrust with a dagger, cut.

=punetazo,= blow with the fist (_see_ H. F. Gr., -- 205).

=puno,= fist; =falta de --s,= lack of strength, skill; =cerrar el --,= to clench one's hand; =puno!= hang it!

=pupila,= pupil (_of the eye_).