Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 122

Part 122

=probablemente,= probably.

=probar (ue),= to prove; =-- a,= to try.

=probe= = =pobre=.

=probidad,= _f._, probity, honesty.

=problema,= _m._, problem.

=proceder (de),= to proceed (from).

=procer,= _m._, grandee (_n.o.bleman of Spain_).

=procesion,= _f._, procession.

=proceso,= trial.

=Procopio,= Procopius.

=procurar,= to try, procure; =procure que se fijasen en,= I sought to have them notice.

=prodigalidad,= _f._, prodigality.

=prodigio,= marvel.

=producir,= to produce.

=produjo,= _pret. of_ =producir=.

=profanar,= to profane.

=profano,= profane.

=proferir (ie),= to utter, p.r.o.nounce, express.

=profesar,= to profess, entertain (_as affection_); take the vows.

=profetico,= prophetic.

=profugo,= fugitive.

=profundisimo= (_from_ =profundo=)=,= deepest.

=profundo,= deep, profound.

=profusion,= _f._; =con --,= lavishly, copiously.

=progresar,= to progress, advance.

=prohibir,= to forbid.

=prolijo,= painful, long lasting.

=prolongado,= prolonged.

=prolongar,= to continue, extend.

=promesa,= promise, vow.

=prometer,= to promise.

=prometida,= promised wife, betrothed.

=prominente,= prominent.

=promontorio,= promontory.

=p.r.o.nombre,= _m._, p.r.o.noun.

=p.r.o.nosticar,= to predict.

=p.r.o.nt.i.tud,= _f._, quickness, promptness.

=p.r.o.nto,= soon, quickly; =de --,= suddenly; =por el --,= in this moment.

=p.r.o.nunciar,= to utter.

=propicio,= propitious, favorable.

=propiedad,= _f._, property, real estate, ownership; fitness.

=propietario,= owner.

=propio,= own, suitable, self, becoming; =-- de (en),= peculiar to; =al -- tiempo,= at the same time; =lo -- (de),= the same (as).

=proponer(se),= to propose, determine.

=proporcionado,= suitable, proper.

=proposito,= purpose, plan; =a --(de),= apropos (of), by the way; =de --,= on purpose; =hacer --,= to make a resolution.

=propuse, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =proponer=.

=prorrumpir,= to burst out.

=proseguir (i),= to pursue, continue.

=prosigamos,= _pr. subj. of_ =proseguir=.