Handy Dictionary Of Poetical Quotations - Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 118

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 118

of thought and passion, 294.

Character in thy life, 295.

Charity, alas for the rarity of, 298.

fulfils the law, 297.

Charm, the, by sages often told, 401.

Charms strike the sight, 299.

Chastity, saintly, 300.

Chatterton, the marvellous boy, 301.

Chaucer, well of English, 302.

Cheek, fed on her damask, 374.

o'er her warm, 193.

Cherubims, still quiring to the, 1708.

Chickens, count their, 305.

Child, a thankless, 985.

is father of the man, 309.

Childhood, the scenes of my, 1453.

Children are the keys of Paradise, 310.

gathering pebbles, 312.

if the, were no more, 307.

Chime, faintly as tolls the evening, 314.

Chivalry, charge with all thy, 142.

Choice, follow thou thy, 317.

goes by forever, 514.

Choler, room to your rash, 318.

Christ, ring in the, 172 the one great word, 322.

was born across the sea, 320.

went agin war, 323.

Christians have burnt each other, 176.

Christmas comes but once a year, 324.

hearth, holly round the, 325.

keep our, merry, 327.

tide, bright be thy, 326.

't was the night before, 328.

Church, what is a, 330.

who builds a, 329.

Churchyards, when, yawn, 894.

Circle of the golden year, 151.

Citadel, a towered, 334.

Citizens, before man made us, 335.

City, Cain, the first, made, 786.

one who, in, pent, 336.

Clay, blind his soul with, 338.

Cleopatra, since, died, 145.

Cliff, as some tall, 341.

Clime, cold in, are cold in blood, 352.

Climes beyond the western main, 342.

Cloake, take thine old, 343.

Clock worn out, 844.

Cloud that's dragonish, 1689.

Clouds are angels' robes, 348.

heavy with storms, 346.

hooded, like friars, 150.

on the western side, 347.

trailing, of glory, 743.

Clown, thou art mated with a, 953.

Coach, go call a, 349.

Cock, the early village, 350.

Coincidence, a strange, 351.

Cold, 't is bitter, 353.