Handy Dictionary Of Poetical Quotations - Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 117

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 117

Bride in her bloom, 238.

Bridge of sighs, 1993.

that arched the flood, 239.

Brook, a, comes stealing, 240.

Brookside, I wandered by the, 2041.

Brother, be not over-exquisite, 90.

Bubbles, the earth hath, 243.

Bucket, old oaken, 244.

Bud is on the bough, 245.

Bugle, blow, 246.

Bully, like a tall, 358.

Buttercups, the children's dower, 251.

Butterfly, a mere court, 419.

I'd be a, 218.

Caesar, dead and turned to clay, 253.

the word of, 253.

Calamity, thou art wedded to, 255.

Caledonia, stern and wild, 1052.

Calendar, accursed in the, 454.

Caliban, sweet eyes at, 407.

Calumny will sear Virtue, 257.

Camel to thread a needle's eye, 550.

Candle, did not see the, 367.

hold their farthing, 363.

throws his beams, 259.

Cannons spit forth their indignation, 261.

Canteen, we have drunk from the same, 756.

Captain, boisterous, of the sea, 265.

my, our fearful trip is done, 264.

Caravanserai, God's green, 258.

Care keeps his watch, 266.

pursues its victim, 268.

that is entered once, 267.

to our coffin adds a nail, 269.

will kill a cat, 270.

Cat, a harmless, necessary, 272.

care will kill a, 270.

will mew, 273.

Catalogue, go for men in the, 575.

Cataract haunted me, 274.

Caterpillars of the Commonwealth, 417.

Cato, give his senate laws, 276.

Cattle, call the, home, 277.

Cause, little shall I grace my, 278.

Caverns measureless to man, 282.

Censure from a foe, 285.

take each man's, 41.

Ceremony was but devised, 286.

Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away, 315.

Chamber, come to the bridal, 493.

Chance, all, direction, 289.

dark idolater of, 1584.

grasps the skirts of, 333.

power men call, 288.

Change, fear of, perplexes monarchs, 607.

itself can give no more, 291.

ringing grooves of, 292.

Chaos, black, comes again, 293.

eldest night and, 80.