Empress' Evolution - 9 Plan

9 Plan

"G.o.ddammit, I just remembered this is not human society. I can't promise them wealth or seduce them! This is going to be rather hard!" She was beginning to see why this mission would be so hard.

She had been living as a daemon for weeks now, and with her getting accustomed to living like so she was slowly merging her thoughts of normalcy from her previous life to this one.

Lilith was slowly becoming more and more accustomed to the ways of life of a daemon that she inadvertently mixed both lives up.

But today was her downfall. After realizing that this is the woods were only the strong rules, Lilith will find it hard to have a follower unless she is so dominant that she'll be able to dominate everything and everyone.

"I messed up; I don't think my methods will work in this part of the world!"


[So what, are we going to have to fail the mission? Oh no, I don't want to fail the G.o.ddess.]


"Hmph, who said anything about failing? I may not be able to use my methods in the wilderness, but I have a plan, hehehehehe. The venomous snake shall show you just how much wonder I can create with this dainty hands, paws, and webbed-foot of mine.

"But I don't really like this plan. But I also want that Akas.h.i.+ thingy, I'll just have to suck it up I guess.,"

Thus, Lilith began devising a plan. She gathered fruits and hunted some daemons for meat. She checked the minimap and found the marked areas where the most delectable meat she had tasted.

Alpha became worried about her. She was reluctant to ask, but she needed confirmation.


[Are you going to the Goblin Camp? Are you willing to go to such lengths?]


"I am." Lilith was determined, and from a loli, she turned into a feline and went back home to the cave of the Goblins she had taken over previously.

The cave of the Goblins she took over was neither nor small. Its opening was three meters high and four-meter wide, and the inside was as wide as the entrance. It has a lot of s.p.a.ce, inside, there were many berries and fruits.

"My precious!"

These fruits are rare; it was her treasure as it was sweet and tasty. After eating these sweet and delicious fruits, she remembered the taste of the past, and almost regurgitated the various meat she had previously eaten.

But she had already gotten the t.i.tle of Strong Stomach, so she handled it quite nicely. It was then that she let out a single tear saying, "I've been living a lie." After realizing she was tricking herself to eat such meat to survive.

Steeling her heart to part ways with the berries, she took them away without even tasting them one last time, turning into a loli, she grabbed them one by one. Being a One Horn, she wore an ancient dress known as a kimono. Kimono is a dress from the past. She only got to know these after she visited a museum to view the displays.

By visit, she means to attack, and by view, she means ransack. Hey, they were at war with another organization, they had to do it because it was necessary.

Putting the issue about her ransacking a museum, Lilith kept the berries in her wide sleeves. She scampered about and went to the place she named Goblin Camp.

She once swore not to go back in there as she had already failed miserably after killing the scouts only to be terrified and run away.

Back then, she was merely a LVL 11 scrub too overconfident for her own good. Right now, things are different; she was stronger, much stronger than before. So, was she going to hunt them all down now? h.e.l.l no, she will die even before getting to the second Goblin.

What she about to do is not hunt Goblins but, rob them of their meat!

"Alpha, do you still have the exact coordinates of their meat and blood?"


[You said you would not return there, but I thought we'll head there after reaching LVL 30 or something so I made sure to mark it, now, thank me for my glorious thinking.]


'Yeah, yeah, thank you oh glorious Alpha, now show it on the minimap. I don't want to get lost on the way back. Also, get me Den number 3, 4, and 5's coordinates. I'll try to lure as many as possible.'

The skies are bleeding, and the moon is about to rise. She was on the edge of the tree line. She stood on a thick branch, waiting for darkness to settle. It was cloudy still; the perfect weather.

An hour before the sun to hide behind the mountains, Lilith left for three different places. She had a smile on her face and was giggling like a maniac.


"Groo, Goisja. Nyhahahaha!" One of the Goblins inside the Goblin camp smacked the one in front of it.

"Scree!" The one who got slapped shrieked and pounced at the a.s.sailant.

A fight broke out in the camp, and the Goblins cheered as a festive mood surfaced. Another Goblin came out of the largest tent with a platter made of wood.

The platter had several 'meat' reminiscent of human limbs. But if one looked closely, there was something odd about the limbs they were too similar to one another. Other than the way they were cut and the c.h.i.n.ks on the bone, they were all similar to the tip of the fingers.

"Gra bura graga!"

With those words, the little Goblins, both the guards and the ones fighting and watching the fight celebrated as they accepted the food.

The Goblin holding the platter handed one limb from one to the other. And while the food was being served, another Goblin emerged from the tent.

But this Goblin was different as it was at least two meters tall and had a much larger frame than the rest. Its colour was also far from being green as it was black. It wore a suit of leather clothing. Its feet, shoulders, groin, and chest were all covered, unlike the rest.

It also had a rusty b.a.s.t.a.r.d blade in hand further accentuating its powerful image. It raised the b.a.s.t.a.r.d blade and screamed out loud.

"Harvest! Many! Eat!" The Hobgoblin raised its voice, and the other Goblins also roared as they too celebrated.

A Leader, a daemon with higher tier has higher intelligence. Though there are daemons, who are an exception to this fact. The Hobgoblin raised its voice with gusto, screaming as it showed its prowess.




But the celebration was cut short. Up north, a tent exploded into ablaze. But that was not all after the shelter of the north caught fire, the other tents were also beginning to do so as well.

"What!? Happening!?"

The Hobgoblin asked, its anger was beginning to rise. A Goblin on guarding duty, came running back to the camp. It was alarmed and reported that they had been surrounded by dozens of other Goblins from the surrounding Goblin Den.

The Hobgoblin came out of the burning camp. Just like what had been reported, they were surrounded by Goblins from different areas.

Around the clearing, there were tens of Goblin corpses, and the stench of blood arrived. The Hobgoblin was an intelligent daemon, but its intelligence is limited and couldn't see through the odd holes on the current situation.

"Home! Burnt! Revenge! KILL!"

It roared and called for the Goblins in its camp to take arms and fight to get revenge for their field. A fight between the Goblins of the surrounding area and the Hobgoblin of the clearing started.

The Goblins of the camp went to war and left their home to burn, unguarded.

Inside the largest tent, a person who had flowing black hair was without any clothes. It had breast but no nipple, and on its groin, there was no sign of a p.e.n.i.s or the slit of a v.a.g.i.n.a.

The person was lying on the cold floor, eyeing its surrounding. Its four limbs were all cut off, and fresh blood was on the ground.

However, what was weird was the fact that the limbs were already a stump, and no blood was flowing out of it. And if one look closely, the person's flesh was slowly returning to what it used to be, a complete limb, though it was rather slow.

The person's eyes were devoid of any life, not that it was dead; it just stopped trying to care. It was tied to a pole, and despite the clear signs of fire outside, the person did not move and try to save itself. It had no strength, no strength to move or fight what is about to come.

But then, the entrance opened, the person expected the Hobgoblin to return but what came in was a loli who stood in a very dignified manner. The person eyed the loli, for the first time it had signs of life flickering in its eyes.

The loli smiled after seeing it.

"He truly has no gender, and with your impressive regenerative capabilities, you managed to live. You have no life in your eyes, but I think I can whip you up to shape. Dhampir, become my follower."