Empress' Evolution - 10 Dhampy

10 Dhampy

Sneakily moving as a Newt then lighting it up as a loli.

After doing all that, Lilith now stood before her target. She saw this Dhampir by chance. She saw it when the entrance opened by chance; it was being butchered by the Hobgoblin at that time.

Lilith was pretty sure this Dhampir would be dead and was willing to coax whatever race it is kept in this place, but finding the Dhampir still alive is a rather pleasant surprise.

[Dhampir LVL 17 (Common)]

The shelters were burning, it was a h.e.l.l-like situation, but Lilith stood before the Dhampir as a loli with confidence. She had a comical evil expression, and the Dhampir stared at her with widened eyes.

"You can stare at my glorious image for all you like, but it will not change the situation, and soon enough, you will die. I only have another 30seconds to wait for your answer — correction 25 seconds left. You can either die here and continue becoming the meat of the Goblins or —"

"I'll join you if you can leave this place and live I will become your follower, I will wors.h.i.+p you if you wish for me to do it. Give me a chance to live, and I will cast aside my name and accept the name you will give me."

[System: Number of willing followers: 1/2]

'That was easier than I thought.'


[I know right, I thought all your effort would go down the drain like always but would have thought you gain a follower?]


Lilith waved her hand and burned off the thick rope-vine that bounded the feet of the Dhampir.

"No need to change your name. I only need a follower, not a slave. Stan...right, you can't do that." Lilith expected to escape together with the Dhampir. She expected it to run, but after seeing its four limbs had been severed, Lilith sighed but soon smiled and giggled.

"This is going to be rough, but we'll get out of here. Oh yeah, don't ask any question, while we are running!"

The Goblins continued to fight with other Goblins. The Hobgoblin was decimating the ranks of the invading enemy. It was strong, stronger than any of the group ahead.

It was happily observing the situation whilst enjoying the slaughter of the enemy. Its level had already increased after the hunt, the Hobgoblin was satisfied, but then, a loud crash originated from their camp.

It turned to look at the camp; there, it saw a sight that caused it to shriek in anger.

"Food! No! Run! Away!"

Tied with a thick vine, an Ash Leopard was dragging the source of their meat. The Ash Leopard was running with all its might, not turning back only looking ahead. The Ash Leopard was pulling the Dhampir like it was paper.

"Ow, hey, be careful, if I twist my neck I'm going to die, you know!"

"Bah, who cares, at least try not to make me do more work than I already am. How dare you make your Boss do such a ch.o.r.e!"

Lilith complained as she runs with all her might. The roar of the Hobgoblin seeing its meat run away with an unknown feline was enough to make it rage. But it could not go after them.

Every time it would turn away, the Goblins would rush it, pinning it down and stopping it from going after Lilith.

While Lilith was on the run, the Dhampir was left to consider if it would have been better off staying at the Goblin Camp. But it then shook its head as it thought about its ambitions.

Lilith spent her stamina running for dear life, and the Dhampir spent its stamina screaming from being dragged.

She retreated to the Den. Throwing the Dhampir to one side and almost collapsing due to her fatigue, reaching 90%, Lilith frowned.

The no-named Dhampir slowly sat on the cold ground; it bowed low touching the ground with its forehead showing its appreciation.

"I wouldn't have been able to escape the camp with my strength, thank you for granting me another chance in life. Now, can I ask if you are still my master? The One Horn n.o.ble who saved me?"

'If not for the fact I don't know what will happen if I left you to die I after receiving the notification you were added as my follower. Hays, it is asking too many questions already.'


[It is better safe than sorry, Lilith.]


'I know.'

Lilith grumbled and slowly stood up. She turned to the Dhampir and scoffed.

"No s.h.i.+t, didn't you see me change my form? Oh yeah, I changed my mind, I'm going to name you after all."

"That is fine, with me."

Granting a name to a daemon is similar to chain it. A chained daemon stronger than its master in terms of evolution and level is impossible, but for Lilith, it is plausible.

Lilith saw the regenerating limbs of the Dhampir and smiled realizing its uses. Although she does not plan on eating it, she was still considering the possibilities.

"I have guessed you have a super-strong ability of regeneration, but seeing first hand is something else entirely. What level of regeneration do you have?"

"It is but a medium-regeneration, I am told Dhampirs have low-regeneration capabilities but mine mutated about seven months ago."


Lilith was acting as if everything happening in front of her was normal. The Dhampir was a part of a n.o.ble race; they are the sp.a.w.n of Vampires and have been strong abilities of regeneration. They are also particularly strong but not to the point of matching with a Hobgoblin's.

Time pa.s.sed, and the severed limbs grew back as if she was a starfish. Kneeling on one knee, the Dhampir wished for the pact to end.

"Please, give me a new name and let me be reborn and shed my previous self."

"Your name would be, Dhampy, wait that might sound a little rude considering you are going to become a Vampire soon. Oh, you're glowing gold, what does that mean?"

"I have accepted the name you bestowed upon me; my name shall now be forever known as Dhampy."

"Hmmm, okay."

The magnificent naming sense of Lilith appeared as she gave Dhampy her name; who, by some twisted turn of events accepted the name without much trouble.

Sighing, Lilith looked at the genderless and subservient image of Dhampy. She was still suspicious of her. The fact that she accepted the offer of becoming her follower is still something Lilith did not expect. She had prepared line after lines in order to make Dhampy accept her offer in under 30seconds, but it ended up for nought.

While her suspicious nature began showing its head, a new panel appeared before Lilith.

[Name: Dhampy

Lv. 17

HP: 2500/3000

MP: 20/1500

Attributes: Blood (C), Dark (C)

Cla.s.s: Dhampir

Tier: Common

Life Essence: 53/100

Loyalty: 10/100

Pa.s.sive Skills: Medium-Regeneration (A), Heart of Life (SS), Dark Heart (A), Hemomancy (C)

Active Skills: Life Steal (C), Blood Bullet (D), Blood Manipulation (F)

Fatigue: 125%

Note: She is strong, but her Loyalty is about as strong as a man's approach to an average-looking stranger.]

'That is one overpowered Pa.s.sive Skills.'

Lilith could not help it but be astonished after seeing the Dhampy's Pa.s.sive Skills. It was too overpowered, and in the act of trying to preserve her life, an instinctive response activated, and she decided to treat her much better. She had her back turned to Dhampy she made her decisions.

Her next words came as a surprise to Dhampy.

"It is late now; we will be going to sleep now. I shall wake you up when it is time to switch."

"Are you not going to sleep first? I am now your follower; I am supposed to protect and serve you, right?"

"Sleep and rest, you can't do anything if you are hurt and tired. Your fatigue is over 125%; you are falling apart, so close your eyes and let your Boss protect you. After all, it is a Boss' job to protect her followers as it the follower's job to protect their Boss."

Dhampy observed Lilith's actions and found it odd that she wanted to do all the work. She had unpleasant memories of the past, but she showed a quiet smile. Lilith was now in her loli form, and as Dhampy looked at her small back, she felt somewhat oddly secure and fell asleep.

Lilith, on the other hand, was sweating bullets. She was carefully treading a path that will secure her life, and secretly she was contemplating whether to kill Dhampy or not.

'I can behead her or twist her neck right now! Should I do it?'

But after seeing the Pa.s.sive Skills once again, she shook her head.

'Nah, she might survive even that. This is rather scary.'

She said as a notification went up.

[Dhampy's Loyalty +2]