Dominating Evolution Of The Cosmos - 215 God Of Sword Robo

215 God Of Sword Robo

He started walking first, then walked faster until he reached the state of sprinting. After that, he jumped and rolled in the air. Finally, he took off into the air and landed.

"You've all seen my movements clearly, so now you're going to try them on your own," Instructor Bob said seriously. "We should know how to integrate ourselves with the armored robots, not reject them. We should also never fight against each other."

After watching Instructor Bob's demonstration, most of the soldiers voiced their disdain, clearly underestimating the level of difficulty...

"What's the difficulty of such an action? I can do that without learning anything first."

"Hahaha, I thought it was going to be really difficult to learn how to operate an armored robot. It looks so simple."

"That's too simple. How about you show us some difficult actions, Instructor?"

As Instructor Bob heard their mocking laughter, the corners of his mouth turned up. He was used to this, as he encountered this same situation every year.

"Try it first, then laugh once you've done it!" Instructor Bob laughed and said.

"Instructor Bob, just watch as I do all of those things successfully." At that moment, Edren laughed and attempted to complete his first walking action. However, when he raised up the legs of his robot, he found that the body was unstable and began to stumble around.

"My... What's wrong with my robot's body?" Edren screamed. It was easy to stand on one foot, but the body was swaying uncontrollably.

Not only him, but almost all of their bodies started swaying from the very moment they started to try to complete any movements. Several of them nearly fell to the ground! A strange image appeared, while rows of armored robots lifted one leg and swayed, as if they were all going to fall down.

"Idiot! You see, it's not that easy to keep the armored robots balanced!" Instructor Bob laughed and said. "When operating armored robots, even the simplest action will require you to practice it a thousand times. You have to let it integrate into your habits and become a normal part of your life."

At this moment, the new batch of armored robot operators realized that it was not their bodies that were unbalanced, but the moment they lifted their feet casually, the armored robots would be unbalanced! As armored robots were made up of numerous parts, when they stand on one leg, their huge bodies easily lose their balance.

For example, the height at which you habitually lift your feet does not necessarily match the height of your armored robots' lifted feet. While the person might be balanced, the armored robot would still be out of balance. Even if the height difference was only a dozen centimeters, it would still lead to too great of an imbalance in the armored robot.




At that moment, three sets of armored robots fell down after swaying about for a while. Some fell backward, while some fell forward. In a word, the scene they created was hilarious!

The fallen armored robots were struggling to get up, but it was still very difficult. Fortunately, the military base was prepared for this situation, and more than a dozen small armored robots immediately came forward to help them stand up again.

Meanwhile, several more fell down, one after another. While as few of the others did not fall, their bodies were still staggering, rendering them unable to successfully complete any movements.


Just then, a heavy armored robot footstep was heard. Then, emerging from rows of armored robots, a golden-armored robot could be seen firmly taking its first step.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Subsequently, the golden armored robot, which had two long swords behind it, steadily moved forward. Furthermore, it sped up slowly before launching into a sprint!

Its movements were smooth, and it managed to run a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye, then soon ran back! Everyone recognized this golden, double-sworded armored robot because it was Steve's G.o.d of Sword Armored Robot!

"It's Steve! He's learned to walk and sprint!"

"I haven't even taken my first step yet, and he has already learned to run?"

"Why is it so easy for him?"