Codename:Phoenix - 197 10/15

197 10/15

"I am deeply impressed, CEO w.a.n.g. Even in a short notice, you were able to prepare something as grand as this." Chairman Xu started the table conversation by praising w.a.n.g Reiji.

"Well, you should not be impressed with me but my a.s.sistant rather. He was the one who made all of these possible." w.a.n.g Reiji replied humbly with a smile. 

"Still, that means you have compet.i.tive people in your team." Chairman Xu replied before he took a sip of tea.

"Why do I sense a trace of envy in your voice, old pal?" Chairman Kiang had no intentions of keeping his thoughts to himself. 

"Nonsense! I am not even a bit envious. I have nothing but admiration for CEO w.a.n.g. We all know that the business world is dominated by men. So, meeting a female boss such as herself is a very rare opportunity."

"Thank you for your kind words, Chairman Xu. But I think you are praising me too much. I am not really that amazing. It is just that I am fortunate enough to have the right people at my side to help me reach my goal." 

"That only means that you are not just good in business, but has leaders.h.i.+p skills as well." Chairman Xu really had nothing but praises for w.a.n.g Reiji. 

"Now, I am looking forward to seeing your brother Yuvin become a top boss as well." Chairman Xu added while glancing at w.a.n.g Yuvin who was seated at the leftmost part of the bench. 

"I still have a long way to go, Chairman Xu. I need to finish my studies first and learn the business trade before I can become a big shot. But with the support of everyone, I think my success can be certain." w.a.n.g Yuvin said, his eyes full of sincerity. 

"But don't also forget your manners, young man. A person's manners determine whether his business will flourish or perish. As long as you don't offend people you can't hold a candle to,your journey to success will not be that rough." Chairman Kiang can't help but share a piece of his mind.

"Speaking from personal experience now, old pal? Well, offending diffcult people cannot be completely avoided.  People's opinion and morals vary." Chairman Xu said, grinning at Chairman Kiang.

"Don't worry, my brother is perfectly aware of that. That's the reason why he chose to find allies first before stepping into the warzone. But who would have thought that he will attract enemies as well?" Worry and disappointment flashed in w.a.n.g Reiji's eyes. 

"Please don't take it against Mr. w.a.n.g. It is my fault. I pulled him into my mess. He made enemies because of me." Kiang Leilei can't help but to feel guilty for putting w.a.n.g Yuvin into a quite predicament. 

"No need to be harsh on yourself, Miss Kiang. Keeping peace and order inside the Hideout is the responsibility of the master." w.a.n.g Yuvin replied, his tone indifferent and his gaze cold.

"Hideout? Master? You mean, you are not just a client of the Hideout but the master?" Chairman Kiang s.h.i.+fted his gaze from w.a.n.g Yuvin to Chairman Xu with much confusion.

"Yup. That's right! CEO w.a.n.g's brother is the new master of the Hideout. He was the first one to pa.s.s my trial. And I think the only one who ever will." Chairman Xu spoke like a proud father.

"Is it official? Did the other shareholders acknowledge him?" Chairman Kiang asked, looking amazed and anxious at the same time. 

"As long as the majority of the shares is under his name, no member can vie for that. Unless they join forces to topple him." 

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I think it is still not clear to me what Hideout is. And why owning shares and offending members can put my brother in trouble?" w.a.n.g Reiji asked, eager to know more about the Hideout. 

"Please allow me to spill the details. Truthfully, Hideout is not just a place or an establishment. It is actually an undeground organization managed and maintained by a group of highly capable and influential individuals known as the shareholders. Hideout exists to minimize fights and help clear out misunderstandings among high profile people. The organization also prevents influential families from monopolozing resources and abusing their authority." Chairman Xu took a sip from his tea before he continued, "That's why the hideout's master can never be a greedy tyrant. Or the organization will lose its purpose."

"That's interesting. Through the Hideout, useless quarrels and unnecessary bloodshed will not likely take place." w.a.n.g Reiji gave her opinion about the organization's existence.

"However, not everyone can become a shareholder. As long as the current shareholder is not willing to give up his shares and endorse the successor, an individual, no matter how wealthy and influential he is will not be acknowledged by other shareholders." Chairman Xu paused for a while, seemingly catching his breath after his rather lengthy explanation about the Hideout.

"What kind of shares are we talking about here? Properties? What shares do the shareholders have?  I really want to know because my brother's future is at stake here. And as the current head of the w.a.n.g household, I do not want to be left in the dark." w.a.n.g Reiji became even more curious.

"Well, shares in the organization refer to both properties and allies. And since Yuvin is the current master, he has 30% shares. Meaning, 30% of the total influential family of the entire country is now under his authority."

Chairman Xu's words did not just rock w.a.n.g Reiji's mind. It also sent fear to her very core. Indeed, her brother can now be called the most powerful man in the country. Which also means that a lot of enemies will be coming for his head and will hunt their little family down. If someone or something is just not as good enough when compared to another, it is said that it can't hold a candle