Codename:Phoenix - 196 9/15

196 9/15

"Excuse me, Miss. Where is CEO w.a.n.g?" The sous chef asked, completely unaware that the person he was looking for was already standing in front of him. 

w.a.n.g Reiji then stared blankly at the young chef. Just when she was about to introduce herself, she caught sight of a familiar figure heading towards their direction. 

"Uncle! Uncle! Where have you been? Why did you leave Aunt Lei behind?" Europa yelled at the top of her lungs as she quickly got up from her seat and rushed to w.a.n.g Yuvin's side.

"Darling, please don't run! You might stumble down and hurt yourself." w.a.n.g Reiji was frantic because Europa might accidentally step on the skirt of her own dress and trip down. She was about to go after her daughter when she saw that her brother was already moving towards Europa's direction. 

"Hey, slow down." w.a.n.g Yuvin quickly mobilized his legs to shorten the distance between him and Europa. Soon as they reached each other, the little girl excitedly extend her arms up, as if asking w.a.n.g Yuvin to pick her up from the ground and carry her in his arms. 

"Eh? You got heavier! Did you eat all the food? Why didn't you wait for uncle?" w.a.n.g Yuvin felt like teasing Europa after she had made him worried when she suddenly sprinted towards him. Nonetheless, he picked the young girl up.

"Hmp. The shef just arrived, uncle. No cooked food to eat yet." Europa replied as she pinched and pulled her uncle's cheeks.

"Ouch! Sorry. Uncle was just kidding." w.a.n.g Yuvin did not expect Europa's sudden retaliation. Before she used to just grunt but now she was more expressive now.

After hearing her uncle's apology, Europa instantly took her hands off w.a.n.g Yuvin's cheeks and gave him a hug. As Europa gazed at the direction her uncle's back was facing, that's when she noticed an old man behind her uncle. Because of w.a.n.g Yuvin's towering height, the old man who was shorter than him wasn't noticeable right away. 

"Who's that grandpa?" Europa whispered into w.a.n.g Yuvin's ear, pointing her chubby finger at the person.

"That's Chairman Kiang. He is a lawyer and Miss Kiang Leilei's grandfather." w.a.n.g Yuvin answered, briefly introducing Chairman Kiang to Europa.

"Chairman Kiang, this is my niece. CEO w.a.n.g's daughter, Europa." w.a.n.g Yuvin added as he turned around and put Europa down.

"Greetings, Chairman Kiang. Welcome to our house!" Europa said as she flashed her best smile to the chairman.

Chairman Kiang who has a spot for little girls was smitten by Europa's charm so he praised the little girl. 

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Miss Europa. It is my pleasure to meet a beautiful and polite girl like you." 

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. chairman Kiang." Europa lowered her head down as she expressed her grat.i.tude to the chairman.

Delighted how well mannered Europa was, the chairman can't help but to extend his arm and gently pat the little girl's head. 

"You can call me, Grandfather Wei." 

Europa then slowly lifted her head up and nodded in approval. 

Chairman Kiang smiled at Europa before he turned his gaze to w.a.n.g Yuvin to ask where his granddaughter was. Just when w.a.n.g Yuvin was about to turn around to search for Kiang Leilei, he saw his sister walking towards their direction instead. 

"Glad to finally meet you, Chairman Kiang. This way please." w.a.n.g Reiji said, confident that the chairman won't recognize her. 

"You're CEO w.a.n.g? I did not expect that. I actually thought that CEO of Oriental Europa is already past her prime." Chairman Kiang briefly stared at w.a.n.g Reiji, dumbfounded.  

"Did I disappoint Chairman Kiang? I am sorry if I did not meet your expectation." w.a.n.g Reiji sounded very apologetic, seemingly not wanting to offend w.a.n.g Yuvin's future in law. 

"Huh? Please don't misunderstand. I was actually amazed that a woman such as yourself is the owner of a famous hotel empire." Chairman Kiang said, his eyes bright with admiration. 

"You flatter me, Chairman Kiang. But I am not that amazing. It just happened that I enjoyed what I do." w.a.n.g Reiji replied humbly. 

"Yes, that's right. If you enjoy and love your job, success instantly follows." 

w.a.n.g Reiji just replied a smile to the chairman as they walked toward the direction of the banquette table. 

As soon a the two of them got closer to their destination, that was when Chairman Xu and Kiang Leilei noticed Chairman Kiang. Seeing her granddaughter approaching them, Kiang Leilei stood up and rushed to his side to give him a hug. 

"Grams" Kiang Leilei softly called out, her embrace tightened around the chairman's neck. 

"I told you to bring bodyguards,right? I don't want to blame you, but look at what happened. I almost lost you again. Child you really know how to break this old man's fragile heart." Chairman Kiang wrapped his arms around his granddaughter as he gave her a lecture about her disobedience. 

Hearing how disheartened the old man was, tears started to well up in the corner of Kiang Leilei's eyes. "I- I am sorry. I am really sorry grams." Kiang Leilei tears burst forth like a dam the moment she admitted that it was her fault. 

"Hush now, my child." Chairman Kiang gently patted Kiang Leile's head to calm her down and cease her from crying. 

"Please don't cry, Aunt Lei. Uncle Yuvin and I will protect you." Europa can't help but feel sympathy for Kiang Leilei. She then stretched her chubby arm and patted Kiang Leilei as well. 

Kiang Leilei then slowly raised her head up and dried her tears. Europa's words and gesture really warmed her heart. However, her reply was different from what she was feeling. 

"I appreciate the concern but I don't want to drag other people into my personal problems anymore." Kiang Leilei said as she let out a faint smile before ushering her grandfather to his seat. 

Noticing the sudden aloofness and indifference of Kiang Leilei towards them, w.a.n.g Reiji started to wonder. She then turned her head around and threw w.a.n.g Yuvin a 'you got some explaining to do' look. 

"Not now, sis. There are more important matters to discuss." 

w.a.n.g Reiji did not reply anymore, she already understood that something bad happened between her brother and the woman she wanted to become her future sister in law.