Codename:Phoenix - 195 8/15

195 8/15

"I hope they taste just fine." After she wore her oven gloves, w.a.n.g Reiji deliberately removed the pans from the oven and placed them over the countertop.

For this day, she decided to skip work. Today, she was not CEO w.a.n.g, she was just w.a.n.g Reiji, w.a.n.g Yuvin's adoptive older sister and Europa's loving mother.

Due to the events last night, w.a.n.g Reiji thought that she probably needed to spend more time with her daughter, especially now that the father seemed eager to enter into their lives. She now felt frightened about what was in store for them.

She now thought, what if her frequent absence from her daughter's life triggered Europa to look for another source of parental love? From a father perhaps? Though she was confident about w.a.n.g Yuvin being the father figure Europa needed, time will come that the gaping hole inside her daughter's heart can no longer be filled by either any of them. That someday, her daughter will come to ask, worse, search for her father.

Even though her concerns seemed to be still in a distant future, w.a.n.g Reiji must take precautions as early as now and must always be composed for whatever tomorrow may bring to her and her family.

"Good morning, CEO w.a.n.g. I shall take my leave now. Please rest well and leave the office matters to me." Rentao smoothly walked into the kitchen in his usual coat and tie office get up and spoke to w.a.n.g Reiji.

"Good morning, Rentao. Sorry for the bother, but I am glad I can count on you especially at a time like this." w.a.n.g Reiji replied as she now removed the rolls and cookies from the pans, transferring them to powder blue porcelain plates.

"Why don't you stay for a while and join us for breakfast?" w.a.n.g Reiji said as she took off the ap.r.o.n she was wearing and gestured Ai and Bai to take the food to the dining table.

"Thank you for your generosity, boss. But I already spent the night here, I think inviting me for breakfast is already too much for being your a.s.sistant." Rentao was quick to dismiss w.a.n.g Reiji's invitation to breakfast.

"Come on, we consider you as part of the family too. Anyway, let's say that this is my thank you and sorry for what you have gone through last night because of me. It was supposed to be only between me and... him. You were not supposed to be dragged along by my personal affairs." w.a.n.g Reiji explained as she freed her hands of the oven gloves she was wearing.

"Also, I won't take no as an answer." w.a.n.g Reiji added as she pushed Rentao toward the dining hall.

Soon after the two got inside the dining hall, Europa who was not usually up this early had now rushed in the area, happy to see her mother and the feast waiting for her on the table.

"Mama! Oh hi there Sir Rentao. Good morning." Europa then gave Rentao a quick glance before she excitedly threw her chubby arms around her mother's neck and showered her with kisses.

"I miss you, my sweet plump!" w.a.n.g Reiji hugged Europa tightly and kissed her cheeks.

"You don't have work today, mama?" Europa asked, seemingly aware that her mother was not supposed to be at home today and should be on her way to work at the moment.

"I took a day off because I missed you! Oh, I baked apple cinnamon rolls for you. I also cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast."

"Apple cinnamon rolls! One of my favorites. Delicious!" Europa said, looking as if she was about to eat the air because of the delicious aroma her nose had been picking.

"I also baked chocolate cookies for your uncle who I think is still sleeping upstairs." w.a.n.g Reiji then ushered Europa to her seat. She was a.s.sisting her daughter when Europa suddenly moved away from her.

"I will go upstairs to wake Uncle Yuvin up. I want us to have a complete family breakfast." Europa then ran out of the dining hall and up the stairs.

"You might get yourself hurt! Please don't run, just walk babe!" w.a.n.g Reiji yelled in worry as her daughter climb up the grand staircase.

"We will follow after her, CEO w.a.n.g." Ai and Bai said in unison as they immediately followed after Europa.

"Thank you, girls. Please help her wash as well. And Rentao, you can eat your breakfast now or you'll be late for work." w.a.n.g Reiji said as she poured orange juice into Rentao's gla.s.s.

"Thank you, boss. How's your knuckle?"

"It doesn't hurt that much. How about you? Are you okay? Didn't you say that the kung fu skill of the prosecutor's a.s.sistant's better than you?"

"I'm okay, boss. Our fight was not that serious actually. We just exchanged a few punches, but through that brief confrontation, I was able to sense the superiority of his kung fu."

"Did they tie you up? I am sorry. It seems like you paid the price for my hasty actions in the hotel."

"Please don't blame yourself, boss. I was actually grateful that this incident happened. It made me aware that I need to polish my fighting skills in case of an emergency. Since I am with you most of the time, I must also act as a bodyguard and protect you."

"That's too much. I can't let you handle business affairs and protect me at the same time. Maybe now is the time for me to avail of HPA's service." w.a.n.g Reiji then sat down the chair opposite Rentao.

"Arrange me a private meeting with CEO Huang. Schedule it by the end of this week. Let's see if the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." w.a.n.g Reiji added.

"Consider it done, boss." Rentao replied, seemingly aware of w.a.n.g Reiji's real intention behind the meeting with the CEO of HPA.