Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 170

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 170

Antilegomena. [Gr. _deuteros_, second, _kan[=o]n_, rule.]

DEUTEROGAMY, d[=u]-t[.e]r-og'a-mi, _n._ second marriage, esp. of the clergy, after the death of the first wife.--_n._ DEUTEROG'AMIST, one who allows such. [Gr. _deuteros_, second, _gamos_, marriage.]

DEUTERONOMY, d[=u]-t[.e]r-on'o-mi, or d[=u]'t[.e]r-on-o-mi, _n._ the fifth book of the Pentateuch, containing a repetition of the decalogue and laws given in Exodus.--_adjs._ DEUTERONOM'IC, -AL.--_ns._ DEUTERON'OMIST, DEU'TERO-IS[=A]'IAH, the assumed author of the later prophecies of Isaiah.

[Gr. _deuteros_, second, _nomos_, law.]

DEUTEROSCOPY, d[=u]-t[.e]r-os'ko-pi, _n._ second-sight. [Gr. _deuteros_, second, _skopia_--_skopein_, to look.]

DEUTOPLASM, d[=u]'t[=o]-plasm, _n._ secondary, nutritive plasm, or food-yolk.--_adjs._ DEUTOPLAS'MIC, DEUTOPLAS'TIC.

DEUTOXIDE, d[=u]t-oks'[=i]d, _n._ an old name for a compound of two parts of oxygen with one of a base. [Gr. _deuteros_, second, and _oxide_.]

DEUTZIA, dewt'si-a, or doit'si-a, _n._ a genus of saxifragaceous plants with panicles of white flowers, introduced from China and Japan. [Named after _Deutz_, a Dutch naturalist.]

DEVALL, de-val', _v.i._ (_Scot._) to cease.--_n._ a stop.

DEVANAGARI, d[=a]-va-na'ga-ri, _n._ the character in which Sanskrit is usually written and printed. [Sans. 'town-script of the gods,' a term app.

coined by an Indian scholar.]

DEVAPORATION, d[=e]-vap-[=o]-r[=a]'shun, _n._ the change of vapour into water.

DEVASTATE, dev'as-t[=a]t, _v.t._ to lay waste: to plunder.--_ns._ DEVAST[=A]'TION, act of devastating: state of being devastated: havoc; DEVAST[=A]'VIT, a waste of the estate of a deceased person by the executor.

[L. _devast[=a]re_, _[=a]tum_--_de_, inten., _vast[=a]re_, to lay waste.]

DEVELOP, d[=e]-vel'op, _v.t._ to unroll: to unfold: to lay open by degrees: to promote the growth of: (_phot._) to make the latent picture visible by chemical applications.--_v.i._ to grow into: to open out: to evolve:--_pr.p._ devel'oping; _pa.p._ devel'oped.--_n._ DEVEL'OPMENT, a gradual unfolding: a gradual growth: evolution: (_math._) the expression of a function in the form of a series.--_adj._ DEVELOPMENT'AL, pertaining to development.--_adv._ DEVELOPMENT'ALLY.--DOCTRINE OF DEVELOPMENT, the theory of the evolution of new species from lower forms. [Fr. _developper_, opposite of _envelopper_; both perh. from a Teut. root found in Eng. _lap_, to wrap.]

DEVEST, de-vest', _v.t._ (_law_) to alienate: to deprive of: to strip. [A form of _divest_.]

DEVIATE, d[=e]'vi-[=a]t, _v.i._ to go from the way: to turn aside from a certain course: to err.--_v.t._ to cause to diverge.--_ns._ DEVI[=A]'TION, a going out of the way: a turning aside; error; D[=E]'VIATOR, one who deviates.--DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS, departure of the mariner's compass from the magnetic needle, due to the ship's magnetism--either from the iron of which it is built or the iron which it carries. [L. _devi[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_de_, from, _via_, a way.]

DEVICE, de-v[=i]s', _n._ that which is devised or designed: contrivance: power of devising: genius: (_her._) the emblem borne upon a shield: a picture of some kind, with a motto illustrative of a man's life or character, borne by an individual rather than by a family.--_adj._ DEVICE'FUL (_Spens._), full of devices. [O. Fr. _devise_. See DEVISE.]

DEVIL, dev'l, _v.t._ (_cook._) to season highly and broil.--_v.i._ to perform another man's drudgery (esp. to devil for a barrister).

DEVIL, dev'l, _n._ the supreme spirit of evil, Satan: any evil spirit: a false god: a very wicked person: a fellow, as in 'Poor devil:' an expletive, in 'What the devil,' &c.--_ns._ DEV'ILDOM; DEV'ILESS; DEV'ILET; DEV'IL-FISH, a name for the fishing-frog or angler, for the giant-ray of the United States, and for other large and ugly fishes; DEV'IL-IN-THE-BUSH, a garden flower, also called _Love-in-a-mist_.--_adj._ DEV'ILISH, fiendish, malignant.--_adv._ (_coll._) very: exceedingly.--_adv._ DEV'ILISHLY.--_ns._ DEV'ILISM; DEV'ILKIN.--_adj._ DEV'IL-MAY-CARE, reckless, audacious.--_ns._ DEV'ILMENT; DEV'IL-ON-THE-NECK, an old instrument of torture; DEV'ILRY; DEV'ILSHIP; DEV'ILTRY; DEV'IL-WOR'SHIP, the worship of the devil, or of devils; DEV'IL-WOR'SHIPPER.--DEVIL A BIT, not at all; DEVIL OF A MESS, a very bad mess.--DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, a name given to the Promoter of the Faith, an advocate at the papal court, whose duty it is to propose all reasonable objections against a person's claims to canonisation; DEVIL'S BIT, a popular name for scabious; DEVIL'S BOOKS, playing-cards; DEVIL'S COACH-HORSE, a large dark-coloured beetle; DEVIL'S DOZEN, thirteen (like baker's dozen); DEVIL'S DUNG, a popular name for asafoetida; DEVIL'S DUST, shoddy made by a machine called the _devil_; DEVIL'S OWN, a name given to the 88th Regiment in the Peninsular war, as also to the Inns of Court volunteers; DEVIL'S SNUFF-BOX, the puff-ball, a kind of fungus; DEVIL'S TATTOO (see TATTOO); DEVIL TO PAY, serious trouble ahead--said to be from the difficulty of _paying_, or caulking, an awkward and inaccessible seam in a ship.--CARTESIAN DEVIL (see CARTESIAN); PRINTER'S DEVIL, the youngest apprentice in a printing-office: a printer's errand-boy; TASMANIAN DEVIL, the ursine dasyure, a Tasmanian carnivore.--PLAY THE DEVIL WITH, to bring to utter ruin. [A.S. _deoful_, _deofol_--L. _diabolus_--Gr. _diabolos_, from _diaballein_, to throw across, to slander, from _dia_, across, and _ballein_, to throw; cf. Ger. _teufel_, Fr. _diable_, It. _diavolo_, Sp.


DEVIOUS, d[=e]'vi-us, _adj._ from or out of the way: roundabout: erring.--_adv._ D[=E]'VIOUSLY.--_n._ D[=E]'VIOUSNESS. [L. _devius_. See DEVIATE.]

DEVISE, de-v[=i]z', _v.t._ to imagine: to scheme: to contrive: to give by will: to bequeath.--_v.i._ to consider, scheme.--_n._ act of bequeathing: a will: property bequeathed by will.--_adj._ DEVIS'ABLE.--_ns._ DEVIS'AL; DEVIS[=E][E]', one to whom real estate is bequeathed; DEVIS'ER, one who contrives; DEVIS'OR, one who bequeaths. [O. Fr. _deviser_, _devise_--Low L.

_divisa_, a division of goods, a mark, a device--L. _divid[)e]re_, _divisum_, to divide.]

DEVITALISE, de-v[=i]'ta-l[=i]z, _v.t._ to deprive of vitality or life-giving qualities.--_n._ DEVITALIS[=A]'TION.

DEVITRIFY, de-vit'ri-f[=i], _v.t._ to take away or greatly diminish the vitreous quality of.--_n._ DEVITRIFIC[=A]'TION, loss or diminution of the vitreous nature.

DEVOCALISE, de-v[=o]'ka-l[=i]z, _v.t._ to make voiceless: to reduce the vowel element in a sound or syllable.

DEVOID, de-void', _adj._ destitute: free from. [O. Fr. _desvoidier_, _des_--L. _dis-_, away, _voidier_--L. _vidu[=a]re_, _viduus_, deprived.]

DEVOIR, dev-wawr', _n._ what is due, duty: service: an act of civility.

[Fr.,--L. _deb[=e]re_, to owe.]

DEVOLUTION, dev-ol-[=u]'shun, _n._ a passing from one person to another.


DEVOLVE, de-volv', _v.t._ to roll down: to hand down: to deliver over.--_v.i._ to roll down: to fall or pass over.--_n._ DEVOLVE'MENT. [L.

_devolv[)e]re_, _-vol[=u]tum_--_de_, down, _volv[)e]re_, _-[=u]tum_, to roll.]

DEVONIAN, de-v[=o]'ni-an, _adj._ belonging to _Devonshire_: belonging to a system of geological strata which abound in Devonshire, closely corresponding to Old Red Sandstone.

DEVONPORT, dev'on-p[=o]rt, _n._ a small ornamental writing-table, fitted with drawers, &c.


DEVOTE, de-v[=o]t', _v.t._ to vow: to set apart or dedicate by solemn act: to doom: to give up wholly.--_adj._ DEV[=O]T'ED, given up, as by a vow: doomed: strongly attached: zealous.--_adv._ DEV[=O]T'EDLY.--_ns._ DEV[=O]T'EDNESS; DEVOT[=E][=E]', one wholly or superstitiously devoted, esp. to religion: a fanatic; DEV[=O]TE'MENT (_Shak._); DEV[=O]'TION, consecration: giving up of the mind to the worship of God: piety: prayer: strong affection or attachment: ardour: (_pl._) prayers: (_obs._) religious offerings: alms.--_adj._ DEV[=O]'TIONAL.--_ns._ DEV[=O]'TIONALIST, DEV[=O]'TIONIST.--_adv._ DEV[=O]'TIONALLY. [L. _devov[=e]re_, _dev[=o]tum_--_de_, a way, and _vov[=e]re_, to vow.]

DEVOUR, de-vowr', _v.t._ to swallow greedily: to eat up: to consume or waste with violence or wantonness: to destroy: to gaze intently on.--_n._ DEVOUR'ER.--_adj._ DEVOUR'ING.--_adv._ DEVOUR'INGLY.--_n._ DEVOUR'MENT. [O.

Fr. _devorer_--L. _devor[=a]re_--_de_, inten., and _vor[=a]re_, to swallow.


DEVOUT, de-vowt', _adj._ given up to religious thoughts and exercises: pious: solemn: earnest.--_adv._ DEVOUT'LY.--_n._ DEVOUT'NESS. [O. Fr.

_devot_--L. _devotus_. See DEVOTE.]

DEW, d[=u], _n._ moisture deposited from the air on cooling, esp. at night, in minute specks upon the surface of objects: early freshness (esp. in DEW OF HIS YOUTH).--_v.t._ to wet with dew: to moisten.--_ns._ DEW'BERR'Y, a kind of bramble or blackberry having a bluish dew-like bloom on the fruit; DEW'-CLAW, a rudimentary inner toe of a dog's hind-foot; DEW'DROP; DEW'FALL, the falling of dew, the time it falls; DEW'POINT, the temperature at which dew begins to form; DEW'-RETT'ING, the process of rotting away the gummy part of hemp or flax by exposure on the grass to dew and rain; DEW'STONE, a Nottinghamshire limestone; DEW'-WORM, the common earthworm.--_adj._ DEW'Y.--MOUNTAIN DEW (_slang_), whisky, originally illicitly distilled or smuggled spirits. [A.S. _deaw_; cf. Ice. _dogg_, Ger. _thau_, dew.]

DEW, d[=u], _n._ an obsolete spelling of _due_.

DEWAN, d[=e]-wan', _n._ in India, a financial minister, the native steward of a business-house.--_ns._ DEWAN'I, DEWAN'NY, the office of dewan. [Hind.]

DEWITT, d[=e]-wit', _v.t._ to lynch--from the fate of Jan and Cornelius _De Witt_ in Holland in 1672.

DEWLAP, d[=u]'lap, _n._ the pendulous skin under the throat of oxen, dogs, &c.: the fleshy wattle of the turkey.--_adjs._ DEW'LAPPED, DEW'LAPT. [Prob.

_dew_ and A.S. _laeppa_, a loose hanging piece.]

DEXTER, deks't[.e]r, _adj._ on the right-hand side: right: (_her._) of that side of the shield on the right-hand side of the wearer, to the spectator's _left_.--_n._ DEXTER'ITY, right-handedness: cleverness: readiness and skill: adroitness.--_adjs._ DEX'TEROUS, DEX'TROUS, right-handed: adroit: subtle.--_adv._ DEX'TEROUSLY.--_n._ DEX'TEROUSNESS.--_adj._ DEX'TRAL, right, as opposed to left.--_n._ DEXTRAL'ITY, right-handedness.--_adv._ DEX'TRALLY.--_adjs._ DEX'TRO-G[=Y]'RATE, causing to turn to the right hand; DEX'TRORSE, DEXTROR'SAL, rising from right to left. [L. _dexter_; Gr.

_dexios_, Sans. _dakshina_, on the right, on the south.]

DEXTRINE, deks'trin, _n._ starch altered by the action of acids, diastase, or heat till it loses its gelatinous character, so called because when viewed through polarised light it turns the plane of polarisation to the right.--_n._ DEX'TROSE, a glucose sugar, found in grapes, &c., and manufactured from starch by means of sulphuric acid. [Fr.,--L. _dexter_.]

DEY, d[=a], _n._ a dairy-maid. [See DAIRY.]

DEY, d[=a], _n._ a name given to the pasha or governor of Algiers before the French conquest. [Turk, _dai_, orig. a maternal uncle, a familiar title of the chief of the Janizaries.]

DHARMA, dar'ma, _n._ the righteousness that underlies the law: the law.


DHOBIE, d[=o]'bi, _n._ an Indian washerman. [Hind.]