Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 170

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 170

LOCAL, l[=o]'kal, _adj._ of or belonging to a place: confined to a spot or district.--_ns._ LOCALE (l[=o]-kal'), a locality: the scene of some event; LOCALIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ L[=O]'CALISE, to assign to a place: to refer a sensation in perception to some part of the body.--_ns._ L[=O]'CALISM, the state of being local: affection for a place: provincialism; LOCAL'ITY, existence in a place: position: district.--_adv._ L[=O]'CALLY.--_v.t._ LOC[=A]TE', to place: to set in a particular position: to designate the place of.--_n._ LOC[=A]'TION, act of locating or placing: situation: (_law_) a leasing on rent.--_adj._ L[=O]'C[=A]TIVE (_gram._), indicating place.--LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS, a series of enactments instituting local self-government of the various counties of Great Britain and of a large number of boroughs; LOCAL OPTION, a phrase first used by Mr Gladstone in a letter in 1868 for the determination by vote of the people of a town or district as to whether licenses to sell intoxicating liquors shall be granted or not. [Fr.,--Low L. _localis_--_locus_, a place.]

LOCH, loh, _n._ a lake or arm of the sea.--_ns._ LOCHABER AXE (loh-a'b[.e]r aks), a battle-axe used by the Scottish Highlanders, having a narrow blade, but very long towards the shaft, and generally with a hook at the end of the staff; LOCH'AN (_Scot._), a pond. [Gael. _loch_; cf. _Lake_.]

LOCHE, _n._ See LOACH.

LOCHIA, l[=o]'ki-a, the evacuations from the womb after childbirth.--_adj._ L[=O]'CHIAL. [Gr.]

LOCK, lok, _n._ a device to fasten doors, &c.: an enclosure in a canal for raising or lowering boats: the part of a firearm by which it is discharged: a grapple in wrestling: a state of being immovable: any narrow, confined place.--_v.t._ to fasten with a lock: to fasten so as to impede motion: to shut up: to close fast: to embrace closely: to furnish with locks.--_v.i._ to become fast: to unite closely.--_ns._ LOCK'AGE, the locks of a canal: the difference in their levels, the materials used for them, and the tolls paid for passing through them; LOCK'-CHAIN, a chain for fastening the wheels of a vehicle by tying the rims to some part which does not rotate; LOCK'ER, any closed place that may be locked; LOCK'ET, a little ornamental case of gold or silver, usually containing a miniature.--_adj._ LOCK'FAST, firmly fastened by locks.--_ns._ LOCK'GATE, a gate for opening or closing a lock in a canal or river; LOCK'-HOS'PITAL (see HOSPITAL); LOCK'HOUSE, the lock-keeper's house; LOCK'-JAW, LOCKED'-JAW, a contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; LOCK'-KEEP'ER, one who keeps or attends the locks of a canal; LOCK'OUT, the act of locking out, esp.

used of the locking out of a teacher by the pupils or _vice versa_, or of the refusal of an employer to admit his workmen within the works as a means of coercion; LOCKS'MAN, a turnkey; LOCK'SMITH, a smith who makes and mends locks; LOCK'STITCH, a stitch formed by the locking of two threads together; LOCK'UP, a place for locking up or confining persons for a short time.--NOT A SHOT IN THE LOCKER (_naut._), not a penny in the pocket. [A.S. _loca_, a lock; Ice. _loka_, a bolt, Ger. _loch_, a dungeon.]

LOCK, lok, _n._ a tuft or ringlet of hair: a small quantity, as of hay: (_Scots law_) a quantity of meal, the perquisite of a mill-servant: (_Shak._) a love-lock--_n._ LOCK'MAN, an officer in the Isle of Man who acts as a kind of under-sheriff to the governor. [A.S. _locc_; Ice.

_lokkr_, Ger. _locke_, a lock.]

LOCKIAN, lok'i-an, _adj._ pertaining to the philosophy of John _Locke_ (1632-1704).--_ns._ LOCK'IAN, LOCK'IST.

LOCKRAM, lok'ram, _n._ a kind of coarse linen--from _Locrenan_, in Brittany, where made.

LOCOFOCO, l[=o]-k[=o]-f[=o]'k[=o], _n._ (_U.S._) a friction match: the extreme section of the Democratic party of 1835, known as the Equal Rights Party, or any adherent of it. [L. _locus_, a place, _focus_, a hearth.]

LOCOMOTIVE, l[=o]-ko-m[=o]'tiv, _adj._ moving from place to place: capable of, or assisting in, locomotion.--_n._ a locomotive machine: a railway engine.--_ns._ LOCOM[=O]'TION; LOCOMOTIV'ITY; LOCOM[=O]'TOR.--_adj._ LOCOM[=O]'TORY.--LOCOMOTOR ATAXY (see ATAXIA). [L. _locus_, a place, _mov[=e]re_, _motum_, to move.]

LOCORESTIVE, l[=o]-k[=o]-res'tiv, _adj._ staying in one place.

LOCULUS, lok'[=u]-lus, _n._ (_bot._, _anat._, _zool._) a small compartment or cell: in ancient catacombs, a small recess for holding an urn:--_pl._ LOC'UL[=I].--_n._ LOC'ULAMENT (_bot._), loculus.--_adjs._ LOC'ULAR, LOC'UL[=A]TE, LOC'ULOSE, LOC'ULOUS. [Dim. of L. _locus_, a place.]

LOCUM-TENENS, l[=o]'kum-t[=e]n'enz, _n._ a deputy or substitute.--_n._ L[=O]'CUM-T[=E]N'ENCY, the holding by a temporary substitute of a post. [L.

_locus_, a place, _ten[=e]re_, to hold.]

LOCUS, l[=o]'kus, _n._ (_math._) the curve described by a point, or the surface generated by a line, moving in a given manner: a passage in a writing:--_pl._ LOCI (l[=o]'s[=i]), a collection of passages, esp. from sacred and ancient writings, arranged with special reference to some particular theme.--LOCUS CLASSICUS (_pl._ LOCI CLASSICI), a standard passage, esp. in an ancient author: that passage which is the accepted authority for some particular subject or for the use of some special or disputed word; LOCUS STANDI (_law_), right of place in court: recognised place or position. [L.]

LOCUST, l[=o]'kust, _n._ a migratory winged insect, in shape like the grasshopper, highly destructive to vegetation.--_v.i._ (_rare_) to lay waste like locusts. [L. _locusta_.]

LOCUST, l[=o]'kust, _n._ a tree with thorny branches and dense clusters of white, heavily-scented flowers, found in the U.S.: the carob-tree.--_ns._ LOCUS'TA, the spikelet of grasses:--_pl._ LOCUS'Tae; L[=O]'CUST-BEAN, the sweet pod of the carob-tree.

LOCUTION, l[=o]-k[=u]'shun, _n._ the act of speaking: form of speaking, phraseology, a phrase.--_n._ LOC'UTORY, a room for conversation, esp. in monastic establishments. [L. _locution-em_--_loqui_, _locutus_, to speak.]

LODE, l[=o]d, _n._ a vein containing metallic ore: a reach of water: an open ditch.--_ns._ LODES'MAN, a pilot; LODE'STAR, the star that guides, the pole-star--often used figuratively; LODE'STONE, a stone or ore of iron that attracts other pieces of iron. [A.S. _lad_, a course--_lian_, to travel.]

LODGE, loj, _n._ a small house in a park: a hut: the cottage of a gatekeeper: a retreat: a secret association, also the place of meeting.--_v.t._ to furnish with a temporary dwelling: place, deposit: to infix, to settle: to drive to covert: to lay flat, as grain.--_v.i._ to reside: to rest: to dwell for a time: to pass the night: to lie flat, as grain.--_ns._ LODG'ER, one who lodges or lives at board or in a hired room; LODG'ING, temporary habitation: a room or rooms hired in the house of another (often in _pl._): harbour; LODG'ING-HOUSE, a house where lodgings are let, a house other than a hotel where travellers lodge; LODG'MENT, act of lodging, or state of being lodged: accumulation of something that remains at rest: (_mil._) the occupation of a position by a besieging party, and the works thrown up to maintain it.--LODGER FRANCHISE, a right to vote conferred on persons occupying lodgings.--GRAND LODGE, the principal lodge of Freemasons, presided over by the Grand-master. [O. Fr.

_loge_--Old High Ger. _loub[=a]_, an arbour.]

LOESS, l[.e]s, or l[=o]'es, _n._ a loamy deposit of Pleistocene age, in the valleys of the Rhine, Danube, and Rhone.--Also LoSS. [Ger. _loss_.]

LOFT, loft, _n._ the room or space immediately under a roof: a gallery in a hall or church: an upper room.--_v.t._ to furnish with a loft: (_golf_) to strike the ball up by means of a club called the LOFT'ER.--_adv._ LOFT'ILY.--_n._ LOFT'INESS.--_adj._ LOFT'Y, high in position, character, sentiment, or diction: stately: haughty.--LOFTED HOUSE (_Scot._), a house of more than one story.--COCK OF THE LOFT, the head or chief of a set.

[Ice. _lopt_ (loft), the sky, an upper room; A.S. _lyft_, Ger. _luft_, the air.]

LOG, log, _n._ a Hebrew liquid measure, believed to be very nearly an English pint. [Heb. _l[=o]gh_.]

LOG, log, _n._ a bulky piece of wood: a heavy, stupid, or sluggish person.--_adj._ consisting of logs.--_ns._ LOG'-CAB'IN, -HOUSE, -HUT, a cabin or hut built of hewn or unhewn logs, common in new American settlements; LOG'GAT, a small log or piece of wood: an old game somewhat like nine-pins; LOG'GERHEAD, a blockhead: a dunce: (_naut._) a round piece of timber, in a whale-boat, over which the line is passed: a species of sea-turtle: a round mass of iron with a long handle, heated for various purposes.--_adj._ LOG'GERHEADED.--_ns._ LOG'-HEAD, a blockhead; LOG'-MAN (_Shak._), a man who carries logs: (_U.S._) one whose occupation is to cut and remove logs--also LOG'GER.--_v.t._ LOG'-ROLL, to engage in log-rolling.--_ns._ LOG'-ROLL'ER; LOG'-ROLL'ING, a combination for facilitating the collection of logs after the clearing of a piece of land, or for rolling logs into a stream: mutual aid given by politicians for carrying out individual schemes: a system of literary criticism conducted on the lines of mutual admiration or adulation; LOG'WOOD, the dark-red heart-wood of _Haematoxylon campechianum_, a native of Mexico and Central America, whence it is exported in logs.--AT LOGGERHEADS, at issue, quarrelling about differences of opinion, &c. [Ice. _lag_, a felled tree, _liggja_, to lie. Cf. _Lie_ and _Log_.]

LOG, log, _n._ a piece of wood with a line for measuring the speed of a ship: the record of a ship's progress.--_v.t._ to exhibit by the indication of the log: to enter in the logbook.--_ns._ LOG'BOARD; LOG'BOOK, the official record of the proceedings on board ship: a book kept by the head-master of a board-school for recording attendances and other matters connected with the school; LOG'-CHIP, the board, in the form of a quadrant, attached to a logline; LOG'-GLASS, a 14- or 28-second sand-glass, used with the logline to ascertain the speed of a ship; LOG'LINE, the line fastened to the log, and marked for finding the speed of a vessel; LOG'-REEL, a reel on which the logline is wound; LOG'-SLATE, a double slate, marked and ruled in the inside, for recording the log.--HEAVE THE LOG, to learn the speed of a ship by logline and glass. [Sw. _logg_, a ship's log, a piece of wood that lies in the water.]

LOGAN, log'an, _n._ a rocking-stone.--Also LOG'GING-ROCK. [Prob. cog. with Dan. _logre_, to wag the tail.]

LOGAOEDIC, log-a-[=e]'dik, _adj._ (_ancient prosody_) pertaining to a variety of trochaic or iambic verse, where dactyls are combined with trochees or anapaests with iambi. [Gr. _logos_, prose, _aoid[=e]_, song.]

LOGARITHM, log'a-rithm, _n._ (of a number) the power to which another given number must be raised in order that it may equal the former number: one of a series of numbers having a certain relation to the series of natural numbers by means of which many arithmetical operations are simplified.--_adjs._ LOGARITH'MIC, -AL, pertaining to, or consisting of, logarithms.--_adv._ LOGARITH'MICALLY. [Gr. _logos_, ratio, _arithmos_, number.]

LOGGIA, loj'a, _n._ an open arcade enclosing a passage or open apartment, common in Italy:--_pl._ LOGG'IE (-e). [It.; cf. _Lodge_.]

LOGIA, log'i-a, oracles, sayings, a supposed primitive collection of the sayings and discourses of Jesus, largely drawn upon by the writers of the first and third gospels for much of what they have in common with each other apart from Mark. [Gr.]

LOGIC, loj'ik, _n._ the science and art of reasoning correctly: the science of the necessary laws of thought.--_adj._ LOG'ICAL, according to the rules of logic: skilled in logic: discriminating.--_ns._ LOGICAL'ITY, LOG'ICALNESS.--_adv._ LOG'ICALLY.--_n._ LOGIC'IAN, one skilled in logic.--_v.i._ LOG'ICISE, to argue.--CHOP LOGIC (see CHOP); DEDUCTIVE LOGIC, logic independent of probability or quantitative considerations; FORMAL LOGIC, logic regarded as a distinct science, independent of matters of fact; INDUCTIVE LOGIC, the logic of scientific reasoning; MATERIAL LOGIC, logic which takes into account natural fact or phenomena, as distinct from _formal logic_; NATURAL LOGIC, the natural faculty of distinguishing the true from the false: the logical doctrine applicable to natural things as opposed to the _logic of faith_; PURE LOGIC, the general laws of thought. [Gr. _logik[=e]_, from _logos_, speech.]

LOGISTIC, -AL, loj-is'tik, -al, _adj._ skilled in calculating: proportional.--_n._ LOGIS'TIC, the art of calculation, sexagesimal arithmetic: (_pl._) that branch of military science relating to the movement and supplying of armies. [Gr. _logist[=e]s_, a calculator--_logizesthai_, to compute.]

LOGODaeDALY, log-o-d[=e]'da-li, _n._ verbal legerdemain.

LOGOGRAM, log'o-gram, _n._ a sign which represents a word: a puzzle in which from an original word, by combinations of all or some of its letters, other words are formed, which again are concealed under synonymous expressions in a series of verses. [Gr. _logos_, word, _gramma_, letter.]

LOGOGRAPHER, lo-gog'ra-f[.e]r, _n._ in Greek literature, one of the earliest annalists, esp. those before Herodotus.--_adjs._ LOGOGRAPH'IC, -AL.--_adv._ LOGOGRAPH'ICALLY.--_ns._ LOGOG'RAPHY, a method of printing with whole words cast in a single type; LOG'OTYPE, a type containing two or more letters. [Gr.,--_logos_, word, _graphein_, to write.]

LOGOGRIPH, log'[=o]-grif, _n._ a riddle. [Gr. _logos_, word, _griphos_, a riddle.]

LOGOMACHY, lo-gom'a-ki, _n._ contention about words or in words merely.--_n._ LOGOM'ACHIST. [Gr. _logomachia_--_logos_, word, _mach[=e]_, fight.]

LOGOMANIA, log-o-m[=a]'ni-a, _n._ disease of the faculty of language. [Gr.

_logos_, speech, and _mania_.]

LOGOMETER, l[=o]-gom'e-t[.e]r, _n._ a logarithmic scale: a scale for measuring chemical equivalents.

LOGOS, log'os, _n._ in the Stoic philosophy, the active principle living in and determining the world: (_theol._) the Word of God incarnate. [Gr.]

LOIMIC, loi'mik, _adj._ relating to the plague.--_ns._ LOIMOG'RAPHY; LOIMOL'OGY.

LOIN, loin, _n._ the back of a beast cut for food: (_pl._) the reins, or the lower part of the back.--_n._ LOIN'-CLOTH, a piece of cloth for wearing round the loins.--GIRD UP THE LOINS, to prepare for energetic action--the clothes tucked up before running, &c. [O. Fr. _logne_--L. _lumbus_, loin.]

LOITER, loi't[.e]r, _v.i._ to delay: to be slow in moving: to linger.--_n._ LOI'TERER.--_adv._ LOI'TERINGLY. [Dut. _leuteren_, to trifle; Ger. prov.

_lottern_, to waver.]

LOKI, l[=o]'ki, _n._ an evil giant-god in Norse mythology.

LOLIGO, l[=o]-l[=i]'go, _n._ the typical genus of _Loliginidae_, embracing the common European squid. [L.]

LOLIUM, l[=o]'li-um, _n._ a genus of grasses of the tribe Hordeeae. [L., darnel, 'tares.']

LOLL, lol, _v.i._ to lie lazily about, to lounge: to hang out from the mouth.--_v.t._ to thrust out (the tongue).--_n._ LOLL'ER.--_adv._ LOLL'INGLY.--_v.i._ LOLL'OP, to lounge, idle: (_coll._) to be moved heavily about. [Old Dut. _lollen_, to sit over the fire; cf. _Lull_.]

LOLLARDS, lol'ards, the followers of Wycliffe in England: a society founded in Antwerp (1300 A.D.) for the burial of the dead and the care of the sick.--_ns._ LOLL'ARDY, LOLL'ARDISM, the doctrines of the Lollards.