Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 95

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 95

CAPE, k[=a]p, _n._ a covering for the shoulders attached as a tippet to a coat or cloak: a sleeveless cloak. [O. Fr. _cape_--Low L. _cappa_.]

CAPE, k[=a]p, _n._ a head or point of land running into the sea: a headland: a wine produced in Cape Colony.--_v.i._ (_naut._) to keep a course.--THE CAPE, for the Cape Colony. [Fr. _cap_--L. _caput_, the head.]

CAPELIN, kap'e-lin, _n._ a small fish of the smelt family, extremely abundant on the coasts of Newfoundland, and much used as bait in the cod-fishery.--Also CAP'LIN. [Fr. and Sp. _capelan_.]

CAPELINE, kap'e-lin, _n._ a small iron skull-cap worn by archers in the middle ages: a light woollen hood worn by ladies going out to an evening party: a surgical bandage for the head.--Also CAP'ELLINE. [Fr.,--Low L.

_capella_--_capa_, a cap.]

CAPELLET, kap'e-let, _n._ a wen-like swelling on a horse's elbow, or on the back part of his hock. [Fr.,--Low L. _capella_--_capa_, a cap.]


CAPER, k[=a]'p[.e]r, _n._ the pickled flower-bud of the caper-shrub, much grown in Sicily. It has an agreeable pungency of taste, with a slight bitterness, and is much used in sauces, along with boiled mutton, &c.--_n._ C[=A]'PER-TEA, a black tea with a knotty curled leaf. [L. and Gr.


CAPER, k[=a]'p[.e]r, _v.i._ to leap or skip like a goat: to dance in a frolicsome manner.--_n._ a leap: a prank.--_n._ C[=A]'PERER, a dancer.--TO CUT A CAPER, to dance or act fantastically. [See CAPRIOLE.]

CAPERCAILZIE, k[=a]-per-k[=a]l'yi, _n._ a species of grouse, almost equal in size to a turkey, and the largest of the gallinaceous birds of Europe.--Also CAPERCAIL'LIE. [Gael. _capull coilie_, large woodcock.]

CAPERNAITE, kap-er'na-[=i]t, _n._ a polemical term applied to a believer in transubstantiation--from John, vi. 52.--_adj._ CAPERNAIT'IC.--_adv._ CAPERNAIT'ICALLY. [_Capernaum_, a town in Galilee.]

CAPERNOITIE, kap-er-noi'ti, _n._ (_Scot._) head, noddle.--_n._ CAPERNOI'TEDNESS.--_adjs._ CAPERNOI'TY, CAPERNOI'TED, peevish: crabbed.

CAPIAS, k[=a]'pi-as, _n._ a judicial writ, commanding the sheriff to arrest the person named in it. [L. _capias_, thou mayst take--L. _cap[)e]re_, to take.]


CAPILLAIRE, kap-il-l[=a]r', _n._ (_orig._) a syrup extracted from the maiden-hair fern: a simple syrup flavoured with orange-flower water. [Fr., 'maiden-hair'--L. _capillaris_. See CAPILLARY.]

CAPILLAMENT, ka-pil'a-ment, _n._ a filament or fine fibre. [L.

_capillamentum_--_capillus_, hair.]

CAPILLARY, kap'il-a-ri, or ka-pil'a-ri, _adj._ as fine or minute as a hair: having a very small bore, as a tube.--_n._ a tube with a bore as fine as a hair: (_pl._) the minute vessels that unite the veins and arteries in animals.--_adj._ CAPILLACEOUS (kap-i-l[=a]'shi-us), hair-like, capillary.--_n._ CAPILLAR'ITY, a name given to certain phenomena which appear when open tubes, having a very small bore, are placed in vessels containing liquids--e.g., if placed in water, the level of the water in the tube will be above that of the general surface.--_adj._ CAP'ILLOSE, hairy.

[L. _capillaris_--_capillus_, hair, akin to _caput_, the head, akin to Eng.


CAPITAL, kap'it-al, _adj._ relating to the head: involving the loss of the head; chief: principal: excellent.--_n._ the head or top part of a column or pillar: the chief or most important thing: the chief city of a country: a large letter, such as used on title-pages, &c.: the stock or money for carrying on any business.--_n._ CAPITALIS[=A]'TION, the act of converting into capital: printing with capital letters.--_v.t._ CAP'ITAL[=I]SE, to convert into capital or money.--_ns._ CAP'ITALISM, condition of possessing capital: the economic system which generates capitalists; CAP'ITALIST, one who has capital or money.--_adv._ CAP'ITALLY, chiefly: principally: excellently: by capital punishment.--_adj._ CAP'ITATE (_bot._), growing in or shaped like a head.--_ns._ CAPIT[=A]'TION, a numbering of every head or individual: a tax on every head; CAPITE (kap'it-i), an ancient English tenure (_Shak._).--CIRCULATING OR FLOATING CAPITAL consists of the wages paid to the workmen, and of the raw material used up in the processes of industry, &c.; FIXED CAPITAL consists of buildings, machines, tools, &c.--HOLD LANDS IN CAPITE, to hold them directly from the sovereign.--MAKE CAPITAL OUT OF, to turn to advantage. [O. Fr. _capitel_--L.

_capitalis_--_caput_, the head.]

CAPITAN, kap-i-tan', or kap'i-tan, _n._ the chief admiral of the Turkish fleet.--_n._ CAPITAN'O, a head-man. [See CAPTAIN.]

CAPITOL, kap'it-ol, _n._ the temple of Jupiter at Rome, built on the _Capitoline_ hill: (_U.S._) the house where Congress meets.--_adjs._ CAPIT[=O]'LIAN, CAPIT'OLINE. [L. _Capitolium_--_caput_, the head.]

CAPITULAR, kap-it'[=u]l-ar, _n._ a statute passed in a chapter or ecclesiastical court: a member of a chapter--also CAPIT'ULARY.--_adj._ relating or belonging to a chapter in a cathedral.--_adv._ CAPIT'ULARLY.


CAPITULATE, kap-it'[=u]l-[=a]t, _v.i._ to treat: to draw up terms of agreement: to yield or surrender on certain conditions or heads.--_ns._ CAPIT'ULANT; CAPITUL[=A]'TION.--_adj._ CAPIT'ULATORY, recapitulatory. [Low L. _capitulatus_, pa.p. of _capitul[=a]re_, to arrange under heads--_capitulum_, a chapter.]

CAPITULUM, ka-pit'[=u]-lum, _n._ (_bot._) a close head of sessile flowers, as in COMPOSITae: (_anat._) the head of a bone, esp. of a rib--also CAPITEL'LUM.--_adj._ CAPIT'ULAR. [L., dim. of _caput_, head.]

CAPLE, CAPUL, k[=a]'pl, _n._ a horse. [M. E. _capel_; cf. Ice. _kapall_; Ir. _capall_; prob. from Low L. _caballus_, a horse.]

CAPNOMANCY, kap'no-man-si, _n._ divination by means of smoke. [Gr.

_kapnos_, smoke, _manteia_, divination.]

CAPOCCHIA, ka-pok'ia, _n._ (_Shak._) a fool. [It.]

CAPON, k[=a]'pn, _n._ a castrated cock: a fish: a letter.--_v.t._ C[=A]'PONISE. [A.S. _capun_; L. _capon-em_, Gr. _kap[=o]n_--_koptein_, to cut. See CHOP.]

CAPONIERE, kap-[=o]-n[=e]r', _n._ a covered passage across the ditch of a fortified place.--Also CAPONIER'. [Fr.]

CAPORAL, kap-or-al', _n._ a kind of shag tobacco. [Fr.]

CAPOT, ka-pot', _n._ the winning of all the tricks at the game of piquet, and scoring forty.--_v.i._ to win all the tricks in piquet. [Fr.]

CAPOTE, ka-p[=o]t', _n._ a long kind of cloak or mantle. [Fr., dim. of _cape_, a cloak.]

CAPPAGH-BROWN, kap'a-brown, _n._ a brown pigment yielded by a bituminous earth from _Cappagh_ near Cork.--Also CAPP'AH-BROWN.

CAPRIC, kap'rik, _adj._ in CAPRIC ACID, a fatty acid obtained from butter, &c., having a slightly goat-like smell.--_ns._ CAP'RIN, CAP'RINE, a compound of capric acid and glycerine found in butter. [L. _caper_, a goat.]

CAPRICE, ka-pr[=e]s', _n._ a change of humour or opinion without reason: a freak: changeableness.--_ns._ CAPRICCIO (ka-pr[=e]t'cho), a sportive motion: (_mus._) a species of free composition, not subject to rule as to form or figure; CAPRICCIO'SO, a direction in music for a free style.--_adj._ CAPRI'CIOUS (_Shak._), humorous: full of caprice: changeable.--_adv._ CAPRI'CIOUSLY.--_n._ CAPRI'CIOUSNESS. [Fr.

_caprice_--It. _capriccio_; perh. from L. _capra_, a she-goat.]

CAPRICORN, kap'ri-korn, _n._ one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, like a horned goat. [L. _capricornus_--_caper_, a goat, _cornu_, a horn.]

CAPRIFICATION, kap-ri-fi-k[=a]'shun, _n._ a method supposed to hasten the ripening of figs, by puncturing.--_adj._ CAP'RIFORM, goat-shaped. [L.

_caprificus_, the wild fig--_caper_, a goat, and _ficus_, a fig.]


CAPRINE, kap'rin, _adj._ like a goat.

CAPRIOLE, kap'ri-[=o]l, _n._ a caper: a leap without advancing.--_v.i._ to leap: to caper. [O. Fr. _capriole_--It. _capriola_--L. _caper_, _capra_, a goat.]

CAPSICUM, kap'si-kum, _n._ a tropical plant or shrub, from which cayenne pepper is made.--_n._ CAP'SICINE, the active principle of capsicum. [From L. _capsa_, a case, its berries being contained in pods or capsules--_cap[)e]re_, to take, hold.]

CAPSIZE, kap-s[=i]z', _v.t._ to upset.--_v.i._ to be upset. [Ety. dub.; Prof. Skeat suggests Sp. _cabezar_, to nod, pitch.]

CAPSTAN, kap'stan, _n._ an upright machine turned by spokes so as to wind upon it a cable which draws something, generally the anchor, on board ship.

[Fr. _cabestan_, _capestan_, through Low L. forms from L. _cap[)e]re_, to take, hold.]

CAPSULE, kap's[=u]l, _n._ the seed-vessel of a plant: a small dish.--_adjs._ CAP'SULAR, CAP'SULARY, hollow like a capsule: pertaining to a capsule; CAP'SULATE, -D, enclosed in a capsule. [Fr.,--L. _capsula_, dim.

of _capsa_, a case--_cap[)e]re_, to hold.]

CAPTAIN, kap't[=a]n, or kap'tin, _n._ a head or chief officer: the commander of a troop of horse, a company of infantry, or a ship: the overseer of a mine: the leader of a team or club: the head-boy of a school.--_v.t._ to lead.--_ns._ CAP'TAINCY, the rank or commission of a captain; CAP'TAIN-GEN'ERAL, chief commander of an army; CAP'TAINSHIP, CAP'TAINRY (_obs._), rank or condition of a captain: skill in commanding.

[O. Fr. _capitaine_--Low L. _capitaneus_, chief--L. _caput_, head.]