Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 95

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 95

HIND, h[=i]nd, _n._ the female of the stag or red-deer.--_n._ HIND'BERRY, the raspberry. [A.S. _hind_; Dut. and Ger. _hinde_.]

HIND, h[=i]nd, _n._ a farm-servant, esp. one having charge of a pair of horses, with cottage on the farm, formerly bound to supply a female field-worker (_bondager_). [A.S. _hina_=_hiwna_, gen. pl. of _hiwan_, domestics.]

HIND, h[=i]nd, _adj._ placed in the rear: pertaining to the part behind: backward:--opp. to _Fore_.--_adj._ HIND'ER, the older form of _hind_, but used in the same significations.--_n._ HIND'ER-END, the latter end: (_Scot._) HIND'ERLINS (_Scot._), the buttocks.--_adjs._ HIND'ERMOST, HIND'MOST, superlative of _hind_, farthest behind; HIND'-FORE'MOST, the back part in the front place. [A.S. _hindan_ (adv.), back, _hinder_, backwards; Goth. _hindar_, Ger. _hinter_, behind.]

HINDER, hin'd[.e]r, _v.t._ to put or keep behind: to stop, or prevent progress: to embarrass.--_v.i._ to be an obstacle.--_ns._ HIN'DERANCE, HIN'DRANCE, act of hindering: that which hinders: obstacle. [A.S.

_hindrian_; Ger. _hindern_.]

HINDI, hin'd[=e], _n._ and _adj._ one of the languages of Aryan stock now spoken in Northern India.--Also HIN'DEE. [Urd[=u], _Hind_, 'India.']

HINDU, HINDOO, hin'd[=oo], _n._ a native of Hindustan: now more properly applied to native Indian believers in Brahmanism, as opposed to Mohammedans, &c.--_ns._ HIN'DUISM, HIN'DOOISM, the religion and customs of the Hindus. [_Sindhu_, Sans. for Indus.]

HINDUSTANI, HINDOOSTANEE, hin-d[=oo]-stan'[=e], _n._ a dialect of Hindi, also called _Urd[=u]_, the chief official and commercial language of India.--Also _adj._

HINGE, hinj, _n._ the hook or joint on which a door or lid hangs: that on which anything depends or turns.--_v.t._ to furnish with hinges: to bend.--_v.i._ to hang or turn as on a hinge: to depend on:--_pr.p._ hing'ing; _pa.p._ hinged.--_n._ HINGE'-JOINT (_anat._), a joint in which the bones move.--OFF THE HINGES, in a state of confusion. [Related to _hang_.]

HINNY, hin'i, _n._ the offspring of a stallion and she-ass. [L.

_hinnus_--Gr. _ginnos_, later _hinnos_, a mule.]

HINNY, hin'i, _n._ a Scotch variant of _honey_.

HINNY, hin'i, _v.i._ to neigh, whinny.

HINT, hint, _n._ a distant or indirect allusion: slight mention: insinuation.--_v.t._ to bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion: to allude to.--_v.i._ to make an indirect or remote allusion: to allude.--_adv._ HINT'INGLY.--HINT AT, to allude to obscurely. [A.S.

_hentan_, to seize.]

HINTERLAND, hint'[.e]r-land, _n._ the district behind that lying along the coast, or along a river. [Ger.]

HIP, hip, _n._ the haunch or fleshy part of the thigh: (_archit._) the external angle formed by the sides of a roof when the end slopes backward instead of terminating in a gable.--_v.t._ to sprain the hip:--_pr.p._ hip'ping; _pa.p._ hipped, hipt.--_ns._ HIP'-BATH, a bath to sit in--also _Sitz-bath_; HIP'-GIR'DLE, -BELT, the 14th-century sword-belt, passing diagonally from waist to hip; HIP'-GOUT, sciatica; HIP'-JOINT, the articulation of the head of the thigh-bone with the ilium; HIP'-KNOB, an ornament placed on the apex of the hips of a roof or on a gable; HIP'-LOCK, a trick in wrestling by which one throws a leg and hip before the other to throw him; HIP'PING, a napkin wrapped about an infant's hips.--_adj._ HIP'-SHOT, having the hip out of joint.--HIP-AND-THIGH, in phrase, 'smitten hip-and-thigh'=smitten both before and behind, completely overpowered.--HAVE, CATCH, ON THE HIP, to get an advantage over some one--a metaphor from the wrestling-ring. [A.S. _hype_; Goth. _hups_, Ger.


HIP, hip, HEP, hep, _n._ the fruit of the wild brier or dog-rose. [A.S.

_heope_, a hip.]

HIP, HYP, hip, _n._ hypochondria.--_v.t._ to render melancholy.--_adjs._ HIPPED, rendered melancholy; HIP'PISH, somewhat hypochondriac. [A corr. of _hypochondria_.]

HIP, hip, _interj._ an exclamation to invoke a united cheer--_Hip'-hip'-hurr'ah_.

HIPPARION, hi-p[=a]'ri-on, _n._ a fossil genus of _Equidae_. [Gr.

_hipparion_, dim. of _hippos_, a horse.]

HIPPETY-HOPPETY, hip'e-ti-hop'e-ti, _adv._ hopping and skipping.--_n._ HIPP'ETY-HOP.

HIPPIATRIC, hip-i-at'rik, _adj._ relating to the treatment of the diseases of HIPPIAT'RICS.--_ns._ HIPPIAT'RIST; HIPPIAT'RY.--_adj._ HIPP'IC, relating to horses.

HIPPOCAMPUS, hip'o-kam-pus, _n._ a genus of small fishes with head and neck somewhat like those of a horse, the _sea-horse_: (_anat._) a raised curved trace on the floor of the lateral ventricle of the brain. [Gr.

_hippokampos_--_hippos_, a horse, _kampos_, a sea-monster.]

HIPPOCENTAUR, hip-o-sent'awr, _n._ Same as CENTAUR. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, and _centaur_.]

HIPPOCRAS, hip'o-kras, _n._ an aromatic medicated wine, formerly much used as a cordial.--_adj._ HIPPOCRAT'IC, pertaining to the Greek physician _Hippocrates_ (born 460 B.C.).--_v.t._ HIPPOC'RATISE.--_n._ HIPPOC'RATISM.

HIPPOCRENE, hip'o-kr[=e]n, _n._ a fountain on the northern slopes of Mount Helicon, in Greece, sacred to the Muses and Apollo. [L.,--Gr.

_hippokr[=e]n[=e]_--_hippos_, a horse, _kr[=e]n[=e]_, a fountain.]

HIPPOCREPIAN, hip-o-kr[=e]'pi-an, _adj._ horse-shoe shaped. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, _kr[=e]pis_, a shoe.]

HIPPODAME, hip'o-d[=a]m, _n._ (_Spens._) the sea-horse.--_n._ HIPPOD'AMIST, a horse-tamer.--_adj._ HIPPOD'AMOUS, horse-taming.

HIPPODROME, hip'o-dr[=o]m, _n._ the Greek name for a racecourse for horses and chariots: an equestrian circus: (_U.S._) a fraudulent athletic game or contest in which the result is prearranged.--_v.t._ to conduct races in such a way.--_adj._ HIPPODROM'IC.--_n._ HIPPOD'ROMIST, a circus trainer or rider. [Fr.,--Gr. _hippodromos_--_hippos_, a horse, _dromos_, a course.]

HIPPOGRIFF, HIPPOGRYPH, hip'o-grif, _n._ a fabulous animal represented as a winged horse with the head of a griffin. [Fr. _hippogriffe_--Gr. _hippos_, a horse, _gryps_, a griffin.]

HIPPOLOGY, hip-ol'o-ji, _n._ the study of horses.--_adj._ HIPPOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ HIPPOL'OGIST.

HIPPOMANES, hip-om'an-[=e]z, _n._ an ancient love-philtre obtained from a mare or foal.--_n._ HIPP'OMANE, a genus of plants of the natural order _Euphorbiaceae_, the manchineel-tree. [Gr.]

HIPPOPATHOLOGY, hip-o-pa-thol'o-ji, _n._ the pathology of the horse: the science of veterinary medicine. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, and _pathology_.]

HIPPOPHAGY, hip-pof'a-ji, _n._ the act or practice of feeding on HIPPOPH'AGI, eaters of horse-flesh.--_n._ _Hippoph'agist_, an eater of horseflesh.--_adj._ HIPPOPH'AGOUS, horse-eating. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, _phagein_, to eat.]

HIPPOPHILE, hip'o-f[=i]l, _n._ a lover of horses.

HIPPOPOTAMUS, hip-o-pot'a-mus, _n._ the river-horse--an African quadruped, of aquatic habits, having a very thick skin, short legs, and a large head and muzzle.--_adj._ HIPPOPOTAM'IC (also -pot'-), like a hippopotamus, clumsy. [L.,--Gr. _hippopotamos_--_hippos_, a horse, _potamos_, a river.]

HIPPOTOMY, hip-ot'o-mi, _n._ the dissection of the horse.--_adj._ HIPPOTOM'ICAL.--_n._ HIPPOT'OMIST.

HIPPURIC, hip-[=u]'rik, _adj._ denoting an acid first obtained from the urine of horses. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, _ouron_, urine.]

HIPPURID, hi-p[=u]'rid, _n._ a plant of natural order _Hippurideae_ or _Haloragaceae_, the typical genus the common mare's tail.

HIPPURITE, hip'[=u]-r[=i]t, _n._ a fossil bivalve mollusc peculiar to the cretaceous strata.--_adj._ HIPPURIT'IC. [Gr. _hippos_, a horse, _oura_, a tail.]

HIPPUS, hip'us, _n._ clonic spasm of the iris.

HIRCINE, h[.e]r's[=i]n, _adj._ goat-like: having a strong goatish smell.--_ns._ HIRCOCER'VUS, a fabulous creature, half-goat, half-stag; HIRCOS'ITY, goatishness. [Fr.,--L. _hircinus_--_hircus_, a he-goat.]

HIRDY-GIRDY, h[.e]r'di-g[.e]r'di, _adv._ (_Scot._) in confusion.

HIRE, h[=i]r, _n._ wages for service: the price paid for the use of anything.--_v.t._ to procure the use or service of, at a price: to engage for wages: to grant temporary use of for compensation: to bribe.--_adj._ HIRE'ABLE.--_ns._ HIRE'LING, a hired servant: a mercenary: a prostitute (also _adj._); HIR'ER; HIRE'-SYS'TEM, a system by which a hired article becomes the property of the hirer after a stipulated number of payments; HIR'ING, the contract of hiring--_bailment for hire_ (in Scotland, _location_): a fair or market where servants are engaged.--ON HIRE, for hiring. [A.S. _hr_, wages, _hrian_, to hire; Ger. _heuer_, Dut. _huur_.]

HIRMOS, hir'mos, _n._ in the usage of the Greek Church, a standard troparion, forming the first stanza of a canon of odes, and serving as a model for the other stanzas:--_pl._ HIR'MOI.--_n._ HIRMOL[=O]'GION, an office-book containing the hirmoi. [Gr. _eirmos_, a series.]

HIRPLE, h[.e]r'pl, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to walk or run as if lame.--_n._ a limping gait.

HIRRIENT, hir'i-ent, _n._ a trilled sound.

HIRSEL, hir'sel, _n._ (_Scot._) a multitude, a throng, a flock of sheep.--_v.t._ to put in different groups.