Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 8

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 8

SARCELLE, sar-sel', _n._ a long-tailed duck, a teal.

SARCENCHYME, sar-seng'k[=i]m, _n._ one of the soft tissues of sponges.--_adj._ SARCENCHYM'ATOUS. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _enchyma_, an infusion.]


SARCINA, sar-s[=i]'na, _n._ a genus of schizomycetous fungi, in which the cocci divide in three planes forming cubical clumps:--_pl._ SARC[=I]'Nae (-n[=e]).--_adjs._ SARC[=I]'NaeFORM, SARCIN'IC.--_n._ SARCIN'[=U]LA. [L.

_sarcina_, a package.]

SARCINE, sar'sin, _n._ a nitrogenous substance obtained from the muscular tissue of the horse, ox, hare, &c.--same as _Hypoxanthine_. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh.]

SARCIOPHORUS, sar-si-of'[=o]-rus, _n._ a genus of spur-winged plovers, including the crested wattled lapwings, &c. [Gr. _sarkion_, a piece of flesh, _sarx_, flesh, _pherein_, to bear.]

SARCITIS, sar-s[=i]'tis, _n._ myositis. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh.]

SARCOBASIS, sar-kob'a-sis, _n._ a fruit consisting of many dry indehiscent cells. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _basis_, a base.]

SARCOBATUS, sar-kob'a-tus, _n._ an anomalous genus of North American shrubs of the goose-foot family--the only species the _greasewood_ of the western United States. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _batis_, samphire.]

SARCOBLAST, sar'k[=o]-blast, _n._ the germ of sarcode.--_adj._ SARCOBLAS'TIC. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _blastos_, a germ.]

SARCOCARP, sar'k[=o]-karp, _n._ (_bot._) the fleshy part of a drupaceous pericarp or a stone-fruit. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _karpos_, fruit.]

SARCOCELE, sar'k[=o]-s[=e]l, _n._ a fleshy tumour of the testicle. [Gr.

_sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _k[=e]l[=e]_, tumour.]

SARCOCEPHALUS, sar-k[=o]-sef'-a-lus, _n._ a genus of gamopetalous plants of the natural order _Rubiaceae_, native to the tropics of Asia and Africa--including the _country-fig_, _Guinea peach_, _African cinchona_, &c. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _kephal[=e]_, the head.]

SARCOCOL, sar'k[=o]-kol, _n._ a semi-transparent resin or gum imported from Arabia.--_n._ SARC[=O]COL'LA, a genus of apetalous shrubs of the order _Penaeaceae_, native to South Africa. [Gr., a Persian gum.]

SARCOCYSTIS, sar-k[=o]-sis'tis, _n._ a genus of parasitic sporozoa or _Gregarinida_, common but apparently harmless in butcher-meat.--_n._ SARCOCYSTID'IA, the division of sporozoa including the foregoing.--_adj._ SARCOCYSTID'IAN. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _kystis_, the bladder.]

SARCODE, sar'k[=o]d, _n._ another term for _protoplasm_.--_n._ SARC[=O]'DES, _n._ a genus of gamopetalous plants of the order _Monotropeae_; including the Californian _snow-plant_.--_adjs._ SARCOD'IC, SAR'CODOUS; SAR'COID, resembling flesh. [Gr. _sarkod[=e]s_, from _sarx_, flesh, _eidos_, resemblance.]

SARCOLEMMA, sar-k[=o]-lem'a, _n._ a membrane which invests striped muscular tissue.--_adj._ SARCOLEMM'IC. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _lemma_, a skin.]

SARCOLEMUR, sar'k[=o]-l[=e]-mur, _n._ a genus of extinct Eocene mammals found in North America. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, and _lemur_.]

SARCOLOBE, sar'k[=o]-l[=o]b, _n._ a thick fleshy cotyledon, as of the bean.

[Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _lobos_, a lobe.]

SARCOLOGY, sar-kol'o-ji, _n._ the division of anatomy which treats of the soft parts of the body.--_adjs._ SARCOLOG'IC, -AL.--_n._ SARCOL'OGIST. [Gr.

_sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _logos_, discourse.]

SARCOMA, sar-k[=o]'ma, _n._ a tumour or group of tumours, often malignant: any fleshy excrescence: (_bot._) a fleshy disc:--_pl._ SARC[=O]'MATA.--_n._ SARCOMAT[=O]'SIS, sarcomatous degeneration.--_adj._ SARCOM'ATOUS. [Gr.

_sark[=o]ma_--_sarx_, flesh.]

SARCOPHAGA, sar-kof'a-ga, _n._ a genus of dipterous insects, the flesh-flies: a former division of marsupials.--_adjs._ SARCOPH'AGAL, flesh-devouring; SARCOPH'AGOUS, feeding on flesh.--_n._ SARCOPH'AGY.

SARCOPHAGUS, sar-kof'a-gus, _n._ a kind of limestone used by the Greeks for coffins, and so called because it was thought to consume the flesh of corpses: any stone receptacle for a corpse: an 18th-century form of wine-cooler:--_pl._ SARCOPH'AG[=I], SARCOPH'AGUSES. [L.,--Gr.

_sarkophagos_--_sarx_, flesh, _phagein_, eat.]

SARCOPHILUS, sar-kof'i-lus, _n._ a genus of carnivorous marsupials containing the Tasmanian devil.--_n._ SAR'COPHILE, any animal of this genus.--_adj._ SARCOPH'ILOUS, fond of flesh. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _philein_, to love.]

SARCOPHYTE, sar-kof'i-t[=e], _n._ a monotypic genus of parasitic and apetalous plants native to South Africa. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _phyton_, a plant.]

SARCOPSYLLA, sar-kop-sil'a, _n._ a genus of American insects, including the jigger or chigoe. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _psylla_, a flea.]

SARCOPTES, sar-kop't[=e]z, _n._ the itch-mites.--_adj._ SARCOP'TIC. [Gr.

_sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _koptein_, to cut.]

SARCOSEPTUM, sar-k[=o]-sep'tum, _n._ a soft septum. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, and _septum_.]

SARCOSIS, sar-k[=o]'sis, _n._ flesh formation: a fleshy tumour. [Gr.


SARCOSTEMMA, sar-k[=o]-stem'a, _n._ a genus of gamopetalous plants of the order _Asclepiadeae_, native to Africa, Asia, and Australia--including the _flesh crown-flower_. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _stemma_, wreath.]

SARCOSTIGMA, sar-k[=o]-stig'ma, _n._ a genus of polypetalous plants of the order _Olacineae_--including the _odal-oil plant_. [Gr. _sarx_, flesh, _stigma_, a point.]

SARCOSTYLE, sar'k[=o]-st[=i]l, _n._ the mass of sarcode in the sarcotheca of a coelenterate. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _stylos_, a pillar.]

SARCOTHECA, sar-k[=o]-th[=e]'ka, _n._ the cup of a thread-cell: a cnida or nematophore. [Gr. _sarx_, _sarkos_, flesh, _th[=e]k[=e]_, a sheath.]

SARCOTIC, sar-kot'ik, _adj._ causing flesh to grow.--_adj._ SAR'COUS, fleshy. [Gr. _sark[=o]tikos_--_sarkousthai_, to produce flesh--_sarx_, flesh.]

SARD, sard, _n._ a variety of quartz, differing from cornelian only in its very deep-red colour, blood-red by transmitted light.--_n._ SAR'DACH[=A]TE, a kind of agate containing layers of sard. [Gr. _sardios_ (_lithos_), the Sardian (stone)--_Sardeis_, Sardis, in Lydia.]

SARDA, sar'da, _n._ a genus of scombroid fishes, the bonitos. [Gr.

_sard[=e]_, a fish.]

SARDEL, SARDELLE, sar'del, _n._ a slender herring-like fish. [O. Fr.

_sardelle_--L. _sarda_.]

SARDINE, sar-d[=e]n', _n._ a small fish of the herring family, abundant about the island of _Sardinia_, potted with olive-oil for export, the pilchard: a petty character. [Fr., (It. _sardina_)--L. _sarda_, _sardina_--Gr. _sard[=e]n[=e]_.]

SARDINE, sar'din, _n._ the same as SARD.--Also SAR'DIUS. [O. Fr.


SARDONIC, sar-don'ik, _adj._ forced, heartless, or bitter, said of a forced unmirthful laugh--(_obs._) SARD[=O]'NIAN.--_adv._ SARDON'ICALLY. [Fr.

_sardonique_--L. _sardonius_, _sardonicus_--Gr. _sardanios_, referred to _sardonion_, a plant of Sardinia (Gr. _Sard[=o]_), which was said to screw up the face of the eater, but more prob. from Gr. _sairein_, to grin.]

SARDONYX, sar'd[=o]-niks, _n._ a variety of onyx consisting of layers of light-coloured chalcedony alternating with reddish layers of cornelian or sard: (_her._) a tincture of sanguine colour when the blazoning is done by precious stones. [Gr. _sardonyx_--_Sardios_, Sardian, _onyx_, a nail.]

SARGASSO, sar-gas'o, _n._ a genus of seaweeds, of which two species are found floating in immense quantities in some parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans--gulf-weed.--_n._ SARGASS'UM. [Sp.]

SARGUS, sar'gus, _n._ a genus of sparoid fishes of the sub-family SARGI'NA.

[Gr. _sargos_, a mullet.]

SARI, sar'i, _n._ a Hindu woman's chief garment, consisting of a long piece of silk or cotton cloth wrapped round the middle: any long scarf. [Hind.]