Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 7

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 7

ADAM, ad'am, _n._ the first man: unregenerate human nature: a gaoler.--_n._ AD'AMITE, one descended from Adam: one of a 2d-century heretical sect in Northern Africa, and in the 15th in Germany, whose members, claiming the primitive innocence of Eden, went about naked.--_adjs._ ADAMIT'IC, -AL.--_n._ AD'AMITISM.

ADAMANT, ad'a-mant, _n._ a very hard stone: the diamond.--_adjs._ ADAMANT[=E]'AN (_Milton_), hard as adamant; ADAMAN'TINE, made of or like adamant: that cannot be broken or penetrated. [L. and Gr. _adamas_, _-antos_--_a_, neg., and _damaein_, to break, to tame. See TAME.]

ADAMIC, a-dam'ik, _adj._ relating to Adam.

ADAM'S-APPLE, ad'amz-ap'pl, _n._ the angular projection of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in front of the throat, so called from an idea that part of the forbidden fruit stuck in Adam's throat.--ADAM'S ALE or WINE, water.

ADANSONIA, ad-an-s[=o]'ni-a, _n._ the baobab, monkey-bread, or calabash-tree of West Africa. [So called from _Adanson_, a French botanist (1727-1806).]

ADAPT, ad-apt', _v.t._ to make apt or fit: to accommodate (with _to_ or _for_).--_ns._ ADAPTABIL'ITY, ADAPT'ABLENESS.--_adj._ ADAPT'ABLE, that may be adapted.--_n._ ADAPT[=A]'TION, the act of making suitable: fitness: (_biol._) the process of advantageous variation and progressive modification by which organisms are adjusted to the conditions of their life--the perfected result of adaptation being a life in harmony with the environment. [Fr.--L. _adapt[=a]re_--_ad_, to, and _apt[=a]re_, to fit.]

ADAR, [=a]'dar, _n._ the twelfth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical, the sixth of the civil, year, corresponding to the later part of February and the first part of March. [Heb. _ad[=a]r_.]

ADAYS, a-d[=a]z', _adv._ nowadays: at the present time. [Prep. _a_, and gen. sing. of DAY, A.S. _ondaeye_.]

ADD, ad, _v.t._ to put (one thing) to (another): to sum up (with _to_): to increase.--_adjs._ ADD'ABLE, ADD'IBLE.--_ns._ ADDIBIL'ITY; ADDIT'AMENT (_Charles Lamb_), an addition; ADDI'TION, the act of adding: the thing added: the rule in arithmetic for adding numbers together: title, honour.--_adj._ ADDI'TIONAL, that is added. [L.--_addere_--_ad_, to, _dre_, to put.]

ADDAX, ad'aks, _n._ a species of large antelope found in Africa, with long twisted horns. [African word.]

ADDEEM, ad-d[=e]m', _v.t._ to deem: to adjudge: to award. [Pfx. _ad-_, and DEEM.]

ADDENDUM, ad-den'dum, _n._ a thing to be added: an appendix:--_pl._ ADDEN'DA. [L. See ADD.]

ADDER, ad'[.e]r, _n._ the popular English name of the viper.--_ns._ AD'DER'S-TONGUE, a genus of ferns the seeds of which grow on a spike resembling a serpent's tongue; AD'DER'S-WORT, a wort or plant, so called from its being supposed to cure the bite of serpents--also called _Snakeweed_. [A.S. _naedre_; cf. Ger. _atter_ for _natter_. _An adder_ came by mistake into use for _a nadder_; the reverse mistake is _a newt_ for _an ewt_ or _eft_.]

ADDICT, ad-dikt', _v.t._ to give (one's self) up to (generally in a bad sense): (_B._) to devote or dedicate one's self to.--_adjs._ ADDICT', ADDICT'ED, given up to (with _to_).--_ns._ ADDICT'EDNESS, ADDIC'TION. [L.

_addic[)e]re_, _addictum_--_ad_, to, _dic[)e]re_, to declare.]

ADDLE, ad'dl, ADDLED, ad'dld, _adj._ diseased: putrid: barren, empty.--_adjs._ AD'DLE-HEAD'ED, AD'DLE-PAT'ED, having a head or pate with addled brains.--_n._ AD'DLEMENT. [M.E. _adele_--A.S. _adela_, mud; cf.

Scot, _eddle_, liquid manure.]

ADDOOM, ad-d[=oo]m', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to doom, to adjudge, to award. [Pfx.

_a-_, and DOOM.]

ADDORSED, ad-dorst', _p.adj._ (_her._) turned back to back.

ADDRESS, ad-dres', _v.t._ to direct (with _to_): to speak or write to: to court: to direct in writing: to arrange properly: (_arch._) to don: (_refl._) to turn one's skill or energies towards.--_n._ a formal communication in writing: a speech: manners: dexterity: direction of a letter:--_pl._ ADDRESS'ES, attentions of a lover.--TO ADDRESS ONE'S SELF TO A TASK, to set about it. [Fr. _adresser_--Low L. _addirecti[=a]re_--L.

_ad_, to, _directum_, straight. See DRESS, DIRECT.]

ADDUCE, ad-d[=u]s', _v.t._ to bring forward: to cite or quote.--_adj._ ADD[=U]C'ENT, drawing forward or together, as of the adductor muscles.--_n._ ADD[=U]C'ER.--_adj._ ADD[=U]C'IBLE.--_n._ ADDUC'TION, the act of adducing or bringing forward: the movement by which a part of the body is drawn forward by muscles.--_adj._ ADDUC'TIVE, tending to bring forward. [L. _adduc[)e]re_--_ad_, to, and _ducUere_, to bring.]

ADDUCTOR, ad-dukt'ur, _n._ a muscle which draws one part towards another.


ADDULCE, ad-duls', _v.t._ (_obs._) to make sweet. [O. Fr. _adoulcir_--L.

_ad_, to, _dulcis_, sweet.]

ADELPHOUS, a-del'fus, _adj._ (_bot._) united in brotherhoods or bundles, as stamens. [Gr. _adelphos_, brother.]

ADENITIS, ad-en-[=i]'tis, _n._ inflammation of the lymphatic glands. [Gr.

_ad[=e]n_, a gland, _-itis_, denoting inflammation.]

ADENOID, -AL, ad'en-oid, -al, _adj._ of a gland-like shape: glandular. [Gr.

_ad[=e]n_, a gland, _eidos_, form.]

ADENOTOMY, ad-en-ot'o-mi, _n._ a cutting or incision of a gland. [Gr.

_ad[=e]n_, a gland, _tom[=e]_, a cutting.]

ADEPT, ad-ept', or ad'ept, _adj._ completely skilled (_in_).--_n._ a proficient.--_n._ ADEP'TION (_Bacon_), attainment. [L. _adeptus_ (_artem_), having attained (an art), _pa.p._ of _adipisci_, to attain--_ad_, to, and _apisci._]

ADEQUATE, ad'e-kw[=a]t, _adj._ equal to: proportionate: sufficient.--_adv._ AD'EQUATELY.--_ns._ AD'EQUATENESS, AD'EQUACY, state of being adequate: sufficiency. [L. _adaequatus_, made equal--_ad_, to, and _aequus_, equal.]

ADES, _n._ an obsolete variant of HADES.

ADHERE, ad-h[=e]r', _v.i._ to stick to: to remain fixed or attached (with _to_): (_Shak._) to be consistent: (_Scots law_) to affirm a judgment.--_n._ ADHER'ENCE, state of adhering: steady attachment.--_adj._ ADHER'ENT, sticking to.--_n._ one who adheres: a follower: a partisan (with _of_)--a less common form is ADHER'ER. [L. _ad_, to, _haer[=e]re_, _haesum_, to stick.]

ADHESION, ad-h[=e]'zhun, _n._ the act of adhering or sticking to: steady attachment: (_path._) a vital union between two surfaces of a living body which have been either naturally or artificially separated.--_adj._ ADHES'IVE, sticky: apt to adhere.--_adv._ ADHES'IVELY.--_n._ ADHES'IVENESS.


ADHIBIT, ad-hib'it, _v.t._ to apply to: to use: to attach: to admit: to devote to: to administer.--_n._ ADHIBI'TION, application: use. [L.

_adhib[=e]re_, _-itum_--_ad_, to, and _hab[=e]re_, to hold.]

ADIANTUM, ad-i-an'tum, _n._ maidenhair, a large genus of ferns. [Gr.

_adiantos_, _a_, neg., and _diantos_, capable of being wetted.]

ADIAPHORON, a-di-af'or-on, in theology and ethics, things indifferent--any tenet or usage which is considered as non-essential--also ADIAPH'ORA.--_n._ ADIAPH'ORISM, tolerance in regard to non-essential points in theology.--_adj._ ADIAPH'OROUS. [Gr., from _a_, neg., and _diaphoros_, differing--_dia_, apart, _pherein_, to carry.]

ADIATHERMIC, [=a]-d[=i]-a-th[.e]r'mik, _adj._ impervious to radiant heat.

[Gr. _a_, neg., _dia_, through, _thermos_, heat.]

ADIEU, a-d[=u]', _adv._ (I commend you) to God: farewell.--_n._ a farewell:--_pl._ ADIEUS or ADIEUX (a-d[=u]z'). [Fr. _a Dieu_, to God.]

ADIPOCERE, ad'i-p[=o]-s[=e]r, _n._ a fatty, waxy substance resulting from the decomposition of animal bodies in moist places or under water, but not exposed to air. [Through Fr. from L. _adeps_, _adipis_, soft fat, and _cera_, wax.]

ADIPOSE, ad'i-p[=o]z, _adj._ fatty.--ADIPOSE TISSUE, the vesicular structure in the animal body which contains the fat. [L. _adeps_, _adipis_, soft fat.]

ADIT, ad'it, _n._ an opening or passage, esp. into a mine. [L.

_aditus--ad_, to, _[=i]re_, _itum_, to go.]

ADJACENT, ad-j[=a]s'ent, _adj._ lying near to: contiguous.--_n._ ADJAC'ENCY, the state of being near: that which is adjacent.--_adv._ ADJAC'ENTLY. [L. _ad_, to, _jac[=e]re_, to lie.]

ADJECTIVE, ad'jek-tiv, _n._ a word added to a noun to qualify it, or limit it by reference to quality, number, or position.--_adj._ ADJECT[=I]V'AL.--_adv._ AD'JECTIVELY. [L. _adjectivum (nomen)_, an added (noun)--_adjic[)e]re_, _-jectum_, to throw to, to add--_ad_, to, _jac[)e]re_, to throw.]

ADJOIN, ad-join', _v.i._ to lie next to.--_adj._ ADJOIN'ING, joining to: near: adjacent.--_n._ AD'JOINT, a civil officer who assists a French maire: an assistant professor in a French college. [Through Fr. from L.

_adjung[)e]re_. See JOIN.]

ADJOURN, ad-jurn', _v.t._ to put off to another day: to postpone: to discontinue a meeting in order to reconstitute it at another time or place.--_v.i._ to suspend proceedings and disperse for any time specified, or _sine die_, without such time being specified.--_n._ ADJOURN'MENT, the act of adjourning: the interval it causes.--(_obs._) ADJOURN'AL. [O. Fr.

_ajorner_--Low L. _adiurn[=a]re_--L. _ad_, to, Low L. _jurnus_, L.

_diurnus_, daily. See JOURNAL.]