Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 72

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 72

STILE, st[=i]l, _n._ the pin of a dial. [_Style_.]

STILETTO, sti-let'[=o], _n._ a dagger with a slender and narrow blade: a pointed instrument for making eyelet-holes:--_pl._ STILETT'OS.--_v.t._ to stab with a stiletto:--_pr.p._ stilett'oing; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ stilett'oed. [It., dim. of _stilo_, a dagger--L. _stilus_, a stake.]

STILL, stil, _adj._ silent: motionless: calm, subdued: not sparkling or effervescing: constant.--_v.t._ to quiet: to silence: to appease: to restrain.--_adv._ always, constantly: nevertheless, for all that: even yet: after that.--_n._ calm.--_n._ STILL'-BIRTH, the state of being still-born: anything born without life.--_adj._ STILL'-BORN, dead when born.--_ns._ STILL'ER, one who stills or quiets; STILL'-LIFE, the class of pictures representing inanimate objects; STILL'NESS; STILL'-ROOM, an apartment where liquors, preserves, and the like are kept, and where tea, &c., is prepared for the table: a housekeeper's pantry; STILL'-STAND (_Shak._), absence of motion.--_adj._ STILL'Y, still: quiet: calm.--_adv._ silently: gently.

[A.S. _stille_, firm; Dut. _stil_, Ger. _still_.]

STILL, stil, _v.t._ to cause to fall by drops: to distil.--_n._ an apparatus for distillation, consisting essentially of a vessel in which the liquid to be distilled is placed, the vapour being conducted by means of a head or neck to the condenser or worm, where it is cooled by water or other means, and again forms liquid.--_adj._ STILL'IFORM, drop-shaped. [L.

_still[=a]re_, to cause to drop--_stilla_, a drop, or simply a contr. for _distil_, like _sport_ from _disport_.]

STILLAGE, stil'[=a]j, _n._ a frame on which things are laid.--_n._ STILL'ING, a stand.

STILLICIDE, stil'i-s[=i]d, _n._ an urban servitude among the Romans, where a proprietor was not allowed to build to the extremity of his estate, but must leave a space regulated by the charter by which the property was held, so as not to throw the eavesdrop on the land of his neighbour--same as _Eavesdrip_.--_n._ STILLICID'IUM, a morbid trickling. [L.]

STILP, stilp, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to go on STILP'ERS, crutches.

STILT, stilt, _n._ one of a pair of props or poles with steps or supports at a sufficient distance from the lower end to allow a man standing on the steps to walk clear of the ground and with longer strides: a widely distributed genus (_Himantopus_) of wading-birds belonging to the Snipe family, having long slender bills and very long wings and legs--also STILT'-BIRD, -PLOV'ER.--_v.t._ to raise on stilts: to elevate by unnatural means.--_adjs._ STILT'ED, STILT'Y, elevated as if on stilts: pompous.--_n._ STILT'EDNESS.--STILTED ARCH, an arch that does not spring directly from the impost, but from horizontal courses of masonry resting on it. [Scand., Sw.

_stylta_; Dut. _stelt_, a stilt.]

STILTON, stil'ton, _n._ a rich white cheese--from _Stilton_ in Huntingdonshire.

STIME, st[=i]m, _n._ (_Scot._) a ray of light, a glimmer.--Also STYME.

[A.S. _scima_, a light.]

STIMULANT, stim'[=u]-lant, _adj._ stimulating: increasing or exciting vital action.--_n._ anything that stimulates or excites: a stimulating medicine that increases the activity of the vital functions generally, or of one system or organ.--_v.t._ STIM'UL[=A]TE, to prick with anything sharp: to incite: to instigate: (_physiol._) to produce increased action in.--_n._ STIMUL[=A]'TION, act of stimulating, or condition of being stimulated.--_adj._ STIM'UL[=A]TIVE, tending to stimulate.--_n._ that which stimulates or excites.--_ns._ STIM'UL[=A]TOR, one who stimulates:--_fem._ STIM'UL[=A]TRESS; STIM'ULISM, the practice of treating diseases by stimulation; STIM'[=U]LUS, a goad: anything that rouses the mind, or that excites to action: a stimulant:--_pl._ STIM'UL[=I]. [L. _stimulus_ (for _stigmulus_)--Gr. _stizein_, to prick.]

STING, sting, _v.t._ to stick anything sharp into, to pain acutely.--_v.i._ to have a sting: to give pain:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ stung.--_n._ the sharp-pointed weapon of some animals: the thrust of a sting into the flesh: anything that causes acute pain: any stimulus or impulse: the point in the last verse of an epigram.--_n._ STING'ER, one who, or that which, stings.--_adv._ STING'INGLY, with stinging.--_adj._ STING'LESS, having no sting.--_n._ STING'-RAY, a genus of cartilaginous fishes, of the order of Rays, and family _Trygonidae_, the long tail bearing dorsally a long bi-serrated spine capable of giving an ugly wound. [A.S. _stingan_; Ice.


STINGO, sting'g[=o], _n._ strong malt liquor.

STINGY, stin'ji, _adj._ niggardly: avaricious.--_adv._ STIN'GILY.--_n._ STIN'GINESS, [Merely _sting-y_.]

STINK, stingk, _v.i._ to give out a strong, offensive smell: to have a bad reputation:--_pa.t._ stank; _pa.p._ stunk.--_n._ a disagreeable smell.--_ns._ STINK'ARD, one who stinks: a base fellow: the stinking badger of Java; STINK'-BALL, -POT, a ball or jar filled with a stinking, combustible mixture, used in boarding an enemy's vessel; STINK'ER, one who, or that which, stinks; STINK'ING.--_adv._ STINK'INGLY, in a stinking manner: with an offensive smell.--_ns._ STINK'STONE, a variety of limestone remarkable for the fetid urinous odour which it emits when rubbed; STINK'-TRAP, a contrivance to prevent effluvia from drains; STINK'-WOOD, the wood of a Cape tree, remarkable for its strong offensive smell, durable, taking an excellent polish resembling walnut. [A.S. _stincan_.]

STINT, stint, _v.t._ to shorten: to limit: to restrain.--_v.i._ to cease, stop: to be saving.--_n._ limit: restraint, restriction: proportion allotted, fixed amount: one of several species of sandpiper, the dunlin.--_adj._ STINT'ED, limited.--_ns._ STINT'EDNESS; STINT'ER.--_adv._ STINT'INGLY.--_adjs._ STINT'LESS; STINT'Y. [A.S. _styntan_--_stunt_, stupid.]

STIPA, st[=i]'pa, _n._ a genus of grasses, the feather-grasses. [L.

_stipa_, tow.]

STIPE, st[=i]p, _n._ (_bot._) the base of a frond of a fern: also a stalk, as of a pistil, of a fungus or mushroom, of the leaf of a fern, or even the trunk of a tree.--_n._ ST[=I]'PEL, the stipule of a leaflet.--_adj._ ST[=I]'PELLATE, having stipels.--_n._ ST[=I]'PES, a stipe: a stalk or stem.--_adjs._ ST[=I]'PIFORM, STIP'ITATE, STIPIT'IFORM. [Fr.,--L. _stipes_, a stem.]

STIPEND, st[=i]'pend, _n._ a salary paid for services, esp. to a clergyman in Scotland: settled pay.--_adj._ STIPEND'IARY, receiving stipend.--_n._ one who performs services for a salary, esp. a paid magistrate.--_v.t._ STIPEN'DIATE, to provide with a salary. [L. _stipendium_--_stips_, donation, _pend[)e]re_, weigh.]

STIPPLE, stip'l, _v.t._ to engrave or form by means of dots or small points, as distinguished from line-engraving:--_pr.p._ stipp'ling; _pa.p._ stipp'led.--_n._ a mode of execution in engraving and miniature-painting, in which the effect is produced by dots instead of lines: in colour-decoration, a gradation or combination of tones or tints serving as a transition between decided colours.--_adj._ STIPP'LED.--_ns._ STIPP'LER, one who stipples: a coarse brush for stippling; STIPP'LING, stippled work of any kind. [Dut. _stippelen_, dim. of _stippen_, to dot.]

STIPULATE, stip'[=u]-l[=a]t, _v.i._ to contract: to settle terms.--_ns._ STIPUL[=A]'TION, act of stipulating: a contract; STIP'UL[=A]TOR. [L.

_stipul[=a]ri_, _-[=a]tus_, prob. from old L. _stipulus_, firm, conn. with _stip[=a]re_, to press firm.]

STIPULE, stip'[=u]l, _n._ (_bot._) an appendage or lobe at the base of certain leaves, resembling a small leaf: also, a small appendage at the base of petioles, usually softer than the latter--also STIP'[=U]LA.--_adjs._ STIP'ULAR, STIP'[=U]LARY; STIP'[=U]LATE, STIP'[=U]LED. [L. _stipula_, a stalk, dim. of _stipes_.]

STIR, st[.e]r, _v.t._ to move: to rouse: to instigate.--_v.i._ to move one's self: to be active: to draw notice:--_pr.p._ stir'ring; _pa.p._ and _pa.t._ stirred.--_n._ tumult: bustle.--_n._ STIR'ABOUT, one who makes himself active: oatmeal porridge.--_adj._ busy, active.--_adj._ STIR'LESS, without stir.--_n._ STIR'RER.--_p.adj._ STIR'RING, putting in motion: active: accustomed to a busy life: animating, rousing.--STIR UP, to instigate the passions of: to put into motion or action: to enliven: to disturb. [A.S. _styrian_; Dut. _storen_, Ger. _storen_, to drive.]

STIR, st[.e]r, _v.t._ (_Spens._) to steer, to direct.

STIRK, st[.e]rk, _n._ (_Scot._) a yearling ox or cow. [A.S. _stirc_, a heifer--_steor_, a steer.]

STIRP, st[.e]rp, _n._ (_Bacon_) a family, generation, or race:--_pl._ STIR'PES. [L. _stirps_, _stirpis_.]

STIRRUP, stir'up, _n._ a ring or hoop suspended by a rope or strap from the saddle, for a horseman's foot while mounting or riding: a rope secured to a yard, having a thimble in its lower end for reeving a foot-rope.--_ns._ STIRR'UP-CUP, a cup taken by one who is departing on horseback; STIRR'UP-[=I]'RON, the ring of iron attached to the stirrup-leather to receive the foot; STIRR'UP-LEATH'ER, -STRAP, the strap of leather that supports a stirrup. [A.S. _stigerap_--_stigan_, to mount, rap, a _rope_.]

STITCH, stich, _n._ a pass of a needle and thread, the part of the thread left in the fabric, a single loop or link: the kind of work produced by stitching--buttonhole-_stitch_, cross-_stitch_, &c.: the space between two double furrows: a fastening, as of thread or wire, through the back of a book to connect the leaves: an acute pain, a sharp spasmodic pain, esp. in the intercostal muscles: a bit of clothing, a rag.--_v.t._ to sew so as to show a regular line of stitches: to sew or unite.--_v.i._ to practise stitching.--_ns._ STITCH'ER; STITCH'ERY (_Shak._), needle-work; STITCH'ING, the act of one who stitches: needle-work done in such a way that a continuous line of stitches appears on the surface; STITCH'WORT, a genus of slender plants, including the chickweed, so called because once believed to cure 'stitch' in the side. [A.S. _stice_, a prick; Ger. _sticken_, to embroider; conn. with _stick_.]

STITHY, stith'i, _n._ an anvil: a smith's shop.--_v.t._ to forge on an anvil. [Ice. _stethi_; Sw. _stad_, an anvil.]

STIVE, st[=i]v, _v.i._ (_prov._) to stew, to be stifled.--_adj._ ST[=I]'VY, close, stuffy.

STIVER, st[=i]'v[.e]r, _n._ a Dutch coin, worth one penny sterling: any small coin. [Dut. _stuiver_.]

STOA, st[=o]'a, _n._ a portico or covered colonnade round a house, market-place, &c.

STOAT, st[=o]t, _n._ a kind of weasel, called the ermine when in its winter dress.--Also STOTE. [_Stot_.]

STOB, stob, _n._ a small post for supporting paling: a wedge in coal-mining. [A variant of _stub_.]

STOCCADE, stok-[=a]d', STOCCADO, stok-[=a]'do, _n._ a thrust in fencing--(_Shak._) STOCCA'TA. [It. _stoccata_, a thrust--_stocco_, a rapier--Ger. _stock_, a stick.]

STOCK, stok, _n._ something stuck or thrust in: the stem of a tree or plant: the trunk which receives a graft: a post, a log: anything fixed solid and senseless: a stupid person: the crank-shaped handle of a centre-bit: the wood in which the barrel of a firearm is fixed: the cross-piece of timber into which the shank of an anchor is inserted: the part to which others are attached: the original progenitor: family: a fund, capital, shares of a public debt: store: the cattle, horses, and other useful animals kept on a farm: the liquor or broth obtained by boiling meat, the foundation for soup: a stiff band worn as a cravat, often fastened with a buckle at the back: (_pl._) an instrument in which the legs of offenders were confined: the frame for a ship while building: the public funds.--_v.t._ to store: to supply: to fill: to supply with domestic animals or stock: to refrain from milking cows for 24 hours or more previous to sale.--_adj._ kept in stock, standing.--_ns._ STOCK'BREED'ER, one who raises live-stock; STOCK'BROKER, a broker who deals in stocks or shares; STOCK'BROKING, the business of a stockbroker; STOCK'-DOVE, the wild pigeon of Europe; STOCK'-EP'ITHET, any ordinary and conventional epithet; STOCK'-EXCHANGE', the place where stocks are bought and sold: an association of sharebrokers and dealers; STOCK'-FARM'ER, a farmer who rears live-stock, as cattle, &c.; STOCK'-FEED'ER, one who feeds or fattens live-stock; STOCK'HOLDER, one who holds stocks in the public funds, or in a company; STOCK'-IN-TRADE, the whole goods a shopkeeper keeps on sale: a person's mental resources; STOCK'-JOB'BER; STOCK'-JOB'BERY, -JOB'BING, speculating in stocks; STOCK'-LIST, a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued; STOCK'MAN, a herdsman who has the charge of stock on a sheep-run in Australia; STOCK'-MAR'KET, a market for the sale of stocks, the stock-exchange; STOCK'-POT, the pot in which the stock for soup is kept; STOCK'-RID'ER, a herdsman on an Australian station; STOCK'-SADD'LE, a saddle with heavy tree and iron horn; STOCK'-ST[=A]'TION, a station where stock and cattle are reared; STOCK'-WHIP, a whip with short handle and long lash for use in herding; STOCK'WORK, a deposit in which the ore is distributed all over it; STOCK'YARD, a large yard with pens, stables, &c.

where cattle are kept for slaughter, market, &c.--TAKE STOCK, to make an inventory of goods on hand: to make an estimate of; TAKE STOCK IN, to take a share in, to put confidence in. [A.S. _stocc_, a stick; Ger. _stock_.]

STOCK, stok, _n._ a favourite garden-flower. [Orig. called _stock-gillyflower_, to distinguish it from the stemless clove-pink, called the _gillyflower_.]

STOCKADE, stok-[=a]d', _n._ a breastwork formed of stakes fixed in the ground.--_v.t._ to fortify with such. [Fr. _estocade_--_estoc_--Ger.

_stock_, stick.]

STOCKFISH, stok'fish, n, a commercial name of salted and dried cod and other fish of the same family, esp. ling, hake, and torsk.

STOCK-GILLYFLOWER, stok'-jil'i-flow-[.e]r, _n._ a genus of herbaceous or half-shrubby plants of the natural order _Cruciferae_, having their flowers in racemes, and generally beautiful and fragrant. [_Stock_, wood, and _gillyflower_.]

STOCKING, stok'ing, _n._ a close covering for the foot and lower leg.--_ns._ STOCKINET', an elastic knitted fabric for under-garments; STOCK'INGER, one who knits stockings; STOCK'ING-FRAME, a knitting-machine.

[From _stock_, the stockings being the _nether-stocks_ when the long hose came to be cut at the knee.]

STOCKISH, stok'ish, _adj._ (_Shak._) like a stock, stupid.--_n._ STOCK'ISHNESS, stupidity.--_adj._ STOCK'-STILL, still as a stock or post.

STOCK-TACKLE, stok'-tak'l, _n._ tackle used in hoisting an anchor on board ship to keep its stock clear of the ship's side.

STOCK-TAKING, stok'-t[=a]k'ing, _n._ a periodical inventory made of the stock or goods in a shop or warehouse.

STOCKY, stok'i, _adj._ short and stout, thick-set: having a strong stem.--_adv._ STOCK'ILY.