Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 71

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 71

BLOT, blot, _n._ a piece liable to be taken at backgammon: a weak place in anything. [Ety. obscure; Dut. _bloot_, naked.]

BLOTCH, bloch, _n._ a dark spot on the skin: a pustule.--_v.t._ to mark or cover with blotches.--_adjs._ BLOTCHED, BLOTCH'Y. [Prob. formed on BLOT.]

BLOUSE, blowz, _n._ a loose sack-like outer garment, somewhat like the English smock-frock. [Fr.]

BLOW, bl[=o], _n._ a stroke or knock: a sudden misfortune or calamity.--AT A BLOW, by a single action, suddenly; TO COME TO BLOWS, TO EXCHANGE BLOWS, to come to hostilities; WITHOUT STRIKING A BLOW, without a struggle. [A.S.

_bleowan_ is doubtful, cog. with Dut. _blouwen_, to dress (beat) flax, Ger.

_bl[=a]uen_, to beat hard. The noun appears in the 15th century without evidence of parentage.]

BLOW, bl[=o], _v.i._ to bloom or blossom:--_pr.p._ bl[=o]w'ing; _pa.p._ bl[=o]wn. [A.S. _blowan;_ Ger. _bluhen_. See BLOOM, BLOSSOM.]

BLOW, bl[=o], _v.i._ to produce a current of air: to move, as air or the wind.--_v.t._ to drive air upon or into: to drive by a current of air, as 'to blow away, down,' &c.: to sound, as a wind-instrument: to breathe hard or with difficulty: to spout, as whales: (_prov._) to boast: to spread by report: to fan or kindle:--_pa.t._ blew (bl[=oo]); _pa.p._ blown (bl[=o]n).--_ns._ BLOW'-BALL, the downy head of a dandelion in seed; BLOW'ER, a metal plate put upon the upper part of a fireplace, so as to increase the draught through the fire: a machine for driving a blast of air, as into a furnace; BLOW'-FLY, or _Flesh-fly_, an insect of the order Diptera, and of the large family Muscidae, to which the common house-fly and blue-bottle belong.--_p.adj._ BLOWN, out of breath, tired: swelled: stale, worthless.--_n._ BLOW'PIPE, a pipe through which a current of air is blown on a flame, to increase its heat: a kind of weapon much used by some of the Indian tribes of South America both in hunting and war, consisting of a long straight tube in which a small poisoned arrow is placed, and forcibly expelled by the breath.--_adj._ BLOW'Y.--TO BLOW HOT AND COLD, to be favourable and unfavourable by turns, to be irresolute; TO BLOW OFF (steam, &c.), to allow to escape, to escape forcibly; TO BLOW ONE'S OWN TRUMPET, to sound one's own praises; TO BLOW OVER, to pass away, to subside, as a danger or a scandal; TO BLOW UP, to shatter or destroy by explosion: to scold; TO BLOW UPON, to take the bloom, freshness, or the interest off anything, to bring into discredit: to inform upon. [A.S. _blawan_; Ger.

_blahen_, _blasen_; L. _flare_.]

BLOWZE, blowz, _n._ a ruddy, fat-faced wench.--_adjs._ BLOWZED, BLOWZ'Y, fat and ruddy, or flushed with exercise, dishevelled, slatternly. [Perh.

related to root of BLUSH; or of cant origin.]

BLUBBER, blub'[.e]r, _n._ the fat of whales and other sea animals.--_v.i._ to weep effusively.--_p.adj._ BLUBB'ERED, of a face swollen with weeping.

[M. E. _blober_, _bluber_; most likely onomatopoeic]

BLUCHER, bl[=oo]ch'[.e]r, _n._ a strong leather half-boot or high shoe, named from Marshal _Blucher_, the Prussian general at Waterloo.

BLUDGEON, blud'jun, _n._ a short stick with a heavy end to strike with.

[First in 18th century; origin very obscure; from a cant word conn. with BLOOD.]

BLUE, bl[=oo], _n._ the colour of the sky when unclouded--hence the sea, the sky, as in 'a bolt from the blue:' one of the seven primary colours.--_adj._ of the colour blue: learned, pedantic: indecent or obscene, as in _blue_ stories.--_ns._ BLUE'-BEARD, a monster who murders a series of wives in Perrault's famous _conte_, before he is himself cut off: one who is 'unfortunate' with his wives after the fashion of Henry VIII.; BLUE'BELL, a plant that bears blue bell-shaped flowers; BLUE'-BIRD, a small American bird akin to the warblers; BLUE'-BLACK, black with a tinge of blue; BLUE'-BOOK, the name popularly applied to the reports and other papers printed by parliament, because usually stitched up in blue paper wrappers; BLUE'-BOT'TLE, a common name for the Blue Cornflower: a familiar name for a policeman or beadle; BLUE'-CAP, a fish of the salmon kind with blue spots on its head: the blue titmouse: (_Shak._) a Scotchman, from his blue bonnet; BLUE'-EYE, a beautiful little bird in New South Wales, one or the honey-eaters; BLUE'-FISH, a fish of the family Scomberidae, abundant on the east coast of North BLUE'-GOWNS, the name commonly given to a former class of privileged mendicants in Scotland--called also the _King's Bedesmen_.--_ns._ BLUE'-GRASS, a permanent grass found in Europe and North America; BLUE'-GUM, a kind of Eucalyptus; BLUE'-JACK'ET, a seaman in the navy, as distinguished from a marine; BLUE'-JAY, a common North American bird of the [Illustration] jay family; BLUE'NESS; BLUE'-NOSE, a nickname for a Nova Scotian; BLUE'-P[=E]'TER, a blue flag with white square in the centre, used in the navy as a signal for sailing; BLUE'PILL, a mercurial pill, used as a purgative in cases of torpid or inflamed liver; BLUE'-STOCK'ING, a name given to learned ladies who display their acquirements in a pedantic manner, to the neglect of womanly graces--about 1750 Mrs Montague and others began to substitute literary conversation for cards, and the name implying a disregard for the conventional costume of polite society was suggested by the blue stockings of Benjamin Stillingfleet--the French _bas bleu_ is a translation; BLUE'-STONE, blue copperas, sulphate of copper; BLUE'-THROAT, or BLUE'-BREAST, a beautiful and melodious bird, nearly allied to the nightingale; BLUE'-WING, a kind of duck, either a sub-genus of Anas, or a special genus Cyanopterus--the best-known species, the Common or Lunate Blue-wing, the Blue-winged Teal of the United States.--_adj._ BL[=U]'ISH, slightly blue.--BLUE BLOOD, aristocratic blood--the _sangre azul_ of the Spanish hidalgoes; BLUE BONNET, a round flat cap of blue woollen, much worn in Scotland: a blue-bonneted Scotch peasant or soldier; BLUE-BOTTLE FLY, the meat-fly or blow-fly; BLUE-COAT BOY, a scholar of Christ's Hospital--also (from the blue coat having formerly been the usual dress of servants) a servant, beadle, soldier; BLUE DEVIL, an evil demon: (_pl._) deep despondency, the apparitions seen in delirium tremens; BLUE FUNK (_slang_), great terror; BLUE RIBBON, a term applied to any great prize, as the Derby stakes--from the blue ribbon worn by Knights of the Garter: the badge assumed by the so-called Blue Ribbon Army introduced from America in 1878; BLUE WATER, the deep sea, as opposed to port or a narrow channel.--LIGHT BLUE, and DARK BLUE, the distinctive colours in their athletic contests of Eton and Cambridge, and of Harrow and Oxford respectively; THE BLUES, the Royal Horse Guards; THE BLUES (for blue devils), a colloquial expression for depression of spirits.--TO BE A BLUE, to be chosen to represent Oxford or Cambridge at an inter-university contest in cricket, football, rowing, or athletics; AN OLD BLUE, one once so chosen.--TO DRINK TILL ALL'S BLUE, until everything around one looks blue; TO LOOK BLUE, to be down-spirited.--TRUE BLUE, faithful to the principles of the political party wearing blue as its colour, in many places identified with Conservative. [M. E. _blew_--O. Fr. _bleu_, of Teut.

origin; as also Scand. _bla_, which gave M. E. _bla_, _blo_, and modern _blae_.]

BLUFF, bluf, _adj._ blustering: rough and hearty in manners: outspoken: steep.--_n._ a high steep bank overlooking the sea or a river: the act of bluffing at cards, as in poker--hence any kind of boastful swagger intended to impose upon another: (_slang_) an excuse.--_adjs._ BLUFF'-BOWED, having broad and flat bows, as a ship; BLUFF'-HEAD'ED, applied to a ship having her stem too straight up.--_adv._ BLUFF'LY.--_n._ BLUFF'NESS. [Prob. Dut.]

BLUNDER, blun'der, _v.i._ to make a gross mistake, to flounder about: to utter thoughtlessly.--_n._ a gross mistake.--_p.adj._ BLUN'DERING, apt to make gross mistakes: apt to stumble.--TO BLUNDER AWAY, to throw away some opportunity or advantage. [M. E. _blondren_; prob. conn. with BLAND; perh.

from Ice. _blunda_, to doze.]

BLUNDERBUSS, blun'd[.e]r-bus, _n._ a short hand-gun with a wide bore.

[Corr. of Dut. _donderbus_--_donder_, thunder, _bus_, a box, barrel of a gun, a gun; Ger. _donnerbuchse_.]

BLUNT, blunt, _adj._ having a dull edge or point; rough, outspoken, dull.--_v.t._ to dull the edge or point: to weaken.--_n._ (_slang_) money.--_adj._ BLUNT'ISH.--_adv._ BLUNTLY.--_n._ BLUNT'NESS.--_adj._ BLUNT'-WIT'TED (_Shak._) dull, stupid. [Orig. sleepy, dull; prob. conn.

with Ice. _blunda_, to doze; perh. akin to BLIND.]

BLUR, blur, _n._ a blot, stain, or spot.--_v.t._ to blot, stain, obscure, or blemish (with _out_, _over_):--_pr.p._ blur'ring; _pa.p._ blurred. [A variety of BLEAR.]

BLURT, blurt, _v.t._ to utter suddenly or unadvisedly (with _out_).--_n._ an abrupt outburst.--_p.adj._ BLURT'ING, impulsively frank. [From sound.


BLUSH, blush, _n._ a red glow on the face caused by shame, modesty, &c.: any reddish colour: sudden appearance.--_v.i._ to show shame or confusion by growing red in the face: to grow red.--_n._ BLUSH'ET (_Ben Jonson_), a young, modest girl.--_adj._ BLUSH'FUL, full of blushes: modest--_n._ BLUSH'ING, the act of turning red: the appearance of colour upon the cheek.--_p.adj._ showing blushes: modest.--_adv._ BLUSH'INGLY.--AT THE FIRST BLUSH, at the first glance.--TO PUT TO THE BLUSH, to cause to blush.

[Prob. Scand.; cog. with A.S. _blysa_, a blaze. See BLAZE, BLOWZE.]

BLUSTER, blus't[.e]r, _v.i._ to make a noise like a blast of wind: to bully or swagger.--_n._ a blast or roaring as of the wind: bullying or boasting language: a storm of anger.--_n._ BLUS'TERING, a noisy blowing as of a blast: swaggering: noisy pretension.--_adj._ stormy: tumultuous: boastful.--_adv._ BLUS'TERINGLY.--_adjs._ BLUS'TEROUS (_Shak._) noisy: boastful; BLUS'TERY, stormy: (_Carlyle_) swaggering. [An augmentative of BLAST.]

BO, b[=o], _interj._ a word used to frighten children.--TO SAY BO TO A GOOSE, to open the mouth, to say even a word.

BOA, b[=o]'a, _n._ a genus of serpents which includes the largest species of serpents (the BOA-CONSTRIC'TOR), which kill their prey by constriction or pressure: a long serpent-like coil of fur, feathers, or the like, worn round the neck by ladies. [Perh. conn. with L. _bos_, an ox.]

BOAD. Same as ABODE, _pa.p._ of ABIDE: also the same as BODE.

BOANERGES, bo-an-erj'es, _n._ a noisy preacher or shouting orator. ['Sons of thunder'--Mark, iii. 17.]

BOAR, b[=o]r, _n._ the male of swine, or its flesh.--_adj._ BOAR'ISH, swinish: brutal.--_n._ BOAR'-SPEAR, a spear used in boar-hunting. [A.S.

_bar_; Dut. _beer_; Ger. _bar_.]

BOARD, b[=o]rd, _n._ a broad and thin strip of timber: a table to put food on: food: a table round which persons meet for some kind of business: any council or authorised body of men, as a 'school-board:' the deck of a ship: (_pl._) the stage: a kind of thick stiff paper, as in pasteboard, Bristol-board, esp. that used in the binding of books.--_v.t._ to cover with boards: to supply with food at fixed terms: to enter a ship: to attack.--_v.i._ to receive food or take meals.--_ns._ BOARD'ER, one who receives board (food): one who boards a ship; BOARD'ING, the act of covering with boards: the covering itself: act of boarding a ship; BOARD'ING-HOUSE, a house where boarders are kept; BOARD'ING-PIKE, a pike used in boarding a ship, or in defending it when attacked; BOARD'ING-SCHOOL, a school in which board is given as well as instruction; BOARD'-SCHOOL, a school under control of a school-board, as elected by the Elementary Education Act of BOARD'-W[=A]'GES, wages allowed to servants to keep themselves in food.--ABOVE BOARD, openly.--BY THE BOARD, over the board or side of a ship--hence, TO GO BY THE BOARD, to be lost or destroyed.--TO SWEEP THE BOARD, to take all the cards. [A.S.

_bord_, a board, the side of a ship; Ice. _bor_, the side of a ship: conn.

either with BEAR or with BROAD.]

BOAST, b[=o]st, _v.i._ to talk vaingloriously: to brag (with _of_),--_v.t._ to brag of: speak proudly or confidently of, esp. justifiably: to magnify or exalt one's self.--_n._ an expression of pride: a brag: the cause of boasting.--_adj._ BOAST'FUL, given to brag.--_adv._ BOAST'FULLY.--_ns._ BOAST'FULNESS, BOAST'ING, ostentatious display: vaunting.--_adj._ BOAST'LESS, without boasting; simple, unostentatious. [M. E. _bost_, of doubtful origin; apparently W. _bostio_, Gael. _bsd_, a bragging, are borrowed.]

BOAT, b[=o]t, _n._ a small open vessel usually moved by oars: a small ship: a vessel like a boat in shape, as a 'sauce-boat.'--_v.i._ to sail about in a boat.--_ns._ BOAT'-HOOK, an iron hook fixed to a pole used for pulling or pushing off a boat; BOAT'-HOUSE, a house or shed for a boat: BOAT'ING, the art or practice of sailing in boats; BOAT'MAN, a man who has charge of a boat: a rower.--IN THE SAME BOAT, in the same circumstances.--TO HAVE AN OAR IN ANOTHER'S BOAT, to meddle with the affairs of others. [A.S. _bat;_ Dut. _boot_; Fr. _bateau_.]

BOATSWAIN, b[=o]t'sw[=a]n (_colloq._ b[=o]'sn), _n._ a petty officer on board ship who looks after the boats, rigging, &c., and calls the seamen to duty with a whistle. [BOAT, and _swain_, Scand. _sveinn_, a boy.]

BOB, bob, _v.i._ to move quickly up and down, to dangle: to fish with a bob.--_v.t._ to move in a short, jerking manner:--_pr.p._ bob'bing; _pa.p._ bobbed.--_n._ a short jerking motion: a slight blow: anything that moves with a bob or swing: a pendant: a knot of hair, as in BOB'-WIG, one with the ends turned up into short curls: a bunch of lobworms, used in catching eels: any small roundish body: the refrain or burden of a song: a term in bell-ringing--a BOB MINOR is rung upon six bells; a BOB MAJOR on eight; a BOB ROYAL on ten; a BOB MAXIMUS on twelve.--_adj._ BOB'BISH, in good spirits.--_n._ BOB'BLE, the movement of water in commotion. [Perh. Celt., Gael. _baban_, _babag_.]

BOB, bob, _n._ (_slang_) a shilling. [Hardly the O. Fr. _bobe_ = 1d.]

BOB, bob, BOBBY, bob'i, _n._ a shortened familiar form of _Robert_: a familiar name for a policeman--from Sir Robert Peel, Home Secretary at the passing of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1828.--_n._ LIGHT'-BOB, a soldier of the light infantry.

BOBADIL, bob'a-dil, _n._ a swaggering boaster, from Ben Jonson's _Every Man in his Humour_.

BOBBERY, bob'er-i, _n._ a noisy row. [Hindi _b[=a]p re!_ O father!--_Col.


BOBBIN, bob'in, _n._ a small piece of wood on which thread is wound.--_n._ BOBB'INET, a kind of fine netted lace made by machines. [Fr. _bobine_, prob. Celt.; cf. Gael. _baban_, a tassel.]

BOBOLINK, bob'[=o]-lingk, _n._ a North American singing bird, found in the northern states in spring and summer. [At first _Bob Lincoln_, from the note of the bird.]

BOBSTAYS, bob'st[=a]z, (_naut._) ropes or stays used to confine the bowsprit downward to the stem or cutwater, and counteract the strain of the foremast-stays.

BOBTAIL, bob't[=a]l, _n._ a short or cut tail: a word applied in contempt to the rabble, as in 'tag-rag and _bobtail_.'--_adj._ BOB'TAILED, with tail cut short.


BODE, b[=o]d, _v.t._ to portend or prophesy.--_v.i._ to be an omen: to foreshow.--_adj._ BODE'FUL, boding, ominous.--_n._ BODE'MENT, an omen, presentiment.--_pr.p._ BOD'ING, presaging.--_n._ an omen or portent. [A.S.

_bodian_, to announce--_bod_, a message; allied to BID.]

BODE, b[=o]d (_Spens._). Same as ABODE.

BODEGA, bo-d[=e]'ga, _n._ a wine-shop. [Sp.]