Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 46

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 46


PARD, pard, _n._ (_slang_) a partner, mate.

PARD, pard, _n._ the panther: the leopard: in poetry, any spotted animal.--_n._ PARD'ALE (_Spens._). [L. _pardus_--Gr. _pardos_, the panther, the leopard.]

PARDIEU, par'd[=u], PARDI, PARDY, par'di, _adv._ (_Spens._) in truth: certainly. [Fr., by God--_par_--L. _per_, through, by, _Dieu_--L. _deus_, God.]

PARDON, par'don, _v.t._ to forgive, said either of an offender or of a crime: to pass by without punishment or blame: to set free from punishment: to let off without doing something.--_n._ forgiveness, either of an offender or of his offence: remission of a penalty or punishment: a warrant declaring a pardon: a papal indulgence.--_adj._ PAR'DONABLE, that may be pardoned: excusable.--_n._ PAR'DONABLENESS.--_adv._ PAR'DONABLY.--_n._ PAR'DONER, one who pardons: formerly, one licensed to sell papal indulgences.--_p.adj._ PAR'DONING, disposed to pardon: forgiving: exercising the right or power to pardon: conferring authority to grant pardon.--PARDON ME, excuse me--used in apology and to soften a contradiction. [Fr. _pardonner_--Low L. _perdon[=a]re_--L. _per_, through, away, _don[=a]re_, to give.]

PARDY, par'di, _adv._ A form of _pardieu_.

PARE, p[=a]r, _v.t._ to cut or shave off: to trim, or to remove by cutting: to diminish by littles.--_n._ P[=A]R'ER, one who, or that which, pares.

[Fr. _parer_--L. _par[=a]re_, to prepare.]

PAREGORIC, par-[=e]-gor'ik, _adj._ soothing, lessening pain.--_n._ a medicine that soothes pain: tincture of opium. [L.,--Gr.

_par[=e]gorikos_--_par[=e]gorein_, to exhort.]

PAREIL, par-el', _n._ an equal. [Fr.,--L. _par_, equal.]

PAREIRA, pa-r[=a]'ra, _n._ a tonic diuretic drug derived from various South and Central American plants. [Braz.]

PARELLA, pa-rel'la, _n._ a crustaceous lichen yielding archil, cudbear, and litmus.--Also PARELLE'. [Fr. _parelle_.]

PAREMBOLE, pa-rem'b[=o]-l[=e], _n._ (_rhet._) an inserted phrase modifying or explaining the thought of the sentence--closer to the context than a parenthesis. [Gr.]

PARENCHYMA, pa-reng'ki-ma, _n._ the soft cellular tissue of glandular and other organs, as the pith in plants or the pulp in fruits.--_adjs._ PARENCH'YMAL, PARENCHYM'ATOUS, PARENCH'YMOUS. [Gr., _para_, beside, _engchein_, to pour in.]

PARENESIS, pa-ren'e-sis, _n._ persuasion.--_adjs._ PARENET'IC, -AL, hortatory. [Gr. _parainesis_, exhortation, _para_, beside, _ainein_, to praise.]

PARENT, p[=a]r'ent, _n._ one who begets or brings forth: a father or a mother: one who, or that which, produces: an author: a cause.--_n._ PAR'ENTAGE, descent from parents: birth: extraction: rank or character derived from one's parents or ancestors: relation of parents to their children.--_adj._ PARENT'AL, pertaining to, or becoming, parents: affectionate: tender.--_adv._ PARENT'ALLY.--_ns._ PAR'ENTHOOD, state of being a parent: duty or feelings of a parent; PARENT'ICIDE, one who kills a parent.--_adj._ PAR'ENTLESS, without a parent. [Fr., 'kinsman'--L.

_parens_, for _pariens_, _-entis_, pr.p. of _par[)e]re_, to bring forth.]

PARENTHESIS, pa-ren'the-sis, _n._ a word, phrase, or sentence put in or inserted in another which is grammatically complete without it: (_pl._) the marks ( ) used to mark off a parenthesis:--_pl._ PAREN'THESES (-s[=e]z).--_v.i._ PARENTH'ESISE.--_adjs._ PARENTHET'IC, -AL, of the nature of a parenthesis: expressed in a parenthesis: using parentheses.--_adv._ PARENTHET'ICALLY. [Gr.,--_para_, beside, _en_, in, _thesis_, a placing--_tithenai_, to place.]

PARERGON, pa-r[.e]r'gon, _n._ a by-work, any work subsidiary to another.

[Gr.,--_para_, beside, _ergon_, work.]

PARESIS, par'e-sis, _n._ a diminished activity of function--a partial form of paralysis.--_adj._ PARET'IC. [Gr., _parienai_, to relax.]

PARFAY, par-f[=a]', _interj._ by or in faith. [Fr.]

PARFILAGE, par'fi-l[=a]j, _n._ the unravelling of woven fabrics, to save gold or silver threads. [Fr.]

PARFLECHE, par-flesh', _n._ rawhide of buffalo-skin stripped of hair and dried on a stretcher: a wallet, tent, &c. of such material. [Canadian Fr.,--Ind.]

PARGASITE, par'ga-s[=i]t, _n._ a dark-green crystallised variety of amphibole or hornblende.

PARGET, par'jet, _n._ (_Spens._) the plaster of a wall: paint.--_v.t._ to plaster: to paint.--_ns._ PAR'GETER; PAR'GETING, PARGE'-WORK. [L. _paries_, _parietis_, a wall; or Low L. _spargit[=a]re_, to sprinkle--L.


PARHELION, par-h[=e]'li-un, _n._ a bright light caused by refraction of light through ice crystals floating in the air, sometimes seen near the sun, and sometimes opposite to the sun, when it is called _anthelion_:--_pl._ PARH[=E]'LIA.--_adjs._ PARHEL'IC, PARHEL[=I]'ACAL. [Gr.

_para_, beside, _h[=e]lios_, the sun.]

PARIAH, p[=a]r'i-a, _n._ a member of a caste in southern India, lower than the four Brahminical castes: one who has lost his caste: an outcast.


PARIAN, p[=a]'ri-an, _adj._ pertaining to or found in the island of _Paros_, in the aegean Sea.--_n._ an inhabitant of Paros: a fine porcelain for statuettes, resembling marble.--PARIAN MARBLE, a fine marble found in Paros, much used by the ancients for statues.

PARIDIGITATE, par-i-dij'i-t[=a]t, _adj._ having an even number of digits.

PARIETAL, pa-r[=i]'et-al, _adj._ pertaining to a wall or walls: (_anat._) forming the sides: (_bot._) growing from the inner lining of an organ, and not from the axis, as seeds in the ovary.--_n._ one of the bones of the skull. [L. _parietalis_--_paries_, _parietis_, a wall.]

PARING, p[=a]r'ing, _n._ act of trimming or cutting off: that which is pared off: rind: the cutting off of the surface of grass land for tillage.

PARIPINNATE, par-i-pin'[=a]t, _adj._ (_bot._) equally pinnate.

PARISH, par'ish, _n._ a district under one pastor: an ecclesiastical district having officers of its own and supporting its own poor: the people of a parish.--_adj._ belonging or relating to a parish: employed or supported by the parish.--_n._ PARISH'IONER, one who belongs to or is connected with a parish: a member of a parish church.--PARISH CLERK, the clerk or recording officer of a parish: the one who leads the responses in the service of the Church of England; PARISH PRIEST, a priest who has charge of a parish; PARISH REGISTER, a book in which the births, marriages, and deaths of a parish are registered. [Fr. _paroisse_--L. _paroecia_--Gr.

_paroikia_--_paroikos_, dwelling beside--_para_, beside, _oikos_, a dwelling.]

PARISIAN, par-iz'i-an, _adj._ of or pertaining to _Paris_.--_n._ a native or resident of Paris:--_fem._ PARISIENNE'.--PARIS DOLL, a small figure dressed in the latest fashions, sent out by Paris modistes.

PARISYLLABIC, par-i-si-lab'ik, _adj._ having the same number of syllables.

PARITOR, par'i-tor, _n._ Same as APPARITOR.

PARITY, par'i-ti, _n._ state of being equal in rank, position, quality, &c.: resemblance: analogy. [Fr. _parite_--L. _paritas_--_par_, equal.]

PARK, park, _n._ an enclosed piece of land for a special purpose, as for wild beasts: a grass field: a tract of land surrounding a mansion: a piece of ground enclosed for recreation: (_mil._) a space in an encampment occupied by the artillery; hence, a collection of artillery, or stores in an encampment.--_v.t._ to enclose: to bring together in a body, as artillery.--_n._ PARK'ER, the keeper of a park. [A.S. _pearroc_, prob.

modified by Fr. _parc_.]

PARLANCE, par'lans, _n._ speaking: conversation: peculiar manner of conversation.--_adj._ and _adv._ PARLAN'DO, declamatory in style: in recitative.--_v.i._ PARLE (_Shak._), to talk.--_n._ (_Shak._) talk, conversation.--_v.i._ PAR'LEY, to speak with another: to confer on some important point: to treat with an enemy.--_n._ talk: a conference with an enemy in war. [Fr. _parler_--L. _parabola_--Gr. _parabol[=e]_, a parable, word.]

PARLIAMENT, par'li-ment, _n._ a meeting for deliberation: the supreme legislature of Great Britain, also of some of her colonies: in France, down to the Revolution, one of certain superior and final courts of judicature, in which also the edicts of the king were registered before becoming law.--_adjs._ PARLIAMENT[=A]'RIAN, adhering to the Parliament in opposition to Charles I.; PARLIAMENT'ARY, pertaining to parliament: enacted or done by parliament: according to the rules and practices of legislative bodies.--PARLIAMENTARY AGENT, a person employed by private persons or societies for drafting bills or managing business to be brought before parliament; PARLIAMENTARY BOROUGH, a borough having the right of sending a member or members to parliament; PARLIAMENTARY TRAIN, a train which, by act of parliament, runs both ways along a line of railway, at least once each day, at the rate of one penny per mile.--ACT OF PARLIAMENT, a statute that has passed through both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and received the formal royal assent. [Fr. _parlement_--_parler_, to speak.]

PARLOUR, par'lur, _n._ an ordinary family sitting-room: a room for receiving guests in.--_n._ PAR'LOUR-BOARD'ER, a pupil at a boarding-school who enjoys particular privileges. [Fr., _parloir_--_parler_, to speak.]

PARLOUS, par'lus, _adj._ perilous, venturesome, notable.--_adv._ PAR'LOUSLY. [_Perilous._]

PARMACETY, par-mas-it'i, _n._ (_Shak._) a corr. of _spermaceti_.

PARMESAN, par-me-zan', _adj._ pertaining to _Parma_.--_n._ Parmesan cheese.

PARNASSUS, par-nas'us, _n._ a mountain in Greece, sacred to Apollo and the Muses.--_adj._ PARNASS'IAN.--GRASS OF PARNASSUS, a plant with beautiful white or yellowish flowers.

PARNELLISM, par'nel-izm, _n._ the plans and methods of agitation used by Charles Stewart _Parnell_ (1846-91) for the purpose of promoting 'Home Rule' for Ireland.--_n._ PAR'NELLITE, one of the followers of C. S.

Parnell.--_adj._ of or pertaining to the nationalist movement led by Parnell.

PAROCCIPITAL, par-ok-sip'i-tal, _adj._ situated near the occiput.