Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 46

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 46

[A.S. _slaed_, a plain; prob. Celt., Ir. _slad_.]

SLADE, sl[=a]d, _n._ a peat-spade.

SLAE, a Scotch form of sloe.

SLAG, slag, _n._ vitrified cinders from smelting-works, &c.: the scoriae of a volcano.--_v.i._ to cohere into slag.--_adj._ SLAG'GY, pertaining to, or like, slag. [Sw. _slagg_; cf. Ger. _schlacke_, dross.]

SLAIN, sl[=a]n, _pa.p._ of slay.

SLAISTER, sl[=a]s't[.e]r, _n._ (_Scot._) a slobbery mess, slovenly work.--_v.t._ to bedaub.--_v.i._ to slabber: to move about in a dirty, slovenly manner.--_adj._ SLAIS'TERY. [Prob. Sw. _slaska_, to dabble, slask, wet.]

SLAKE, sl[=a]k, _v.t._ to quench: to extinguish: to mix with water: to make slack or inactive.--_v.i._ to go out: to become extinct.--_adj._ SLAKE'LESS, that cannot be slaked: inextinguishable. [A.S. _sleacian_, to grow slack--_sleccan_, to make slack--_sleac_, slack.]

SLAKE, sl[=a]k, _n._ a channel through a swamp or morass: slime. [Ice.

_slakki_, a hill-slope.]

SLAKE, sl[=a]k, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to besmear.--_n._ a slabbery daub. [Prob.

conn. with Ice. _sleikja_, to lick; Ger. _schlecken_, to lick.]

SLAM, slam, _v.t._ or _v.i._ to shut with violence and noise: to throw down with violence: to win all the tricks in a card-game:--_pr.p._ slam'ming; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ slammed.--_n._ the act of slamming: the sound so made: the winning of all the tricks at whist, &c. [Scand., Norw. _slemma_, Ice.


SLAM, slam, _n._ an old card-game.

SLAM, slam, _n._ a shambling fellow. [Cf. Dut. _slomp_, Ger. _schlampe_.]

SLAMKIN, slam'kin, _n._ a loose 18th-century women's morning-gown.--Also SLAM'MERKIN.

SLANDER, slan'd[.e]r, _n._ a false or malicious report: malicious defamation by words spoken: calumny.--_v.t._ to defame: to calumniate.--_n._ SLAN'DERER.--_adj._ SLAN'DEROUS, given to, or containing, slander: calumnious.--_adv._ SLAN'DEROUSLY.--_n._ SLAN'DEROUSNESS, the state or quality of being slanderous. [O. Fr. _esclandre_--L.

_scandalum_--Gr. _skandalon_.]

SLANG, slang, _n._ a conventional tongue with many dialects, which are, as a rule, unintelligible to outsiders, such as Gypsy, Canting or Flash, Back-slang, and Shelta or Tinkers' Talk: any kind of colloquial and familiar language serving as a kind of class or professional shibboleth.--_adj._ pertaining to slang.--_v.i._ to use slang, and esp.

abusive language.--_v.t._ to scold.--_adv._ SLANG'ILY.--_n._ SLANG'INESS.--_adj._ SLANG'ULAR, slangy.--_v.i._ SLANG'-WHANG, to talk slangily or boisterously.--_n._ SLANG'-WHANG'ER, an abusive and wordy fellow.--_adj._ SLANG'Y. [Explained by Skeat as Scand., Norw. _sleng_, a slinging, a device, a burthen of a song, _slengja_, to sling. Leland boldly makes it Romany, and orig. applied to everything relating to shows--in Hindustani, _Swangi_, also often _Slangi_.]

SLANG, slang, _n._ a narrow strip of land.--Also SLANK'ET. SLANG, slang, _n._ (_slang_) a counterfeit weight or measure: a travelling show, or a performance of the same: a hawker's license: a watch-chain: (_pl._) convicts' leg-irons.

SLANT, slant, _adj._ sloping: oblique: inclined from a direct line--also SLAN'TING.--_n._ a slope: a gibe: (_slang_) a chance.--_v.i._ to turn in a sloping direction.--_v.i._ to slope, to incline towards: (_Scot._) to exaggerate, to lie.--_adj._ SLANTENDIC'[=U]LAR, oblique: indirect.--_advs._ SLAN'TINGLY, in a slanting direction: with a slope or inclination; SLANT'LY, SLANT'WISE, in a sloping, oblique, or inclined manner.--SLANT-OF-WIND, a transitory breeze of favourable wind. [Scand., Sw. _slinta_, to slide.]

SLAP, slap, _n._ a blow with the hand or anything flat.--_v.t._ to give a slap to:--_pr.p._ slap'ping; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ slapped.--_adv._ with a slap: suddenly, violently.--_adj._ (_slang_) first-rate.--_adv._ SLAP'-BANG, violently, all at once.--_adj._ dashing, violent.--_n._ a cheap eating-house.--_adv._ SLAP'-DASH, in a bold, careless way.--_adj._ off-hand, rash.--_n._ rough-cast harling: carelessly done work.--_v.t._ to do anything in a hasty, imperfect manner: to rough-cast with mortar.--_n._ SLAP'PER (_slang_), anything big of its kind.--_adjs._ SLAP'PING, very large; SLAP'-UP, excellent, very grand. [Allied to Low Ger. _slapp_, Ger.

_schlappe_; imit.]

SLAP, slap, _n._ (_Scot._) a gap in a fence: a narrow cleft between hills.--_v.t._ to break an opening in.

SLAPE, sl[=a]p, _adj._ (_prov._) slippery, crafty. [Ice. _sleipr_, sleppr, slippery--slipa, to be smooth.]

SLAPJACK=_Flapjack_ (q.v.).

SLASH, slash, _v.t._ to cut by striking with violence and at random: to make long cuts: to ornament by cutting slits in the cloth in order to show some fine material underneath.--_v.i._ to strike violently and at random with an edged instrument: to strike right and left: to move rapidly.--_n._ a long cut: a cut at random: a cut in cloth to show colours underneath: a stripe on a non-commissioned officer's sleeve: a clearing in a wood.--_adj._ SLASHED, cut with slashes: gashed.--_ns._ SLASH'ER, anything which slashes; SLASH'ING, a slash in a garment: the felling of trees as a military obstacle, also the trees so felled.--_adj._ cutting mercilessly, unsparing: dashing: very big, slapping. [O. Fr. _eslecher_, to dismember--Old High Ger. _sl[=i]zan_, to split.]

SLASH, slash, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to work in wet.--_n._ a large quantity of watery food, as broth, &c.--_adj._ SLASH'Y, dirty, muddy. [Sw. _slaska_, dabble--_slask_, wet.]

SLAT, slat, _v.t._ to strike, beat.--_v.i._ to flap violently.--_n._ a sudden sharp blow. [Scand., Ice. _sletta_, to slap, Norw. _sletta_, to cast.]

SLAT, slat, _n._ a thin piece of stone, a slate: a strip of wood.--_adj._ made of slats.--_adj._ SLAT'TED, covered with slats. [O. Fr. _esclat_--Old High Ger. _sl[=i]zan_, to slit.]

SLATCH, slach, _n._ the slack of a rope: an interval of fair weather: a short breeze. [SLACK.]

SLATE, sl[=a]t, _n._ a highly metamorphosed argillaceous rock, fine-grained and fissile, and of a dull blue, gray, purple, or green colour--used in thin slabs of small size for ordinary roofs, and in larger slabs for dairy-fittings, wash-tubs, cisterns, tables, &c., and when polished for writing-slates and 'black-boards:' a piece of slate for roofing, or for writing upon: a preliminary list of candidates before a caucus.--_adj._ bluish-gray, slate-coloured.--_v.t._ to cover with slate: to enter on a slate.--_ns._ SLATE'-AXE, a slater's tool, a sax; SLATE'-CLAY, a fissile shale.--_adjs._ SL[=A]'TED, covered with slates; SLATE'-GRAY, of a light slate colour.--_ns._ SLATE'-PEN'CIL, a cut or turned stick of soft slate, or of compressed moistened slate-powder, for writing on slate; SL[=A]'TER; SL[=A]'TINESS, the quality of being slaty; SL[=A]'TING, the act of covering with slates: a covering of slates: materials for slating.--_adj._ SL[=A]'TY, resembling slate: having the nature or properties of slate. [O.

Fr. _esclat_--Old High Ger. _sl[=i]zan_, Ger. _schleissen_, to split.]

SLATE, sl[=a]t, _v.t._ to abuse, criticise severely: (_prov._) to set a dog at.--_n._ SL[=A]'TING, a severe criticism. [A.S. _slitan_, to slit.]

SLATER, sl[=a]'t[.e]r, _n._ a terrestrial oniscid isopod, as the common _Porcellio scaber_.

SLATHER, slath'[.e]r, _n._ (_slang_) a large quantity.

SLATTERN, slat'[.e]rn, _n._ a woman negligent of her dress: an untidy woman.--_v.i._ SLATT'ER (_prov._), to be untidy or slovenly.--_n._ SLATT'ERNLINESS.--_adj._ SLATT'ERNLY, like a slattern: negligent of person: slovenly: dirty: sluttish.--_adv._ negligently: untidily.--_adj._ SLATT'ERY (_prov._) wet. [From _slatter_, a freq. of _slat_, to strike (q.v.).]

SLAUGHTER, slaw't[.e]r, _n._ a killing: a great destruction of life: carnage: butchery.--_ns._ SLAUGH'TERER; SLAUGH'TERHOUSE, a place where beasts are killed for the market; SLAUGH'TERMAN, a man employed in killing or butchering animals.--_adj._ SLAUGH'TEROUS, given to slaughter: destructive: murderous.--_adv._ SLAUGH'TEROUSLY. [Prob. Ice. _slatr_, butchers' meat, whence _slatra_, to slaughter cattle. The A.S. is _sleaht_--_slean_, to slay.]

SLAV, SLAVE, slav, _n._ one belonging to any of the Slavonic groups of Aryans--Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, Russians, Servians, Wends, &c.--_adj._ SLAV'IC. [_Slovene_ or _Slovane_, from Polish _slovo_, a word, thus meaning the people who spoke intelligibly, as distinguished from their neighbour, _Niemets_, the German, lit. the dumb man. Miklosich considers both to be tribal names.]

SLAVE, sl[=a]v, _n._ a captive in servitude: any one in bondage: a serf: one who labours like a slave: a drudge: one wholly under the will of another: one who has lost all power of resistance.--_v.i._ to work like a slave: to drudge.--_adj._ SLAVE'-BORN, born in slavery.--_ns._ SLAVE'-DR[=I]'VER, one who superintends slaves at their work; SLAVE'-FORK, a long and heavy branch into the forked end of which a slave's neck is fixed to prevent his escaping from the slave-trader's gang.--_adj._ SLAVE'-GROWN, grown on land worked by slaves.--_ns._ SLAVE'-HOLD'ER, an owner of slaves; SLAVE'-HOLD'ING; SLAVE'-HUNT, a hunt after runaway slaves; SL[=A]'VER, a ship employed in the slave-trade; SL[=A]'VERY, the state of being a slave: serfdom: the state of being entirely under the will of another: bondage: drudgery; SLAVE'-SHIP, a ship used for transporting SLAVE'-STATES, those states of the American Union which maintained domestic slavery before the Civil War--Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee.--_ns._ SLAVE'-TRADE, the trade of buying and selling slaves; SLAVE'-TR[=A]'DER, a trader in slaves; SL[=A]'VEY (_slang_), a domestic drudge, a maid-servant.--_adj._ SL[=A]'VISH, of or belonging to slaves: becoming slaves: servile: mean: base: laborious.--_adv._ SL[=A]'VISHLY.--_ns._ SL[=A]'VISHNESS; SL[=A]VOC'RACY, slave-owners collectively, or their interests, &c.; SL[=A]'VOCRAT, a member of the slavocracy. [O. Fr.

_esclave_--Mid. High Ger. _slave_ (Ger. _sclave_), from _Slav_, above.]

SLAVER, slav'[.e]r, _n._ spittle or saliva running from the mouth.--_v.i._ to let the saliva run out of the mouth.--_v.t._ to smear with saliva.--_n._ SLAV'ERER.--_adv._ SLAV'ERINGLY, in a slavering manner.--_adj._ SLAV'ERY, slabbery. [_Slabber_.]

SLAVONIC, sla-von'ik, _adj._ of or belonging to the _Slavs_, or their language--also SCLAVON'IC, SLAV[=O]'NIAN, SCLAV[=O]'NIAN.--_vs.t._ SLAVON'ICISE, SLAV'ONISE, to render Slavonic in character, language, &c.--_ns._ SLAV'OPHIL, one devoted to promoting the interests of the Slavonic peoples; SLAV'OPHILISM, Slavophil feelings and aims; SLAV'OPH[=O]BIST, one who dreads the growth of Slav influence.

SLAW, slaw, _n._ sliced cabbage eaten as a salad. [Dut. _slaa_.]

SLAY, sl[=a], _v.t._ to strike: to kill: to put to death: to destroy:--_pa.t._ slew (sl[=oo]); _pa.p._ slain (sl[=a]n).--_n._ SLAY'ER.

[A.S. _slean_; Ice. _sla_, Goth. _slahan_, Ger. _schlagen_, to strike.]

SLEAVE, sl[=e]v, _n._ the ravelled, knotty part of silk thread: (_Shak._) floss-silk.--_v.t._ to separate, as threads:--_pr.p._ sleav'ing; _pa.p._ sleaved. [Cf. Dan. _sloife_, a loose knot, Sw. _slejf_, a knot of ribbon, Ger. _schleife_, a loop.]

SLEAZY, sl[=a]'zi, or sl[=e]'zi, _adj._ thin and flimsy.--_n._ SLEA'ZINESS.

[Prob. Ger. _schleissig_, worn out, readily split--schleissen, to split.]

SLED, sled, SLEDGE, slej, _n._ a carriage with runners made for sliding upon snow: a sleigh: anything dragged without wheels along the ground.--_v.t._ and _v.i._ to convey, or to travel, in a sled.--_p.adj._ SLED'DED (_Shak._), sledged.--_ns._ SLED'DING, the act of transporting on a sled; SLEDGE'-CHAIR, a chair mounted on runners for ice. [Ice. _sledhi_; from a root seen in A.S. _slidan_, to slide.]

SLEDGE, slej, _n._ an instrument for striking: a large heavy hammer used chiefly by ironsmiths. [A.S. _slecg_--_slean_, to strike, slay (cf. Ger.

_schlagel_, a beater--schlagen).]

SLEEK, sl[=e]k, _adj._ smooth: glossy: soft, not rough: insinuating, plausible: dexterous.--_v.t._ to make smooth or glossy: to calm or soothe.--_v.i._ to glide.--_advs._ SLEEK, SLICK, neatly.--_v.t._ SLEEK'EN, to make smooth or sleek.--_ns._ SLEEK'ER, SLICK'ER, a tool for dressing the surface of leather.--_adj._ SLEEK'-HEAD'ED, having a smooth head.--_n._ SLEEK'ING, the act of making smooth.--_adj._ SLEEK'IT (_Scot._), having a smooth skin: sly, cunning, fair-spoken.--_adv._ SLEEK'LY.--_ns._ SLEEK'NESS; SLEEK'-STONE, a smooth stone used for polishing anything.--_adj._ SLEEK'Y, smooth: sly, untrustworthy. [Scand., Ice.

_slikr_, sleek; cf. Dut. _slijk_, Ger. _schlick_, grease.]

SLEEP, sl[=e]p, _v.i._ to take rest by relaxation: to become unconscious: to slumber: to rest: to be motionless or inactive: to remain unnoticed: to live thoughtlessly: to be dead: to rest in the grave:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ slept.--_n._ the state of one who, or that which, sleeps: slumber: rest: the dormancy of some animals during winter: (_bot._) nyctitropism.--_n._ SLEEP'ER, one who sleeps: a horizontal timber supporting a weight, rails, &c.--_adv._ SLEEP'ILY.--_n._ SLEEP'INESS.--_p.adj._ SLEEP'ING, occupied with, or for, sleeping: dormant.--_n._ the state of resting in sleep: (_Shak._) the state of being at rest or in abeyance.--_ns._ SLEEP'ING-CAR, -CARRIAGE, a railway-carriage in which passengers have berths for sleeping in; SLEEP'ING-DRAUGHT, a drink given to bring on sleep; SLEEP'ING-PART'NER (see PARTNER).--_adj._ SLEEP'LESS, without sleep: unable to sleep.--_adv._ SLEEP'LESSLY.--_ns._ SLEEP'LESSNESS; SLEEP'-WALK'ER, one who walks while asleep: a somnambulist; SLEEP'-WALKING.--_adj._ SLEEP'Y, inclined to sleep: drowsy: dull: lazy.--_n._ SLEEP'YHEAD, a lazy person.--ON SLEEP (_B._), asleep. [A.S. _sl['ae]pan_--_sl['ae]p_; Ger. _schlaf_, Goth. _sleps_.]